En Garde, whole no. 9, March 1944
Page 9
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page 9 A: To what lengths one will go to avoid being outdone! THE S-F REPUBLICAN: This seems to be dates, though it has no date. STEPNEWS: Rather enjoyed this. But our notebooks all have three rings. FAN-TODS: We loved that cover, in view of its dedication. Damn it all, this is one of the cases where we are the most regretful over lack of time for adequate comment. Its getting so we simply revel in Fan-Tods. MATTERS OF OPINION: Another case where we yearn to plunge into lengthy comment, but are forced to use restraint. Your discussion on the word "fan" deals with something that has bothered us for a long time. We too feel the need for a different name. But as long as we consider making a change, why not go all the way and get away from those ubiquitous "f's" - Is there any good reason why the name cannot be chosen arbitrarily? And wouldn't a name composed of more pleasing sounds be preferable? Stray thought: In the outside world it is almost impossible to change a name thusly. But could we make such a change in Fandom --- make it completely , and in a short space of time? Or would there always be hold-outs who would refuse to accept the new term? It might make an interesting experiment. FULL LENGTH ARTICLES: This we shall really cherish, Let that brief comment signify, in inverse proportion, our appreciation of this effort. BANSHEE: How well we understand the sentiments expressed in that last sentence. THE UNKNOWN MADMAN: May he remain so. CRUISE OF THE FOO FOO SPECIAL JR. : Amazing how fascinating these travellogs always are. CALIBAN #2: We like the reviews Caliban #3: "Un Jerque" really got told off! Got a kick out of "Alpha-Man" for some reason or other. "Cushlamocree": we'll resist the obvious cracks. CALIBAN #4: Devilish looking monster on the cover. Your appreciation of Slan Center project is encouraging. If it is ever to become a reality, that is the sort of enthusiastic support that is needed, One of the chief aims of the revived NFFF is to provide a National organization for all fans. You will hear more about this point. THE TRIVIAL TRIANGLE TROUBADOR: It is remarkable, but not surprising, what scant effect ridicule has on the Mooching Moron. WALT'S WRAMBLINGS: We like the new format as well as the contents. A TALE OF THE 'EVANS: Welcome back !
page 9 A: To what lengths one will go to avoid being outdone! THE S-F REPUBLICAN: This seems to be dates, though it has no date. STEPNEWS: Rather enjoyed this. But our notebooks all have three rings. FAN-TODS: We loved that cover, in view of its dedication. Damn it all, this is one of the cases where we are the most regretful over lack of time for adequate comment. Its getting so we simply revel in Fan-Tods. MATTERS OF OPINION: Another case where we yearn to plunge into lengthy comment, but are forced to use restraint. Your discussion on the word "fan" deals with something that has bothered us for a long time. We too feel the need for a different name. But as long as we consider making a change, why not go all the way and get away from those ubiquitous "f's" - Is there any good reason why the name cannot be chosen arbitrarily? And wouldn't a name composed of more pleasing sounds be preferable? Stray thought: In the outside world it is almost impossible to change a name thusly. But could we make such a change in Fandom --- make it completely , and in a short space of time? Or would there always be hold-outs who would refuse to accept the new term? It might make an interesting experiment. FULL LENGTH ARTICLES: This we shall really cherish, Let that brief comment signify, in inverse proportion, our appreciation of this effort. BANSHEE: How well we understand the sentiments expressed in that last sentence. THE UNKNOWN MADMAN: May he remain so. CRUISE OF THE FOO FOO SPECIAL JR. : Amazing how fascinating these travellogs always are. CALIBAN #2: We like the reviews Caliban #3: "Un Jerque" really got told off! Got a kick out of "Alpha-Man" for some reason or other. "Cushlamocree": we'll resist the obvious cracks. CALIBAN #4: Devilish looking monster on the cover. Your appreciation of Slan Center project is encouraging. If it is ever to become a reality, that is the sort of enthusiastic support that is needed, One of the chief aims of the revived NFFF is to provide a National organization for all fans. You will hear more about this point. THE TRIVIAL TRIANGLE TROUBADOR: It is remarkable, but not surprising, what scant effect ridicule has on the Mooching Moron. WALT'S WRAMBLINGS: We like the new format as well as the contents. A TALE OF THE 'EVANS: Welcome back !
Hevelin Fanzines