Fantasite, v. 1, issue 6, November-December 1941
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THE FANTASITE Page 3 FANTA-NOTES Hello, people! here's that long overdue sixth issue of Fantasite. As we recall, the last issue appeared somewhere in September, and here it is January already. We won't offer any apologies, but will half promise that publication in the future will not be so erratic. After having glanced through this issue you will undoubtedly be duly surprised. Surprised at the lack of double columns, even right-hand edges, illustrations, color-mimeography, etc. Only excuse we intend to offer here is that we are publishing this issue as fast as humanly possible, and will have to let the aforementioned improvements go until next issue again. A decrease in size will also be apparent. Be not alarmed, however for all this but heralds a number of changes and surprises. The next issue of The Fantasite (Official Organ of the Minneapolis Fantasy Society Plug) will be the first Anniversary Issue. (A pause while everyone mutters into his beard, or sleeve as the case may be, "My God!" -- or something to that effect.) Contrary to our previous planning, we are not going to announce all sorts of wonders to be contained therein. Instead all we want to say is that it will be something really worthwhile. Bulk and quality will be stressed (the mag is liable to be anywhere from fifty to seventy pages!) and the format will be exquisite. We've been planning this issue since August, and want to make it a big success. We're going to go broke on it as it is, and consequently would appreciate any help. Booster ads will be welcomed at 10c per. For your dime you can say anything you want in fifteen words. Larger ads may be purchased at the regular rates listed on the contents page. Let's have your support now. Henceforth, send all money for ads, subscriptions, etc., to Frances Blomstrand, 504 West 3rd Street, Hastings, Minn. She's one of our new Editors, y'know, along with Rod Allen, another Hastings fan. Promptness and efficiency in handling subs and mailings will be more in evidence now. During these last few months we've been in a period of suspended animation, more or less, regarding fan activities. Now, at long last we're getting back into the same old grind, and shall once again answer all letters as in days of yore! Our especial thanks to the following for Christmas cards: Sam Russell, Morrie Dollens, Joe Fortier, Joe Gilbert, Tom Wright, Don Thompson, Scott Feldman & Hyman Tiger, Forrie Walt & Eleanor, Ray Sienkiewicz, Walt Liebscher, and Doug Webster. We really appreciated these remembrances, and certainly were happy to be thought of. Thanks again, fellas! To our correspondents: we are not dead. Spike that rumor. And, believe it or not we are going to start answering letters again! Somebody throw water on Fortier, please, he's fainted. Ed Anderson, Box 12, Clintondale, New York, would like it to be known that he will play all comers in chess by mail. So you chess fiends get busy and drop him a line. The MFS has lost one of its staunchest members, Doug Blakely. Uncle Sam has grabbed him up, and he can be roached at this address: Pvt. Douglas E. Blakely, Battery A, 54th Troop Battalion, Camp Vallan, San Diego, Calif. The MFS is fearful, also of losing another of its prominent members -- John Chapman. Cyril Eggum, charter member is somewhere with the army, and Morrie Dollens isn't quite certain as to whether he'll be taken or not. Looks pretty bad for the good ol' MFS, all right! Well, pip pip and things, until the next issue. And don't forget those booster ads, chums!
THE FANTASITE Page 3 FANTA-NOTES Hello, people! here's that long overdue sixth issue of Fantasite. As we recall, the last issue appeared somewhere in September, and here it is January already. We won't offer any apologies, but will half promise that publication in the future will not be so erratic. After having glanced through this issue you will undoubtedly be duly surprised. Surprised at the lack of double columns, even right-hand edges, illustrations, color-mimeography, etc. Only excuse we intend to offer here is that we are publishing this issue as fast as humanly possible, and will have to let the aforementioned improvements go until next issue again. A decrease in size will also be apparent. Be not alarmed, however for all this but heralds a number of changes and surprises. The next issue of The Fantasite (Official Organ of the Minneapolis Fantasy Society Plug) will be the first Anniversary Issue. (A pause while everyone mutters into his beard, or sleeve as the case may be, "My God!" -- or something to that effect.) Contrary to our previous planning, we are not going to announce all sorts of wonders to be contained therein. Instead all we want to say is that it will be something really worthwhile. Bulk and quality will be stressed (the mag is liable to be anywhere from fifty to seventy pages!) and the format will be exquisite. We've been planning this issue since August, and want to make it a big success. We're going to go broke on it as it is, and consequently would appreciate any help. Booster ads will be welcomed at 10c per. For your dime you can say anything you want in fifteen words. Larger ads may be purchased at the regular rates listed on the contents page. Let's have your support now. Henceforth, send all money for ads, subscriptions, etc., to Frances Blomstrand, 504 West 3rd Street, Hastings, Minn. She's one of our new Editors, y'know, along with Rod Allen, another Hastings fan. Promptness and efficiency in handling subs and mailings will be more in evidence now. During these last few months we've been in a period of suspended animation, more or less, regarding fan activities. Now, at long last we're getting back into the same old grind, and shall once again answer all letters as in days of yore! Our especial thanks to the following for Christmas cards: Sam Russell, Morrie Dollens, Joe Fortier, Joe Gilbert, Tom Wright, Don Thompson, Scott Feldman & Hyman Tiger, Forrie Walt & Eleanor, Ray Sienkiewicz, Walt Liebscher, and Doug Webster. We really appreciated these remembrances, and certainly were happy to be thought of. Thanks again, fellas! To our correspondents: we are not dead. Spike that rumor. And, believe it or not we are going to start answering letters again! Somebody throw water on Fortier, please, he's fainted. Ed Anderson, Box 12, Clintondale, New York, would like it to be known that he will play all comers in chess by mail. So you chess fiends get busy and drop him a line. The MFS has lost one of its staunchest members, Doug Blakely. Uncle Sam has grabbed him up, and he can be roached at this address: Pvt. Douglas E. Blakely, Battery A, 54th Troop Battalion, Camp Vallan, San Diego, Calif. The MFS is fearful, also of losing another of its prominent members -- John Chapman. Cyril Eggum, charter member is somewhere with the army, and Morrie Dollens isn't quite certain as to whether he'll be taken or not. Looks pretty bad for the good ol' MFS, all right! Well, pip pip and things, until the next issue. And don't forget those booster ads, chums!
Hevelin Fanzines