En Garde, whole no. 14, July 1945
Page 5
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page 5. "......with jaundiced eye." THE SOUTHERN STAR: You did a nice job on this, Warner, considering the shape the stencils must have been in. Got a big kick out of Washington's "Mein Camp", and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the mag.. TWILIGHT ECHOES: You've made a good point on the right of the member in service to vote in FAPA elections, Joe. I've tried to correct the situation to as great an extent as is possible. HORIZONS: Usual enjoyable review column, but in commenting on The Precipitant, you deplore acceptance of the dictionary as the final authority. We are pretty much dependent upon words to convey our meanings, but they are, unfortunately, often rather vague, or possessed of multiplicity of meanings. Wherefore, it devolves upon the user of the word to make clear the exact meaning intended, or by not doing so to imply that he accepts any and all accepted meanings. That ol' unabridged dictionary constitutes the accepted words of the English language with one or more definitions of each word's meaning. Until some possible future time when the entire language has been semantically purified and a new dictionary compiled upon that basis, our present one will have to do. However, I don't believe I quoted from it as a final authority---I merely tried to show there were more accepted meanings for certain words used in proposed amendments than those existing in the minds of their framers. "Anecdota Deglerania" was naturally interesting as a further sidelight on one of fandom's most peculiar characters. As our good friend Tucker keeps asking, "Whatever happened to Clod?" PHANTAGRAPH 13-1: No comment. PHANTAGRAPH 13-2: Like the cover for some reason. "The Purchase Of The Crame"-- A continued story in a mag this size is certainly the heighth of something or other. Tsk, tsk. PHANTAGRAPH 13-3: Nothing left for comment. IN DEFENSE OF PHANTAGRAPH: In the final analysis, the only defense needed is that it is an amateur publication put out for the fun of it. Quality of reproduction (as long as it is readable) is naturally secondary. However, your "defense" of the material is no more valid than the adverse criticism---both are personal opinion. THREE FINGERS: Liked Udder Worlds, To An Eppiglottis, and The Woman I Left Behind, best, and in that order. A few of the books in the Wrecommended Wrooting weren't bad either. However, I object to the Contents page---it's obtaining reader interest under false pretenses.
page 5. "......with jaundiced eye." THE SOUTHERN STAR: You did a nice job on this, Warner, considering the shape the stencils must have been in. Got a big kick out of Washington's "Mein Camp", and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the mag.. TWILIGHT ECHOES: You've made a good point on the right of the member in service to vote in FAPA elections, Joe. I've tried to correct the situation to as great an extent as is possible. HORIZONS: Usual enjoyable review column, but in commenting on The Precipitant, you deplore acceptance of the dictionary as the final authority. We are pretty much dependent upon words to convey our meanings, but they are, unfortunately, often rather vague, or possessed of multiplicity of meanings. Wherefore, it devolves upon the user of the word to make clear the exact meaning intended, or by not doing so to imply that he accepts any and all accepted meanings. That ol' unabridged dictionary constitutes the accepted words of the English language with one or more definitions of each word's meaning. Until some possible future time when the entire language has been semantically purified and a new dictionary compiled upon that basis, our present one will have to do. However, I don't believe I quoted from it as a final authority---I merely tried to show there were more accepted meanings for certain words used in proposed amendments than those existing in the minds of their framers. "Anecdota Deglerania" was naturally interesting as a further sidelight on one of fandom's most peculiar characters. As our good friend Tucker keeps asking, "Whatever happened to Clod?" PHANTAGRAPH 13-1: No comment. PHANTAGRAPH 13-2: Like the cover for some reason. "The Purchase Of The Crame"-- A continued story in a mag this size is certainly the heighth of something or other. Tsk, tsk. PHANTAGRAPH 13-3: Nothing left for comment. IN DEFENSE OF PHANTAGRAPH: In the final analysis, the only defense needed is that it is an amateur publication put out for the fun of it. Quality of reproduction (as long as it is readable) is naturally secondary. However, your "defense" of the material is no more valid than the adverse criticism---both are personal opinion. THREE FINGERS: Liked Udder Worlds, To An Eppiglottis, and The Woman I Left Behind, best, and in that order. A few of the books in the Wrecommended Wrooting weren't bad either. However, I object to the Contents page---it's obtaining reader interest under false pretenses.
Hevelin Fanzines