Fantasy Fictioneer, v. 1, issue 2, January-February 1940
Page 7
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Upon being served with a foaming tankard, he elbowed his way to the stone divan where Ulf lounged, watching his antics with an amused sneer. The pair were soon talking like old Comrades, and, upon discovering that he was hobnobbing with Manalik, the White Nile Champ, Ulf's crafty brain saw a possibility of getting the other fired from the Palace, so suggested they throw a main or two to pass the time away. This appealed to Manelik, as dicing and gaming was forbidden in the Army. Catching the eye of the comely, if somewhat buxom, barmaid, Ulf ordered further supplies of booze, and the two settled down to play upon the taproom floor, to the vast amusement of the lounge lizards present. Manelik won steadily at first, taking Ulf's IOU's but within half the run of an hour glass, Ulf had stripped him to his camelhair shorts..Furious at this further indignity, Manelik threw his horses and chariot into the game, but, Ulf deftly manipulating the loaded bones, won these too. Finally Manelik, his face purple with rage,accused Ulf of "fiddling the cubes" and challenged him to a dual. Answering this with a direct hit from his tankard, Ulf girded his leopard-skin tighter, and the fight was on. Queensbury rules were ignored as they gouged tooth and nail, rolling from one end of the floor to the other, then, just as Manelik was ramming his foot into Ulf's face, the local flatfeet arrived, and ignoring the protests of Manelik, led him away and cast him in the lion puts; He was an interloper from across the desrt anyway, and was hated by the good people of Ankhet for his swaggering bravado in the races. Ulf having patched himself up, gathered his winnings, chariot as well, and presented his forged passport to the Grand Vizier at the palace. Having gained Rut's car. he spun him plausible tale of Manelik's absence and was nominated to fill the vacant place in the race. The morning dawned bright and clear as the motley throng wended their way either to the city walls or to the Park. It was openly rumored in the bazaars that the King was going to present the winner with the house and harem of old Kheops, the brewer and owner of the local news-stone "El Tibuna", who, having gone bankrupt during the depression, was languishing in the palace dungeons. Ulf was about early and shaved int he Nile; groomed his horses and joined the rest of the contestants at the city's Main Gate. The Royal Steward collected the entry fee, promptly turning it over to Rut. Betting was brisk on all sides. Ag-el-Memphis, the Blue Nile Champion, was odds-on favorite, having won the Blue Nice Steeplechase earlier in the track season, with Mokka, the Queen's bodyguard, and even bot. The odds against Ulf were as high as two hundred goats to one, as he was an unknown, but many of the lizards who saw him outwit Manelik the previous evening, availed themselves of the good price as a savor. As the Town Hall clock boomed eleven, the palace gates opened and the main procession commenced. The entire harem headed by Queen Khat and the royal crocodiles came first, followed by a squad of Yoemanry and then Rut in his armored chariot, followed by his "yes-men" These all headed off across the desert to the Park, where they occupied the Royal Boxes at the finishing post. Meanwhile, the drivers had weighed in and drawn their positions. Ulf getting #1 against the wall. Then, when they heard the boom of the cannons from the Park, signifying all was ready, the Chief Steward whisked up the tapestries, They were off to a flying start!
Upon being served with a foaming tankard, he elbowed his way to the stone divan where Ulf lounged, watching his antics with an amused sneer. The pair were soon talking like old Comrades, and, upon discovering that he was hobnobbing with Manalik, the White Nile Champ, Ulf's crafty brain saw a possibility of getting the other fired from the Palace, so suggested they throw a main or two to pass the time away. This appealed to Manelik, as dicing and gaming was forbidden in the Army. Catching the eye of the comely, if somewhat buxom, barmaid, Ulf ordered further supplies of booze, and the two settled down to play upon the taproom floor, to the vast amusement of the lounge lizards present. Manelik won steadily at first, taking Ulf's IOU's but within half the run of an hour glass, Ulf had stripped him to his camelhair shorts..Furious at this further indignity, Manelik threw his horses and chariot into the game, but, Ulf deftly manipulating the loaded bones, won these too. Finally Manelik, his face purple with rage,accused Ulf of "fiddling the cubes" and challenged him to a dual. Answering this with a direct hit from his tankard, Ulf girded his leopard-skin tighter, and the fight was on. Queensbury rules were ignored as they gouged tooth and nail, rolling from one end of the floor to the other, then, just as Manelik was ramming his foot into Ulf's face, the local flatfeet arrived, and ignoring the protests of Manelik, led him away and cast him in the lion puts; He was an interloper from across the desrt anyway, and was hated by the good people of Ankhet for his swaggering bravado in the races. Ulf having patched himself up, gathered his winnings, chariot as well, and presented his forged passport to the Grand Vizier at the palace. Having gained Rut's car. he spun him plausible tale of Manelik's absence and was nominated to fill the vacant place in the race. The morning dawned bright and clear as the motley throng wended their way either to the city walls or to the Park. It was openly rumored in the bazaars that the King was going to present the winner with the house and harem of old Kheops, the brewer and owner of the local news-stone "El Tibuna", who, having gone bankrupt during the depression, was languishing in the palace dungeons. Ulf was about early and shaved int he Nile; groomed his horses and joined the rest of the contestants at the city's Main Gate. The Royal Steward collected the entry fee, promptly turning it over to Rut. Betting was brisk on all sides. Ag-el-Memphis, the Blue Nile Champion, was odds-on favorite, having won the Blue Nice Steeplechase earlier in the track season, with Mokka, the Queen's bodyguard, and even bot. The odds against Ulf were as high as two hundred goats to one, as he was an unknown, but many of the lizards who saw him outwit Manelik the previous evening, availed themselves of the good price as a savor. As the Town Hall clock boomed eleven, the palace gates opened and the main procession commenced. The entire harem headed by Queen Khat and the royal crocodiles came first, followed by a squad of Yoemanry and then Rut in his armored chariot, followed by his "yes-men" These all headed off across the desert to the Park, where they occupied the Royal Boxes at the finishing post. Meanwhile, the drivers had weighed in and drawn their positions. Ulf getting #1 against the wall. Then, when they heard the boom of the cannons from the Park, signifying all was ready, the Chief Steward whisked up the tapestries, They were off to a flying start!
Hevelin Fanzines