IFA Review, August 1940
Page 8
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Intercepted from Jim Tillman, Box 1741, Madison College, Tenn.: I hear from some of the gang in Southern Indiana (Mel Schmidt and Marvis Manning) there there are plans afoot for organizing an Indiana Science Fiction Club of some kind. Three lusty cheers. I don't know whether you know it or not, but tho I am here in Tennessee for College, I come from Evansville. The idea sounds good to me. There are certainly enough fans on the loose now in Indiana to make it possible. You can count on me to join if it sounds at all decent, and even kick thru with some dues, maybe, if I ever get any money. ((A noble thought, that Jim. I mean in reference to paying dues. I had thought that dues were called that because they were always due.)) [Hand drawn separation images] SOME NOTES ABOUT MEMBER MART CRAMER I'm thirty years of age, married, have two fine children and I love to read Fantasy and Science Fiction. In fact, stf, has been a hobby of mine for the past fourteen years. At one time I had over three hundred stf. publications, but most of these have been traded for hobby material. My other hobbies are coins and stamps. As to sports, although my legs are getting a little too stiff for baseball or basketball, I can play a pretty nice game of horse shoes, ping-pong, or golf. Fishing and touring are also great hobbies of mine, although I have neither the cash nor the leisure to enjoy these as I might. Most of my daylight hours are spent as production superintendent for the Geo. J. Mayer Co. here in Indianapolis. We produce metal etched nameplates, rubber stamps and all other types of name-plates and marking devices. *********************************** MISCELLANIA Ye Ed recently stopped at a local bookshop which is the hangout for the Fort Wayne and Decatur stfionists. There, on a pile, were a group of books worthy of the attention of any collector. As might be imagined, they were already reserved. For IFA Public Relations Manager, Fred Shroyer. The prize item, which would cause many an enthusiast to drool, was "Memoirs of the Year 2500". It was in surprisingly good condition, considering it's age, some 168 years. The date of publication was 1772. Translated from the French and printed in Dublin, Ireland. Making a forecast is always a risky proposition, and this is no exception. But I think a couple of items might be predicted with a fair degree of certainty. There'll be a writeup of the Convention with emphasis laid on the doings of the Indiana group. The results of the IFA meeting will also be of great importance. Then, if he can be pinned down to it, Fred Shroyer will contribute an article, resulting from a recent discussion on the subject. Possible title may be "The Fortean Influence in Modern Fantasy".
Intercepted from Jim Tillman, Box 1741, Madison College, Tenn.: I hear from some of the gang in Southern Indiana (Mel Schmidt and Marvis Manning) there there are plans afoot for organizing an Indiana Science Fiction Club of some kind. Three lusty cheers. I don't know whether you know it or not, but tho I am here in Tennessee for College, I come from Evansville. The idea sounds good to me. There are certainly enough fans on the loose now in Indiana to make it possible. You can count on me to join if it sounds at all decent, and even kick thru with some dues, maybe, if I ever get any money. ((A noble thought, that Jim. I mean in reference to paying dues. I had thought that dues were called that because they were always due.)) [Hand drawn separation images] SOME NOTES ABOUT MEMBER MART CRAMER I'm thirty years of age, married, have two fine children and I love to read Fantasy and Science Fiction. In fact, stf, has been a hobby of mine for the past fourteen years. At one time I had over three hundred stf. publications, but most of these have been traded for hobby material. My other hobbies are coins and stamps. As to sports, although my legs are getting a little too stiff for baseball or basketball, I can play a pretty nice game of horse shoes, ping-pong, or golf. Fishing and touring are also great hobbies of mine, although I have neither the cash nor the leisure to enjoy these as I might. Most of my daylight hours are spent as production superintendent for the Geo. J. Mayer Co. here in Indianapolis. We produce metal etched nameplates, rubber stamps and all other types of name-plates and marking devices. *********************************** MISCELLANIA Ye Ed recently stopped at a local bookshop which is the hangout for the Fort Wayne and Decatur stfionists. There, on a pile, were a group of books worthy of the attention of any collector. As might be imagined, they were already reserved. For IFA Public Relations Manager, Fred Shroyer. The prize item, which would cause many an enthusiast to drool, was "Memoirs of the Year 2500". It was in surprisingly good condition, considering it's age, some 168 years. The date of publication was 1772. Translated from the French and printed in Dublin, Ireland. Making a forecast is always a risky proposition, and this is no exception. But I think a couple of items might be predicted with a fair degree of certainty. There'll be a writeup of the Convention with emphasis laid on the doings of the Indiana group. The results of the IFA meeting will also be of great importance. Then, if he can be pinned down to it, Fred Shroyer will contribute an article, resulting from a recent discussion on the subject. Possible title may be "The Fortean Influence in Modern Fantasy".
Hevelin Fanzines