En Garde, whole no. 14, July 1945
Page 15
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page 15. Pressure and draws into itself by Suction and forces out of itself by Pressure currents of such substances as are required to sustain the entire organization. "Two forms of equal or different density squeezed together cause pressure which releases certain constituents that move away in different forms of density. These different forms of density move in currents toward different suction points, or vacuum, containing lesser density than the substances of which they are composed. Anything in line of these moving currents of a moveable nature will be moved by them. It is a current of one density penetrating substance of another density between Pressure and Suction terminals that causes power. "There is no other method of movement anywhere in the universe or Space. The source of all power is Suction and Pressure. "During the past some fanciful mind suggested an idea that there existed somewhere and in some shape a mysterious substance called energy that was the cause of movement. ((Italics ours)) No one has ever been able to explain just what this mysterious substance, energy is, but the most absurd tales concerning it have been told from time to time until writers have put them in textbooks and learned professors have taught, and are now teaching them in schools as facts. ((Ridiculous, isn't it?)) Students study the text-books and listen to the professors talk about the different forms of Energy and absorb this nonsense as part of their education. "There is no greater load of theoretical tomfoolery that Science has ever had to shoulder than the unprovable theory that somewhere, somehow, and in some shape, there exists a substance called Energy that causes movement. No such thing exists anywhere and Science should expurge that fallacy without delay. ((Throw away your physics books, boys! They're nutty as a fruit cake.)) Power is an effect caused by one substance of a different density penetrating another substance of another density. This fact can be proved over and over again and again, in every way and under all conditions by anyone who will study and know the Law of Penetrability. With such provable knowledge now within the reach of everybody it is the depth of ignorance for anyone to think otherwise. "The study of LAWSONMY will develop in human beings a new sense of dimensions, proportions, densities, spheres and scopes that will bring them out of the ignorance of ages and transform them into superior beings." ((Italics ours)) There you are, Chem (plural of chum), why struggle along with a paltry five senses? Get a sense of scopes and join the super race! Just think what you could do with a sense of spheres, for instance! But now, to polish off this article in proper fashion, a list of books by Alfred Lawson, with accompanying blurbs, is probably in order. Therefore, it follows and the books may be obtained from HUMANITY BENEFACTOR FOUNDATION, 606 Woodward Ave., Detroit 26, Michigan.
page 15. Pressure and draws into itself by Suction and forces out of itself by Pressure currents of such substances as are required to sustain the entire organization. "Two forms of equal or different density squeezed together cause pressure which releases certain constituents that move away in different forms of density. These different forms of density move in currents toward different suction points, or vacuum, containing lesser density than the substances of which they are composed. Anything in line of these moving currents of a moveable nature will be moved by them. It is a current of one density penetrating substance of another density between Pressure and Suction terminals that causes power. "There is no other method of movement anywhere in the universe or Space. The source of all power is Suction and Pressure. "During the past some fanciful mind suggested an idea that there existed somewhere and in some shape a mysterious substance called energy that was the cause of movement. ((Italics ours)) No one has ever been able to explain just what this mysterious substance, energy is, but the most absurd tales concerning it have been told from time to time until writers have put them in textbooks and learned professors have taught, and are now teaching them in schools as facts. ((Ridiculous, isn't it?)) Students study the text-books and listen to the professors talk about the different forms of Energy and absorb this nonsense as part of their education. "There is no greater load of theoretical tomfoolery that Science has ever had to shoulder than the unprovable theory that somewhere, somehow, and in some shape, there exists a substance called Energy that causes movement. No such thing exists anywhere and Science should expurge that fallacy without delay. ((Throw away your physics books, boys! They're nutty as a fruit cake.)) Power is an effect caused by one substance of a different density penetrating another substance of another density. This fact can be proved over and over again and again, in every way and under all conditions by anyone who will study and know the Law of Penetrability. With such provable knowledge now within the reach of everybody it is the depth of ignorance for anyone to think otherwise. "The study of LAWSONMY will develop in human beings a new sense of dimensions, proportions, densities, spheres and scopes that will bring them out of the ignorance of ages and transform them into superior beings." ((Italics ours)) There you are, Chem (plural of chum), why struggle along with a paltry five senses? Get a sense of scopes and join the super race! Just think what you could do with a sense of spheres, for instance! But now, to polish off this article in proper fashion, a list of books by Alfred Lawson, with accompanying blurbs, is probably in order. Therefore, it follows and the books may be obtained from HUMANITY BENEFACTOR FOUNDATION, 606 Woodward Ave., Detroit 26, Michigan.
Hevelin Fanzines