Fanfare, v. 1, issue 4, October 1940
Page 15
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FANFARE 15 UNITE OR FIE! "Objection 1 - Who'd do all the work? Well, ignoring the special projects -- fanmag agency, et al. -- for the moment, the executive work would take only a few officers, who might serve for short terms in rotation (N.B.: There would have to be a lot of very careful, clever work on the constitution to make the thing as dictator-proof as possible), and while it is of course true, that all w.k . fans have their hands and feet full already --- still, any statement that fans can't take on anything new, won't wash, because fans are constantly taking on something new. And as to the special projects -- they'd be incidental, as you said. Perhaps I didn't make it plain enough, but I meant that the organisation would provide a means of expression for such pet ideas as the ones I mentioned, IF the members wanted same enough to provide for all the time and trouble necessary. "Objection 2 - How to get fans to co-operate? You got me. If they won't, they won't. But at least we can advance the idea, and see whether they will or not." Well, that's more or less the way I feel (aw speaking). But, recognizing it as a weak-kneed attitude, and an assurance of failure, I have drafted tentative plans of something more concrete to offer you fans. Not only what we can do, but how we can do it. first of all, of course, we must have sufficient support of the idea, before we can go ahead with more definite plans. If the large fan groups around the country will forget their differences, and at least give some sort of a promise to do their part, the rest is comparatively easy. Please bear in mind, that you are not asked to support Damon Knight and Art Widner Jr., but the idea of a NATIONAL FAN FEDERATION, and the officers you yourselves will elect. All we want to do is start the ball rolling. (If it hasn't too many corners!) The Federation should not attempt to supersede any organization now in existence, but merely unite all of them. Secondly, to avoid all suspicion of commercialism or partisanship, there should be no dues except for specific purposes voted on by all members. But of course, that is still another matter for you to decide. Third: To start all this, nomination papers from any fan who is willing and interested, and thinks he or she is capable or acting as an officer in the organization, may be sent to me. I hope my reputation is sufficiently clear to allow me to be first ballot-counter....that is the only official capacity in which I will serve, as too many attempts at fan organization have failed, mostly because the organizer immediately set himself yp as supreme authority. To avoid domination at the outset by any one of fandom's "cliques", it will be necessary to have your nomination papers signed by any ten of the following fans: Forrest J Ackerman, Morojo, Bob Tucker, Doc Lowndes, Don Wollheim, Sam Moskowitz, Hyman Tiger, Harry Warner, Jr., Tom Wright, Bob Madle, R.D. Swisher, L.R. Chauvenet, Jack Miske, Joe Gilberte, Mark Reinsberg, Erle Korshak, Olon F. Wiggins, Lew Martin, Jack Speer, Milton Rothman, Larry Farsaci, Ted Dikty, Frederick Shroyer, Dale Barr, or Fred Fshcer. If any of the above wish to hold office, naturally their own signature will not count. Democratic procedure will be adhered to throughout. After the nominations are in, ballots will be sent out to all members, and the
FANFARE 15 UNITE OR FIE! "Objection 1 - Who'd do all the work? Well, ignoring the special projects -- fanmag agency, et al. -- for the moment, the executive work would take only a few officers, who might serve for short terms in rotation (N.B.: There would have to be a lot of very careful, clever work on the constitution to make the thing as dictator-proof as possible), and while it is of course true, that all w.k . fans have their hands and feet full already --- still, any statement that fans can't take on anything new, won't wash, because fans are constantly taking on something new. And as to the special projects -- they'd be incidental, as you said. Perhaps I didn't make it plain enough, but I meant that the organisation would provide a means of expression for such pet ideas as the ones I mentioned, IF the members wanted same enough to provide for all the time and trouble necessary. "Objection 2 - How to get fans to co-operate? You got me. If they won't, they won't. But at least we can advance the idea, and see whether they will or not." Well, that's more or less the way I feel (aw speaking). But, recognizing it as a weak-kneed attitude, and an assurance of failure, I have drafted tentative plans of something more concrete to offer you fans. Not only what we can do, but how we can do it. first of all, of course, we must have sufficient support of the idea, before we can go ahead with more definite plans. If the large fan groups around the country will forget their differences, and at least give some sort of a promise to do their part, the rest is comparatively easy. Please bear in mind, that you are not asked to support Damon Knight and Art Widner Jr., but the idea of a NATIONAL FAN FEDERATION, and the officers you yourselves will elect. All we want to do is start the ball rolling. (If it hasn't too many corners!) The Federation should not attempt to supersede any organization now in existence, but merely unite all of them. Secondly, to avoid all suspicion of commercialism or partisanship, there should be no dues except for specific purposes voted on by all members. But of course, that is still another matter for you to decide. Third: To start all this, nomination papers from any fan who is willing and interested, and thinks he or she is capable or acting as an officer in the organization, may be sent to me. I hope my reputation is sufficiently clear to allow me to be first ballot-counter....that is the only official capacity in which I will serve, as too many attempts at fan organization have failed, mostly because the organizer immediately set himself yp as supreme authority. To avoid domination at the outset by any one of fandom's "cliques", it will be necessary to have your nomination papers signed by any ten of the following fans: Forrest J Ackerman, Morojo, Bob Tucker, Doc Lowndes, Don Wollheim, Sam Moskowitz, Hyman Tiger, Harry Warner, Jr., Tom Wright, Bob Madle, R.D. Swisher, L.R. Chauvenet, Jack Miske, Joe Gilberte, Mark Reinsberg, Erle Korshak, Olon F. Wiggins, Lew Martin, Jack Speer, Milton Rothman, Larry Farsaci, Ted Dikty, Frederick Shroyer, Dale Barr, or Fred Fshcer. If any of the above wish to hold office, naturally their own signature will not count. Democratic procedure will be adhered to throughout. After the nominations are in, ballots will be sent out to all members, and the
Hevelin Fanzines