En Garde, whole no. 14, July 1945
Page 16
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page 16. MANLIFE --- This book tells how man is composed, balanced, moves and grows, how he can live longer and grow younger with increased efficiency and improved looks; how he can enjoy perfect health, avoid ailments and obtain greater strength: it tell us what to eat, when to rest, how to exercise and how to think. ((All things to all men, as it were.)) It shows the cause of sex............$2.00 PENETRABILITY --- A non-technical book showing the fundamental principles of Physics which any child should understand. It is an education that makes possible advanced scholarship without having to waste one's time studying useless and absurd theories. On can step over a college by learning what is in this book. ((There you are --- learn to be a high-stepper in one easy lesson!))...............$2.00 SHORT SPEECHES --- as spoken by Alfred Lawson. A text book for Orators. It contains ready made speeches from two minutes to sixty minutes duration on the most important subjects connected with the life of man.......$2.00 GARDENING --- The text book of the Des Moines University ((of Lawsonomy)), explaining how Cosmic Debris passes through the Earth and plants and eventually reaches the Digestive Organs of man. ((You never realized that your belly was a focal point for the accumulation never realized of cosmic debris, did you? So that's how Superfans are made!)).........$2.00 BORN AGAIN --- A novel showing "Sageland" before the Flood with the most advanced race of human beings in history. (It was published in 1904.) In this book the author shows Radio as it is today, cities built under one roof, coagulated sunlight, collective telementy and many other advanced plans. The hero and heroine of this novel were brought together again after a separation of more than 4000 years.........$1.50 -------------------------- That last volume sounds almost as though it belongs in a fantasy library, sure enough. I may have to risk a buck and a half on that one just to find out. Maybe this chap, Lawson, is just an ex-stf-writer that lost some of his marbles, or started taking himself too seriously. Anyway, I'll be very interested to know the reactions of each of you to this article, and whether or not you agree with my estimate of its degree of fantasticity (did I just coin that last word?). ************************* THE ESSENCE OF CREATIVE WORK A character in Aldous Huxley's TIME MUST HAVE A STOP says that "...even the best play or narrative is merely a glorified gossip and artistically disciplined daydreaming. And lyric poetry? Just 'Ow!' or 'Ooo-ooh!' or 'Nyum-nyum' or 'Damn' or 'Darling' or 'I'm a pig!' -- suitably transliterated, of course, and developed." ......contributed by Donn Brazier.
page 16. MANLIFE --- This book tells how man is composed, balanced, moves and grows, how he can live longer and grow younger with increased efficiency and improved looks; how he can enjoy perfect health, avoid ailments and obtain greater strength: it tell us what to eat, when to rest, how to exercise and how to think. ((All things to all men, as it were.)) It shows the cause of sex............$2.00 PENETRABILITY --- A non-technical book showing the fundamental principles of Physics which any child should understand. It is an education that makes possible advanced scholarship without having to waste one's time studying useless and absurd theories. On can step over a college by learning what is in this book. ((There you are --- learn to be a high-stepper in one easy lesson!))...............$2.00 SHORT SPEECHES --- as spoken by Alfred Lawson. A text book for Orators. It contains ready made speeches from two minutes to sixty minutes duration on the most important subjects connected with the life of man.......$2.00 GARDENING --- The text book of the Des Moines University ((of Lawsonomy)), explaining how Cosmic Debris passes through the Earth and plants and eventually reaches the Digestive Organs of man. ((You never realized that your belly was a focal point for the accumulation never realized of cosmic debris, did you? So that's how Superfans are made!)).........$2.00 BORN AGAIN --- A novel showing "Sageland" before the Flood with the most advanced race of human beings in history. (It was published in 1904.) In this book the author shows Radio as it is today, cities built under one roof, coagulated sunlight, collective telementy and many other advanced plans. The hero and heroine of this novel were brought together again after a separation of more than 4000 years.........$1.50 -------------------------- That last volume sounds almost as though it belongs in a fantasy library, sure enough. I may have to risk a buck and a half on that one just to find out. Maybe this chap, Lawson, is just an ex-stf-writer that lost some of his marbles, or started taking himself too seriously. Anyway, I'll be very interested to know the reactions of each of you to this article, and whether or not you agree with my estimate of its degree of fantasticity (did I just coin that last word?). ************************* THE ESSENCE OF CREATIVE WORK A character in Aldous Huxley's TIME MUST HAVE A STOP says that "...even the best play or narrative is merely a glorified gossip and artistically disciplined daydreaming. And lyric poetry? Just 'Ow!' or 'Ooo-ooh!' or 'Nyum-nyum' or 'Damn' or 'Darling' or 'I'm a pig!' -- suitably transliterated, of course, and developed." ......contributed by Donn Brazier.
Hevelin Fanzines