Fantasy-News, v. 5, issue 21, whole no. 126, November 17, 1940
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Page Two FANTASY NEWS ______________________________ FANTASY NEWS is published every week by William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 84, Elmont, N.Y. Editor: Will Sykora Associates: Jimmy Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, Mario Racic, Jr. Rates: 3 issues 10c, 30 issues $1, 52 issues (1 yr.) $1.50. Ad Rates: Full page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 p. 50c minimum. (NO STAMPS PLEASE). NOTE: Please make all checks and money-orders payable to Will Sykora. ------------------------------------------------ BOOST S C I E N C E F I C T I O N ------------------------------------------------ EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. The stfans' favorite fan conclave, The Philadelphia Science Fiction Conference, has come and gone without having accomplished any worth while achievement in fandom. With two resolutions passed, one suggestion placed before fans for consideration, and a whole afternoon spent arguing about the possible conflict between the projected Eastern Science Fiction Conference and the Denver Convention nothing concrete was done. To try to place the responsibility for this lack of action on any one individual would be cruelly unfair. It seems that the attitude of all fandom is such as to per mit personal feelings and uncontrolled emotions to govern our meetings rather than to allow reason and logic to dictate our conclusions. At the Philadelphia Conference last week there was much distrust on the part of the protagonists of the "legal" Denver Convention directed against the so-called "New Fandomites", who it was assumed would try every trick in the parliamentary book to get the proposed Newark Stf Conference approved. Needless to say, the Denver Boys were so flabbergasted when they began to realize that the Queensies and New Fandom big-wigs were not blinding supporting a Newark Conference. Had there been no distrust, all of us present would have realized that no approval of the Eastern Affair would have earned the support of the Denver Committee because of that committee's (P. 4, C. 1) NOTICE: Harry Warner's popular FAN MAG REVIEW will be back with us again in a week or two. Harry reports that he has not been quietly resting up after a session with a severe cold. _____________________________ PHILLY CONFERENCE Cont'd: of Westwood, N.J. (The Solaroid Club); Bob Thompson of Manhassett, N.Y.; William and Frances Sykora of Elmont, N.Y.; L. A. Eshbach and two author-friends of Reading, Pa.; Bill Groveman of Hempstead, N.Y.; and Art Widner and Ed Bell of Bryantville, Mass. Prior to the call to order all delegates were requested to register. At 3:00 P.M. Chairman Phillips called the Conference to order and gave a brief address of welcome. Since the Secretary was absent, no minutes of the previous conference were to hand. Bob Madle, Acting Secretary, then called the roll from the registry, and as each delegate's name was called he or she stood up and was introduced. A brief recess was then called for the sale of chances on subscriptions to various pro and fan mags, the proceeds of the sale to be used to defray the routine costs of the Conference. The first speaker of the afternoon was Milton A. Rothman, former Director of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society, now of Washington, D.C. Mr. Rothman placed before the conference the suggestion that a committee be appointed to survey all science fiction ever published in order to classify every story by its predictions of the future. These predictions were then to be further classified and the "average" prophecy taken as a fair indication of the future of the world. Elmer Purdue remarked that he had already begun such a classification, and welcomed all fans to cooperate with him in this monumental undertaking. The suggestion met with general approval. The drawing for the chances was then made. The first prize, a sub to winner's choice of any pro stf mag, was drawn by Pearl Moskowitz and won by Hyman Tiger (P. 3)
Page Two FANTASY NEWS ______________________________ FANTASY NEWS is published every week by William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 84, Elmont, N.Y. Editor: Will Sykora Associates: Jimmy Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, Mario Racic, Jr. Rates: 3 issues 10c, 30 issues $1, 52 issues (1 yr.) $1.50. Ad Rates: Full page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 p. 50c minimum. (NO STAMPS PLEASE). NOTE: Please make all checks and money-orders payable to Will Sykora. ------------------------------------------------ BOOST S C I E N C E F I C T I O N ------------------------------------------------ EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. The stfans' favorite fan conclave, The Philadelphia Science Fiction Conference, has come and gone without having accomplished any worth while achievement in fandom. With two resolutions passed, one suggestion placed before fans for consideration, and a whole afternoon spent arguing about the possible conflict between the projected Eastern Science Fiction Conference and the Denver Convention nothing concrete was done. To try to place the responsibility for this lack of action on any one individual would be cruelly unfair. It seems that the attitude of all fandom is such as to per mit personal feelings and uncontrolled emotions to govern our meetings rather than to allow reason and logic to dictate our conclusions. At the Philadelphia Conference last week there was much distrust on the part of the protagonists of the "legal" Denver Convention directed against the so-called "New Fandomites", who it was assumed would try every trick in the parliamentary book to get the proposed Newark Stf Conference approved. Needless to say, the Denver Boys were so flabbergasted when they began to realize that the Queensies and New Fandom big-wigs were not blinding supporting a Newark Conference. Had there been no distrust, all of us present would have realized that no approval of the Eastern Affair would have earned the support of the Denver Committee because of that committee's (P. 4, C. 1) NOTICE: Harry Warner's popular FAN MAG REVIEW will be back with us again in a week or two. Harry reports that he has not been quietly resting up after a session with a severe cold. _____________________________ PHILLY CONFERENCE Cont'd: of Westwood, N.J. (The Solaroid Club); Bob Thompson of Manhassett, N.Y.; William and Frances Sykora of Elmont, N.Y.; L. A. Eshbach and two author-friends of Reading, Pa.; Bill Groveman of Hempstead, N.Y.; and Art Widner and Ed Bell of Bryantville, Mass. Prior to the call to order all delegates were requested to register. At 3:00 P.M. Chairman Phillips called the Conference to order and gave a brief address of welcome. Since the Secretary was absent, no minutes of the previous conference were to hand. Bob Madle, Acting Secretary, then called the roll from the registry, and as each delegate's name was called he or she stood up and was introduced. A brief recess was then called for the sale of chances on subscriptions to various pro and fan mags, the proceeds of the sale to be used to defray the routine costs of the Conference. The first speaker of the afternoon was Milton A. Rothman, former Director of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society, now of Washington, D.C. Mr. Rothman placed before the conference the suggestion that a committee be appointed to survey all science fiction ever published in order to classify every story by its predictions of the future. These predictions were then to be further classified and the "average" prophecy taken as a fair indication of the future of the world. Elmer Purdue remarked that he had already begun such a classification, and welcomed all fans to cooperate with him in this monumental undertaking. The suggestion met with general approval. The drawing for the chances was then made. The first prize, a sub to winner's choice of any pro stf mag, was drawn by Pearl Moskowitz and won by Hyman Tiger (P. 3)
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