Fanfare, v. 1, issue 3, August 1940
Page 3
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THE STRANGERS SAY Editorial With the bland faith of all editors that someone is bound to read this, if only by accident, we now mount our tripod and adjust our Delphic robes. Harken, then, to our words of wisdom: On the whole, the first club issue was pleasantly received, and may be rated a definite success. This is decidely encouraging, for as everyone knows, the first step is the hardest, whether for fanmags or babies or baby fanmags. A baby fanmag, we hasten to explain, is a very young fanmag, not a fanmag for the benefit of the juvenile. At least, such is the case where Fanfare is concerned, although with certain of our contemporaries ( this does not mean you, of course) we are not so sure. There are considerably more than a million people living around the Boston area, and as only 15 of them enjoy the delights of Stranger Club membership, it will readily be seen that the possibilities of growth are practically unlimited. Indeed, one encouraging feature of our first few months of existance has been the constant influx of new members, which has seen our total membership increase at every meeting. As long as this happy trend continues, we look forward to the expansion of Fanfare until it becomes one of the best edited and published fanmags in the field (which is a rather delicate way of admitting that it is neither--yet!) You have probably been expecting this, but we'll say it ahyhow, Contributions of whatever nature will be received with interest, often with joy. Of course, in case of necessity our Secret Committee can always chose a victim by lot and proceed in the stimulating manner described by Dr, Keller in "The Literary Corkscrew", but just at the moment there seems to be a strange lack of desire to submit to this method on the part of our members. And fans who write anyway, with or without bebefit of corkscrews (which canbe used for another purpose beside that mentioned by Keller!) might as well write for us. What other fanmag awards a free copy of the ish in which your stuff appears? What's more, every non-member who contributes to three consecutive issues of Fanfare will be automatically elected to Honorary Membership of the BSC. Convinced? Then collect our address off the back cover and sen that masterpiece in! In this issue we inaugurate Strange Interludes, our own readers' department. Write in, why not, with brief or detailed comments. We's appreciate it if you used the well known 1 - 10 rating system, without a fractional rating. 10 is perfect, 0 isn't, and the rest are inbetwixt. See? We also continue our biographical series. When we thought of this idea a few months ago we had an impression that we were being strictly advanced and forward looking. This seems to have been a slight mis-
THE STRANGERS SAY Editorial With the bland faith of all editors that someone is bound to read this, if only by accident, we now mount our tripod and adjust our Delphic robes. Harken, then, to our words of wisdom: On the whole, the first club issue was pleasantly received, and may be rated a definite success. This is decidely encouraging, for as everyone knows, the first step is the hardest, whether for fanmags or babies or baby fanmags. A baby fanmag, we hasten to explain, is a very young fanmag, not a fanmag for the benefit of the juvenile. At least, such is the case where Fanfare is concerned, although with certain of our contemporaries ( this does not mean you, of course) we are not so sure. There are considerably more than a million people living around the Boston area, and as only 15 of them enjoy the delights of Stranger Club membership, it will readily be seen that the possibilities of growth are practically unlimited. Indeed, one encouraging feature of our first few months of existance has been the constant influx of new members, which has seen our total membership increase at every meeting. As long as this happy trend continues, we look forward to the expansion of Fanfare until it becomes one of the best edited and published fanmags in the field (which is a rather delicate way of admitting that it is neither--yet!) You have probably been expecting this, but we'll say it ahyhow, Contributions of whatever nature will be received with interest, often with joy. Of course, in case of necessity our Secret Committee can always chose a victim by lot and proceed in the stimulating manner described by Dr, Keller in "The Literary Corkscrew", but just at the moment there seems to be a strange lack of desire to submit to this method on the part of our members. And fans who write anyway, with or without bebefit of corkscrews (which canbe used for another purpose beside that mentioned by Keller!) might as well write for us. What other fanmag awards a free copy of the ish in which your stuff appears? What's more, every non-member who contributes to three consecutive issues of Fanfare will be automatically elected to Honorary Membership of the BSC. Convinced? Then collect our address off the back cover and sen that masterpiece in! In this issue we inaugurate Strange Interludes, our own readers' department. Write in, why not, with brief or detailed comments. We's appreciate it if you used the well known 1 - 10 rating system, without a fractional rating. 10 is perfect, 0 isn't, and the rest are inbetwixt. See? We also continue our biographical series. When we thought of this idea a few months ago we had an impression that we were being strictly advanced and forward looking. This seems to have been a slight mis-
Hevelin Fanzines