Fantasy-News, v. 5, issue 21, whole no. 126, November 17, 1940
Page 3
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FANTASY NEWS Page Three ______________________________ PHILLY CONFERENCE Cont’d: The first drawing for the second prize was made by Tiger and won by a PSFS member, who returned the prize for a second drawing. Frances Sykora drew and Bob Thompson won a 6 ish sub to Fantascience Di gest. The drawing for the third prize was by Pauline Lincoff and won by Frances Sykora. This was a sub to PSFS News. Various fan mag editors present then donated subscriptions to their own mags, and the drawings were continued. Rod Gaetz won a sub to Thompson’s Stf Miscellany; Walter Lincoff won a 6 ish sub to Will Sykora’s FANTASY NEWS; Ed Bell won a sub to Sunspots, a Solaroid Club publication; Bob Madle won a 12 ish sub to Jules Unger’s Fantasy Fiction Field, and the final prize, a 3 ish sub to Fanfare, was won by Will Sykora. Sam Moskowitz was then introduced, and he spoke on the “Newark Situation”. Mr. Moskowitz stated that he had never taken the initiative on the proposed Eastern Science Fiction Conference, nor had NEW FANDOM authorized such an affair in any way. He pointed out neither he nor his organization, NEW FANDOM, had done anything whatever to promote this conference, and that any statements to the contrary were false. He stated quite definitely that NF was fully in support of the legal Denver Convention, and would never, in any way, do anything to compete or conflict with this affair. The third speaker scheduled was James V. Taurasi, but in his absence Will Sykora was granted permission to speak. Mr. Sykora outlined the ideas behind the proposed Eastern Science Fiction Conference along the lines already published in a previous issue of FANTASY NEWS. He said that not only would this proposed conference not conflict with the Denvention, but also any support of this conference would imply a direct support of the Denver conclave. He concurred with Mr. Moskowitz’s statement and stated that so far as he knew, NEW FANDOM had no official connection with the proposed Newark get- (next C.) PHILLY CONFERENCE Cont’d: to-gether. During the discussion following Sykora’s talk, Rod Gaetz of the Solaroid’s said that his club had conducted a feeling-out campaign and had met with much opposition, due mainly to a feeling of personal animosity on the part of the Denver Committee against NEW FANDOM. The Conference reached an impasse at this point, and the Chairman called a recess, during which the discussion was continued informally over hot dogs and soda sold by members of the PSFS. A telegram was received from Chicago urging the Conference to disapprove of the proposed Eastern Conference. Rather ambiguously worded, it seemed to turn thumbs down on all Eastern Conference including Philly. The message was signed by Bob Tucker, Earl Korshak, and Mark Reinsberg. Art Widner, the final speaker, was presented when the conference was again called to order at 5:39 P.M. He read a speech pointing out the possibility of a conflict between an Eastern conference and the Denver Convention, but most of his points had already been covered in the previous discussion. He also urged the Philly conclave to disapprove the proposed Eastern affair. No motion having been made after a reasonable time, the entire discussion was tabled on the motion of Bob Madle by a vote of 22 to 5. Ray Van Houten, of the Intellectual Brotherhood of Pro-Scientists, then read a long resolution condemning the tendency toward anti-scientific propaganda in modern stf. Encumbered by many “whereas” and “since” classes many of which presented moot questions of opinion, the motion, though commendable, stood little chance of passing. Amendments by Will Sykora (to delete the questionable clauses) and by Stan Bachrach (to interpret the words “science” and “civilization” in the broad sense) were passed, with the result that the amended resolution that the Conference go on record as opposing all anti-scientific tendencies in modern stf was carried. (Page 4)
FANTASY NEWS Page Three ______________________________ PHILLY CONFERENCE Cont’d: The first drawing for the second prize was made by Tiger and won by a PSFS member, who returned the prize for a second drawing. Frances Sykora drew and Bob Thompson won a 6 ish sub to Fantascience Di gest. The drawing for the third prize was by Pauline Lincoff and won by Frances Sykora. This was a sub to PSFS News. Various fan mag editors present then donated subscriptions to their own mags, and the drawings were continued. Rod Gaetz won a sub to Thompson’s Stf Miscellany; Walter Lincoff won a 6 ish sub to Will Sykora’s FANTASY NEWS; Ed Bell won a sub to Sunspots, a Solaroid Club publication; Bob Madle won a 12 ish sub to Jules Unger’s Fantasy Fiction Field, and the final prize, a 3 ish sub to Fanfare, was won by Will Sykora. Sam Moskowitz was then introduced, and he spoke on the “Newark Situation”. Mr. Moskowitz stated that he had never taken the initiative on the proposed Eastern Science Fiction Conference, nor had NEW FANDOM authorized such an affair in any way. He pointed out neither he nor his organization, NEW FANDOM, had done anything whatever to promote this conference, and that any statements to the contrary were false. He stated quite definitely that NF was fully in support of the legal Denver Convention, and would never, in any way, do anything to compete or conflict with this affair. The third speaker scheduled was James V. Taurasi, but in his absence Will Sykora was granted permission to speak. Mr. Sykora outlined the ideas behind the proposed Eastern Science Fiction Conference along the lines already published in a previous issue of FANTASY NEWS. He said that not only would this proposed conference not conflict with the Denvention, but also any support of this conference would imply a direct support of the Denver conclave. He concurred with Mr. Moskowitz’s statement and stated that so far as he knew, NEW FANDOM had no official connection with the proposed Newark get- (next C.) PHILLY CONFERENCE Cont’d: to-gether. During the discussion following Sykora’s talk, Rod Gaetz of the Solaroid’s said that his club had conducted a feeling-out campaign and had met with much opposition, due mainly to a feeling of personal animosity on the part of the Denver Committee against NEW FANDOM. The Conference reached an impasse at this point, and the Chairman called a recess, during which the discussion was continued informally over hot dogs and soda sold by members of the PSFS. A telegram was received from Chicago urging the Conference to disapprove of the proposed Eastern Conference. Rather ambiguously worded, it seemed to turn thumbs down on all Eastern Conference including Philly. The message was signed by Bob Tucker, Earl Korshak, and Mark Reinsberg. Art Widner, the final speaker, was presented when the conference was again called to order at 5:39 P.M. He read a speech pointing out the possibility of a conflict between an Eastern conference and the Denver Convention, but most of his points had already been covered in the previous discussion. He also urged the Philly conclave to disapprove the proposed Eastern affair. No motion having been made after a reasonable time, the entire discussion was tabled on the motion of Bob Madle by a vote of 22 to 5. Ray Van Houten, of the Intellectual Brotherhood of Pro-Scientists, then read a long resolution condemning the tendency toward anti-scientific propaganda in modern stf. Encumbered by many “whereas” and “since” classes many of which presented moot questions of opinion, the motion, though commendable, stood little chance of passing. Amendments by Will Sykora (to delete the questionable clauses) and by Stan Bachrach (to interpret the words “science” and “civilization” in the broad sense) were passed, with the result that the amended resolution that the Conference go on record as opposing all anti-scientific tendencies in modern stf was carried. (Page 4)
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