En Garde, whole no. 14, July 1945
Page 11
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page 11. ULTIMA FANTASTICA EDITOR'S NOTE: We readers, collectors, and fans of fantasy, fancy ourselves fairly conversant with our favorite field of literature. Many of us doubtless suspect we might be considered authorities on the subject. Yet we go our smug way, entirely oblivious of far greater fantasies than any we know. How many of us ever paused to consider that there might be fantasies written, and being written, which are so utterly fantastic that, in comparison, our familiar fare fades into insignificance? Did you ever hear of Alfred Lawson? He has written a number of books. In them he propounds his ideas of the universe, and just about all it contains. There is also a periodical paper published that is filed with his writings and quotations from his books. It is called "Benefactor", and features the profound motto, "Justice for everybody harms nobody". Through quotations from this paper, the following article is an attempt to pass on some of Lawson's unique concepts. --------------------------- "Many years ago this writer realized that he was born to improve mankind. So to fulfill this mission he developed the most far-reaching program ever offered to the human race. It is a program based entirely upon provable Natural Laws. "God now decrees that a new species be started by the most unselfish people of the world and be built up from generation to generation until a super race is bred upon Earth that will extirpate selfish gold-worshipping tactics from the face of the Earth. ((Sound at all familiar?)) "We are especially interested in building up the characters of children who have not yet acquired the bad habits of the older folks so that they may grow up clean and capable of building at the foundation of a new great race upon Earth that we are aiming at. "During the last few thousand years Civilization has almost wrecked the human race. It has produced more degrading habits among human beings than the millions of preceeding years of Barbarism and Savagery combined. "As civilized humans learned to invent mechanical contrivances and chemical mixtures they used them mostly to injure themselves. They made knives to cut each other's throats and chemical concoc-
page 11. ULTIMA FANTASTICA EDITOR'S NOTE: We readers, collectors, and fans of fantasy, fancy ourselves fairly conversant with our favorite field of literature. Many of us doubtless suspect we might be considered authorities on the subject. Yet we go our smug way, entirely oblivious of far greater fantasies than any we know. How many of us ever paused to consider that there might be fantasies written, and being written, which are so utterly fantastic that, in comparison, our familiar fare fades into insignificance? Did you ever hear of Alfred Lawson? He has written a number of books. In them he propounds his ideas of the universe, and just about all it contains. There is also a periodical paper published that is filed with his writings and quotations from his books. It is called "Benefactor", and features the profound motto, "Justice for everybody harms nobody". Through quotations from this paper, the following article is an attempt to pass on some of Lawson's unique concepts. --------------------------- "Many years ago this writer realized that he was born to improve mankind. So to fulfill this mission he developed the most far-reaching program ever offered to the human race. It is a program based entirely upon provable Natural Laws. "God now decrees that a new species be started by the most unselfish people of the world and be built up from generation to generation until a super race is bred upon Earth that will extirpate selfish gold-worshipping tactics from the face of the Earth. ((Sound at all familiar?)) "We are especially interested in building up the characters of children who have not yet acquired the bad habits of the older folks so that they may grow up clean and capable of building at the foundation of a new great race upon Earth that we are aiming at. "During the last few thousand years Civilization has almost wrecked the human race. It has produced more degrading habits among human beings than the millions of preceeding years of Barbarism and Savagery combined. "As civilized humans learned to invent mechanical contrivances and chemical mixtures they used them mostly to injure themselves. They made knives to cut each other's throats and chemical concoc-
Hevelin Fanzines