Fanfare, v. 1, issue 3, August 1940
Page 16
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FANFARE 16 COSMIC TALES -- Richard Crain, 1734 Willow Ave., Weehawken, N.J. 10c or 3 for 25c. Good material, but poor mimeographing, which I think was due to the haste in which the editor put out the issue, in striving to keep to schedule, and will probably be much improved in the next, the anniversary issue. Extra good was Speer's INSTANTANEOUS ENTITY and Romauro Avenger by Luego. Pluto #3 -- This issue just came in, and we haven't had a chance to read it yet, so we refer you to their ad elsewhere in this issue of Fanfare for details. We just back them up by saying they are not exaggerating. It really is a masterpiece in the art of mimeographing. We particularly like the FIVE (count 'em) color back cover, plugging the Chicon Damon Knight's GLOOBERMORY, and "--AND BEHOLD" by Snarles Bort, who is probably a coverup for Knight or Tucker. -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- HEY LOOKEEEE!!! Number 3 PLUTO is out!! Pluto is beautifully mimeod in five distinctive colors!!! Look at these features: "GLOOBERMORY" by Damon Knight. "BUSINESS IS GETTING VERSE" by Ackerman & Reinsberg. "Intrigue in Space" by Kenneth Mackley. "Those Blasted Adverts" by Ted Carnell. "Little Letdowns" by Bob Studley. "It's Been Porven" -- science column, by Rajocz. "Spontaneous Generation" by M. Spivis. and these regular dep'ts: "Bright Stuff by Children". "Famous Jokes From Other Planets". order your #3 Pluto Now!!! Price 10c a copy, 3 issues 25c from -- Literature, Science, & Hobbies Club: Decker -- Indiana -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- Spaceways -- Issue #13 proves why this magazine is "tops" with all fans. No unspecialized magazine, with the exception of the slick, Stardust, (and it's not fair to put them in the same class) can compare with the general excellence of SPACEWAYS. Most interesting are the pros (represented by Mark Reinsberg) and the cons (represented by columnist Jack Miske) on the much maligned editor of Amazing Stories, Raymond A. Palmer. The magazine is worth a dime for these two features alone, but in addition there is good fan fiction by Norman F. Stanley A-1 fantasy, and first class poetry. The biggest value in fandom for 10c, or 3 for 25c. Le Zombie -- is now monthly from Bob Tucker, Box 260, Bloomington, Ill. Price still 5c per copy, but no more subscriptions at 3 for a dime. Now six for a quarter instead. Full of the typical Tucker ticklers, it's great stuff for anybody's nickel. Really complete fanmags often views, a cartoon by that Canadian caper, (credit-gwm) Les Croutch, and a digest of the best stuff printed in amateur publications. MSA Bulletin -- a monthly put out by Gerald Meader, 49 Washington St., Rumford, Maine. In accordance with our "Love thy neighbor" policy, we
FANFARE 16 COSMIC TALES -- Richard Crain, 1734 Willow Ave., Weehawken, N.J. 10c or 3 for 25c. Good material, but poor mimeographing, which I think was due to the haste in which the editor put out the issue, in striving to keep to schedule, and will probably be much improved in the next, the anniversary issue. Extra good was Speer's INSTANTANEOUS ENTITY and Romauro Avenger by Luego. Pluto #3 -- This issue just came in, and we haven't had a chance to read it yet, so we refer you to their ad elsewhere in this issue of Fanfare for details. We just back them up by saying they are not exaggerating. It really is a masterpiece in the art of mimeographing. We particularly like the FIVE (count 'em) color back cover, plugging the Chicon Damon Knight's GLOOBERMORY, and "--AND BEHOLD" by Snarles Bort, who is probably a coverup for Knight or Tucker. -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- HEY LOOKEEEE!!! Number 3 PLUTO is out!! Pluto is beautifully mimeod in five distinctive colors!!! Look at these features: "GLOOBERMORY" by Damon Knight. "BUSINESS IS GETTING VERSE" by Ackerman & Reinsberg. "Intrigue in Space" by Kenneth Mackley. "Those Blasted Adverts" by Ted Carnell. "Little Letdowns" by Bob Studley. "It's Been Porven" -- science column, by Rajocz. "Spontaneous Generation" by M. Spivis. and these regular dep'ts: "Bright Stuff by Children". "Famous Jokes From Other Planets". order your #3 Pluto Now!!! Price 10c a copy, 3 issues 25c from -- Literature, Science, & Hobbies Club: Decker -- Indiana -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- Spaceways -- Issue #13 proves why this magazine is "tops" with all fans. No unspecialized magazine, with the exception of the slick, Stardust, (and it's not fair to put them in the same class) can compare with the general excellence of SPACEWAYS. Most interesting are the pros (represented by Mark Reinsberg) and the cons (represented by columnist Jack Miske) on the much maligned editor of Amazing Stories, Raymond A. Palmer. The magazine is worth a dime for these two features alone, but in addition there is good fan fiction by Norman F. Stanley A-1 fantasy, and first class poetry. The biggest value in fandom for 10c, or 3 for 25c. Le Zombie -- is now monthly from Bob Tucker, Box 260, Bloomington, Ill. Price still 5c per copy, but no more subscriptions at 3 for a dime. Now six for a quarter instead. Full of the typical Tucker ticklers, it's great stuff for anybody's nickel. Really complete fanmags often views, a cartoon by that Canadian caper, (credit-gwm) Les Croutch, and a digest of the best stuff printed in amateur publications. MSA Bulletin -- a monthly put out by Gerald Meader, 49 Washington St., Rumford, Maine. In accordance with our "Love thy neighbor" policy, we
Hevelin Fanzines