En Garde, whole no. 14, July 1945
Page 10
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page 10. PRIZE CONTEST RESULTS For some strange, unknownish reason mistakes, misfortune, and general misery seem to plague our efforts in the line of contests, quizzes and the like. In the first place, due to a certain amount of haste in the compilation of the last issue of En Garde, a simple mistake in addition "snuk" into the score listed as the results of Wiedenbeck's and my own efforts. This should have been 1169 instead of 1183. Second, perhaps due in part to the almost impossible score held up as a goal, considerable chagrin was felt by those who tried to work the thing. That fact also doubtless had a bearing on there only being three entries in the contest. Needless to say, we regret it all turned out as it did, but are happy to announce that ART WIDNER WINS THE CONTEST AND THE BOOK. For the benefit of those interested, the three entries are listed below along with that of Wiedenbeck and myself. WIDNER: Rigger: 122 Otter: 99 Curt: 85 Knitter: 120 Ergo: 73 Terror: 126 Sort: 68 Horror: 124 Irritant: 159 Protector: 181 Total: 1157 LARRY SHAW Rotter: 125 Organ: 95 Cart: 84 Killing: 116 Ergo: 73 Terror: 126 Sort: 68 Horror: 124 Irritant: 159 Prorating: 178 Total: 1148 CHAUVENET Rotten: 120 Otter: 99 Curt: 85 Knitter: 120 Echo: 64 Terror: 126 Sort: 68 Horror: 124 Illgrown: 158 Pattering: 176 Total: 1144 WIEDENBECK-ASHLEY Retort: 125 Otter: 99 Curt: 85 Knotter: 121 Etch: 75 Throng: 128 Sort: 68 Horror: 124 Irritant: 159 Prattling: 185 Total: 1169 Chauvenet points out that "rotter" is slang and therefore inadmissable, in which he is right. He also mentions "ergo" as being plainly Latin. On the other hand, I fail to find the particular hyphenation "illgrown" in any of my dictionaries --- even the un-abridged. Whittling Widner's score down nine points to Russell's "echo" would still leave him ahead. As for Shaw and Chauvenet, you can figure out for yourselves which of them takes second place. So, thanks fellows for trying, even those of you who didn't feel you had a high enough score to bother sending it in. As for future contests, well, maybe we'll try again --- three times and out, you know. But if we do, here's hoping mistakes can be avoided.
page 10. PRIZE CONTEST RESULTS For some strange, unknownish reason mistakes, misfortune, and general misery seem to plague our efforts in the line of contests, quizzes and the like. In the first place, due to a certain amount of haste in the compilation of the last issue of En Garde, a simple mistake in addition "snuk" into the score listed as the results of Wiedenbeck's and my own efforts. This should have been 1169 instead of 1183. Second, perhaps due in part to the almost impossible score held up as a goal, considerable chagrin was felt by those who tried to work the thing. That fact also doubtless had a bearing on there only being three entries in the contest. Needless to say, we regret it all turned out as it did, but are happy to announce that ART WIDNER WINS THE CONTEST AND THE BOOK. For the benefit of those interested, the three entries are listed below along with that of Wiedenbeck and myself. WIDNER: Rigger: 122 Otter: 99 Curt: 85 Knitter: 120 Ergo: 73 Terror: 126 Sort: 68 Horror: 124 Irritant: 159 Protector: 181 Total: 1157 LARRY SHAW Rotter: 125 Organ: 95 Cart: 84 Killing: 116 Ergo: 73 Terror: 126 Sort: 68 Horror: 124 Irritant: 159 Prorating: 178 Total: 1148 CHAUVENET Rotten: 120 Otter: 99 Curt: 85 Knitter: 120 Echo: 64 Terror: 126 Sort: 68 Horror: 124 Illgrown: 158 Pattering: 176 Total: 1144 WIEDENBECK-ASHLEY Retort: 125 Otter: 99 Curt: 85 Knotter: 121 Etch: 75 Throng: 128 Sort: 68 Horror: 124 Irritant: 159 Prattling: 185 Total: 1169 Chauvenet points out that "rotter" is slang and therefore inadmissable, in which he is right. He also mentions "ergo" as being plainly Latin. On the other hand, I fail to find the particular hyphenation "illgrown" in any of my dictionaries --- even the un-abridged. Whittling Widner's score down nine points to Russell's "echo" would still leave him ahead. As for Shaw and Chauvenet, you can figure out for yourselves which of them takes second place. So, thanks fellows for trying, even those of you who didn't feel you had a high enough score to bother sending it in. As for future contests, well, maybe we'll try again --- three times and out, you know. But if we do, here's hoping mistakes can be avoided.
Hevelin Fanzines