En Garde, whole no. 14, July 1945
Page 14
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page 14. and water is so great that heat is able to pass through the minute crevices of solid steel whereas water is unable to do so. Heat will also pass through the crevices of water, mix with it and form a combination known as vapor. "In Space without size, shape, inside or outside, there is no foundation whatsoever for anything to rest upon. So everything must keep moving forever. Mass in Space is continually falling toward volume and volume in Space is continually drawing mass toward it. ((See! It's really very simple.)) When mass falls toward volume it leaves behind a vacuum, or Space with lesser density, which causes other mass to fall toward it. For this reason all mass cannot fall in the same direction or place. "Space made vacant by falling mass must be filled with substances of greater density, and this process is Suction. When substances of greater density fall toward space of lesser density the process is Pressure. Suction and Pressure is the only force in Space. Each is dependent upon the other and nothing can move without their combined pull and push. [Illustration of a space ship with a Hoover vacuum cleaner hanging in front of it and a spring connected to its rear.] ((No wonder we haven't developed space travel yet! Doubtless, if we'd concentrated on Suction and Pressure instead of all this other damnfoolery, we'd have achieved it long since.)) "The Solar System is a formation which was created by a vacuum, or space with lesser density, drawing toward it substances of greater density. These substances of greater density being unable to reach the center of the vacuum, rushed around and around it in swirling currents until the different substances combined and organized themselves into an entity with internal currents and formations of different density, all of which were held together by Suction. Internal Suction and Pressure then established an equilibrium in which pressure from within equalized pressure from without and the Solar System then became balanced with the current in which it is immersed and flows along through the heavens. ((So there!)) "All formations must be fed with sustaining substances in order to live and this feeding process is maintained by Suction which draws in from without and Pressure which squeezes out from within. In its organization the Solar System established points of ingress and egress through which sustaining substances could be drawn into it from without and waste substances could be squeezed out from within. In the Solar System the Sun is the center of Suction and
page 14. and water is so great that heat is able to pass through the minute crevices of solid steel whereas water is unable to do so. Heat will also pass through the crevices of water, mix with it and form a combination known as vapor. "In Space without size, shape, inside or outside, there is no foundation whatsoever for anything to rest upon. So everything must keep moving forever. Mass in Space is continually falling toward volume and volume in Space is continually drawing mass toward it. ((See! It's really very simple.)) When mass falls toward volume it leaves behind a vacuum, or Space with lesser density, which causes other mass to fall toward it. For this reason all mass cannot fall in the same direction or place. "Space made vacant by falling mass must be filled with substances of greater density, and this process is Suction. When substances of greater density fall toward space of lesser density the process is Pressure. Suction and Pressure is the only force in Space. Each is dependent upon the other and nothing can move without their combined pull and push. [Illustration of a space ship with a Hoover vacuum cleaner hanging in front of it and a spring connected to its rear.] ((No wonder we haven't developed space travel yet! Doubtless, if we'd concentrated on Suction and Pressure instead of all this other damnfoolery, we'd have achieved it long since.)) "The Solar System is a formation which was created by a vacuum, or space with lesser density, drawing toward it substances of greater density. These substances of greater density being unable to reach the center of the vacuum, rushed around and around it in swirling currents until the different substances combined and organized themselves into an entity with internal currents and formations of different density, all of which were held together by Suction. Internal Suction and Pressure then established an equilibrium in which pressure from within equalized pressure from without and the Solar System then became balanced with the current in which it is immersed and flows along through the heavens. ((So there!)) "All formations must be fed with sustaining substances in order to live and this feeding process is maintained by Suction which draws in from without and Pressure which squeezes out from within. In its organization the Solar System established points of ingress and egress through which sustaining substances could be drawn into it from without and waste substances could be squeezed out from within. In the Solar System the Sun is the center of Suction and
Hevelin Fanzines