Fantasy News Annual, v. 7, issue 1, whole no. 150, July 27, 1941
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Page Two EDITORIAL PAGE FANTASY NEWS FANTASY NEWS is published every week by William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 84, Elmont, N. Y. Editor: Will Sykora Associates: Jimmy Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, Mario Racic, Jr. Rates: 3 issues 10¢ 8 issues 25¢, 32 issues $1.00 (NO STAMPS PLEASE) Ad Rates: Full page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 page 50¢, column-line 2¢. NOTE: Please make all checks and money-orders payable to Will Sykora. -------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOST SCIENCE FICTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. It is said that as we grow older, time seems to pass more rapidly. Apparently we have more varied interests, more things to do, more to worry about, more responsibilities, so many more things to consider and so limited the time to make decisions and carry them thru to satisfactory completion. Years ago we could barely stand the 30 odd long and wearysome days between issues of the Gernsy AMAZING. Now they seem to come so thick and fast that we barely have time to glance through one before another is on the stands. And the way time has sped on to oblivion during the past year one would think we were a thousand years old. According to cosmic standards, only the twinkling of an eye has past since the printed FANTASY NEWS ANNUAL of slightly more than a year ago, yet vast changes have occurred not only in the world as a whole but in the science fiction world as well. Two conventions have become history, the FAPA and NEW FANDOM have faded, and a new club, the National Fantasy Fan Federation has begun to shed new light over the stf horizon. We present this THIRD ANNIVERSARY NUMBER more with hope than with promise. It would be easy to boast of our three years of publication, no mean achievement in the publication of a science fiction weekly newspaper. Beginning with this issue we are again resuming weekly publication, and no effort will be spared to keep it that way. VOICE OF FANDOM by our Readers. London, England: A few days leave, and a few hours for pounding out thanks to my many American friends who haven't forgotten me during the past months. FANTASY NEWS arrives at sporadic intervals, and usually with large gaps between numbers. I thought you might like to know that in case you still mail me regularly. However, I don't mind the gaps so much, just as long as I receive some of the news. Sorry I'm no longer in a position to send you up-to-the-minute news of publications, but you know I'm no longer on the inside of the publishing racket. Add my regrets along with hundreds of others at the news of UNKNOWN going large size. Out of all the trials and tribulations magazine fiction has gone through, none have affected me so bitterly as hearing about this. I have never been an advocate of the large issues; they are so cumbersome and look like issues of "Sob Romancez", or something. In any case, Army kit isn't designed to cart 'em round. My pack (the big 'un that goes on the back), comfortably carries half a dozen of the small size without any interference from the Sergeant Major. Luckily UNKNOWN is no longer issuing subs. I can now comfortably let my present one expire, with but few pangs of regret -- but if ASTOUNDING goes the same way, I think I'll turn stf in. That's a threat I've often made in the past, and I thought the present war and its circumstances would force me to, but it hasn't to date. With AST looking like bric-a-brac from the past, I'll cheerfully chuck in. Dammit, it isn't modern. Thanks for sending the old news-sheet, anyway, and if I can ever repay you I'll certainly be glad to. Cordially, Ted Carnell May 25, 1941. (Don't chuck up stf, Ted. I doubt if you really can, anyway. We're sending FN to most British fans.
Page Two EDITORIAL PAGE FANTASY NEWS FANTASY NEWS is published every week by William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 84, Elmont, N. Y. Editor: Will Sykora Associates: Jimmy Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, Mario Racic, Jr. Rates: 3 issues 10¢ 8 issues 25¢, 32 issues $1.00 (NO STAMPS PLEASE) Ad Rates: Full page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 page 50¢, column-line 2¢. NOTE: Please make all checks and money-orders payable to Will Sykora. -------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOST SCIENCE FICTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. It is said that as we grow older, time seems to pass more rapidly. Apparently we have more varied interests, more things to do, more to worry about, more responsibilities, so many more things to consider and so limited the time to make decisions and carry them thru to satisfactory completion. Years ago we could barely stand the 30 odd long and wearysome days between issues of the Gernsy AMAZING. Now they seem to come so thick and fast that we barely have time to glance through one before another is on the stands. And the way time has sped on to oblivion during the past year one would think we were a thousand years old. According to cosmic standards, only the twinkling of an eye has past since the printed FANTASY NEWS ANNUAL of slightly more than a year ago, yet vast changes have occurred not only in the world as a whole but in the science fiction world as well. Two conventions have become history, the FAPA and NEW FANDOM have faded, and a new club, the National Fantasy Fan Federation has begun to shed new light over the stf horizon. We present this THIRD ANNIVERSARY NUMBER more with hope than with promise. It would be easy to boast of our three years of publication, no mean achievement in the publication of a science fiction weekly newspaper. Beginning with this issue we are again resuming weekly publication, and no effort will be spared to keep it that way. VOICE OF FANDOM by our Readers. London, England: A few days leave, and a few hours for pounding out thanks to my many American friends who haven't forgotten me during the past months. FANTASY NEWS arrives at sporadic intervals, and usually with large gaps between numbers. I thought you might like to know that in case you still mail me regularly. However, I don't mind the gaps so much, just as long as I receive some of the news. Sorry I'm no longer in a position to send you up-to-the-minute news of publications, but you know I'm no longer on the inside of the publishing racket. Add my regrets along with hundreds of others at the news of UNKNOWN going large size. Out of all the trials and tribulations magazine fiction has gone through, none have affected me so bitterly as hearing about this. I have never been an advocate of the large issues; they are so cumbersome and look like issues of "Sob Romancez", or something. In any case, Army kit isn't designed to cart 'em round. My pack (the big 'un that goes on the back), comfortably carries half a dozen of the small size without any interference from the Sergeant Major. Luckily UNKNOWN is no longer issuing subs. I can now comfortably let my present one expire, with but few pangs of regret -- but if ASTOUNDING goes the same way, I think I'll turn stf in. That's a threat I've often made in the past, and I thought the present war and its circumstances would force me to, but it hasn't to date. With AST looking like bric-a-brac from the past, I'll cheerfully chuck in. Dammit, it isn't modern. Thanks for sending the old news-sheet, anyway, and if I can ever repay you I'll certainly be glad to. Cordially, Ted Carnell May 25, 1941. (Don't chuck up stf, Ted. I doubt if you really can, anyway. We're sending FN to most British fans.
Hevelin Fanzines