En Garde, whole no. 14, July 1945
Page 17
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page 17. THE NATIONAL FANOGRAPHIC SECTION NATURAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT The destructive Chinese Pongus has finally evaded strict Customs inspections, and is causing consternation among the rose breeders of Illinois. This pongoid blight particularly attacks the young, tender rose-buds; the full-blown blossom being more resistant to its ravages. It is thought to have been brought into this country on the new Chinese Quota, where its presence is inconspicuous. Microscopic examination reveals its obvious pongoid nature. While combative measures have not yet been worked out, a strong solution of Chili saltpetre has proven very effective. All rose-culture enthusiasts in the Middle West are warned to be on the lookout for the first sign of this blight. It has already covered considerable territory, and any rose attacked by it is completely ruined. [2 illustrations] Further investigation has verified the amazing discovery of Elarcyia Jersonia, that utterly unique member of the order Lepidoptera. This new species of butterfly presents an anomoly that ranks with Nature's best. "Stymied metamorphosis" seems best to describe the strange life-history of this insect. After emerging from its cocoon, this butterfly flits about for a short time, lays numerous eggs, then withdraws into a new cocoon to emerge again at a later date, and repeat its futile cycle. While centered at present in the marshes of New Jersey, it has been found as far north as Maine, and in other Atlantic States.
page 17. THE NATIONAL FANOGRAPHIC SECTION NATURAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT The destructive Chinese Pongus has finally evaded strict Customs inspections, and is causing consternation among the rose breeders of Illinois. This pongoid blight particularly attacks the young, tender rose-buds; the full-blown blossom being more resistant to its ravages. It is thought to have been brought into this country on the new Chinese Quota, where its presence is inconspicuous. Microscopic examination reveals its obvious pongoid nature. While combative measures have not yet been worked out, a strong solution of Chili saltpetre has proven very effective. All rose-culture enthusiasts in the Middle West are warned to be on the lookout for the first sign of this blight. It has already covered considerable territory, and any rose attacked by it is completely ruined. [2 illustrations] Further investigation has verified the amazing discovery of Elarcyia Jersonia, that utterly unique member of the order Lepidoptera. This new species of butterfly presents an anomoly that ranks with Nature's best. "Stymied metamorphosis" seems best to describe the strange life-history of this insect. After emerging from its cocoon, this butterfly flits about for a short time, lays numerous eggs, then withdraws into a new cocoon to emerge again at a later date, and repeat its futile cycle. While centered at present in the marshes of New Jersey, it has been found as far north as Maine, and in other Atlantic States.
Hevelin Fanzines