Fantasite, v. 1, issue 6, November-December 1941
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Page 4 THE FANTASITE IN DEFENSE OF DAUGHERTY By Forrest J Ackerman Hey! That Hell Fire feature is hot as a Bronson burner! Since it seems to be popular nowadays to defend people, I think I'll throw in my 3 Denver tokens' worth "In Defense of Daugherty". (Not a BIG defense, of corse; that woud be fantastic; but a lil defense.) To quote your calumnist (& don't take that for a typogeaphical error) "It's a cinch that he can't answer the simplest stf quiz", coupled with "He got into the LASFS limelight by practically electing himself." Not to my mind it is tatamount to lying to withhold info that would exonerate a person, even should he be a foe, so I feel fandom should know this: I nominated Daugherty for Director of the LASFS (then SFL) because of a stf test standing! Walt did not engineer his election. I doubt if he came to the club that December night dreaming he would walk away the Guy with the Gavel: He was a decidedly Dark Horse. I knew little about him personally, proposing him purely on what I had been surprised to learn a few meetings before of his ability to answer questions pertaining to stf. At a Hollywood meeting where Ed Earl Repp was Guest of Honor (present were Bob Olsen, since stricken with advance arthritis; one Robt. Anson Heinlein, who had just sold his starter story; and quite a crowd of imagi-natives) I had prepared a Quiz and Walt whizzed away with it, claiming the prize. Probably present were Hodgkins, Yerke, Test, Squires and others who might've been expected to make higher scores; but Walt won. He kept up to fan affairs, too, I thought, the way he wrote "Hysteria in a Hearse" in Rocket after a few months in fandom. So I wouldn't say he's an utter ignoramus in stf stuff. Walt admitted after reading the pyri-column he didn't know who illustrated the 2nd installment of "Skylark 3", but would I tread perilously close to the path of oblivion were I to admit I couldn't off-hans answer anonymous' 2nd question, When Wesso's first cover appeared & on what mag? "FJA Fake Fan!" Daugherty's dises a direct steal from Winchell, accuses friend columnist; in the next paragraph awards slitely shriveled onion-skin to one fan, gardenias to another. Wherein this differs from Walt's awards of a stinkweed and California poppy, this intellect of mine cannot inter-elect. Sure, both are styling Winchell's stuff --imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Also a malicious imagination may be the severest form of battery. Besides, Flame-Thrower, Ackerman wrote the major part of the Shangri-La record script; In fact, I was rather proud of the closing quip, "The only fanmag with round edges!" With an overdue annual, a highly irregular "regular" pub, & one appearance in the FAPA, Walt is censured for monopolizing the fm field. Joquel, in fandom a lesser length than Daugherty, publishes a monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, triyearly, semiannual, annual & side products, goes scotfree of criticism! (If indeed it is a crime for a fan to spend all his time issueing all the fmz he can.) Don't get the idea Daugherty knows where I hid the body and I am under compulsion to counter-attack his critic. This is a free-will offering. Whether Walt intends to run for FAPA presidency; presidency, run the '43 conventional whether he desires to dominate fandom & aspires to god-head with his firzog replacing the #1 Face on the coin of the realm; these are conjectural matters. I am concerned only with correcting errors of opinion, throwing a few incombustible facts on the fire. And while we're facing facts, that "admirable pair", Morojo and Ackerman (except for that popular publication of theirs which should be boycotted), is not anxious to take the credit for the Pacificon--Torrificon?--& in particular not the News Bulletin. We Do Our Part, but it has been termed the "Daughertyeen", which we would not dispute.
Page 4 THE FANTASITE IN DEFENSE OF DAUGHERTY By Forrest J Ackerman Hey! That Hell Fire feature is hot as a Bronson burner! Since it seems to be popular nowadays to defend people, I think I'll throw in my 3 Denver tokens' worth "In Defense of Daugherty". (Not a BIG defense, of corse; that woud be fantastic; but a lil defense.) To quote your calumnist (& don't take that for a typogeaphical error) "It's a cinch that he can't answer the simplest stf quiz", coupled with "He got into the LASFS limelight by practically electing himself." Not to my mind it is tatamount to lying to withhold info that would exonerate a person, even should he be a foe, so I feel fandom should know this: I nominated Daugherty for Director of the LASFS (then SFL) because of a stf test standing! Walt did not engineer his election. I doubt if he came to the club that December night dreaming he would walk away the Guy with the Gavel: He was a decidedly Dark Horse. I knew little about him personally, proposing him purely on what I had been surprised to learn a few meetings before of his ability to answer questions pertaining to stf. At a Hollywood meeting where Ed Earl Repp was Guest of Honor (present were Bob Olsen, since stricken with advance arthritis; one Robt. Anson Heinlein, who had just sold his starter story; and quite a crowd of imagi-natives) I had prepared a Quiz and Walt whizzed away with it, claiming the prize. Probably present were Hodgkins, Yerke, Test, Squires and others who might've been expected to make higher scores; but Walt won. He kept up to fan affairs, too, I thought, the way he wrote "Hysteria in a Hearse" in Rocket after a few months in fandom. So I wouldn't say he's an utter ignoramus in stf stuff. Walt admitted after reading the pyri-column he didn't know who illustrated the 2nd installment of "Skylark 3", but would I tread perilously close to the path of oblivion were I to admit I couldn't off-hans answer anonymous' 2nd question, When Wesso's first cover appeared & on what mag? "FJA Fake Fan!" Daugherty's dises a direct steal from Winchell, accuses friend columnist; in the next paragraph awards slitely shriveled onion-skin to one fan, gardenias to another. Wherein this differs from Walt's awards of a stinkweed and California poppy, this intellect of mine cannot inter-elect. Sure, both are styling Winchell's stuff --imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Also a malicious imagination may be the severest form of battery. Besides, Flame-Thrower, Ackerman wrote the major part of the Shangri-La record script; In fact, I was rather proud of the closing quip, "The only fanmag with round edges!" With an overdue annual, a highly irregular "regular" pub, & one appearance in the FAPA, Walt is censured for monopolizing the fm field. Joquel, in fandom a lesser length than Daugherty, publishes a monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, triyearly, semiannual, annual & side products, goes scotfree of criticism! (If indeed it is a crime for a fan to spend all his time issueing all the fmz he can.) Don't get the idea Daugherty knows where I hid the body and I am under compulsion to counter-attack his critic. This is a free-will offering. Whether Walt intends to run for FAPA presidency; presidency, run the '43 conventional whether he desires to dominate fandom & aspires to god-head with his firzog replacing the #1 Face on the coin of the realm; these are conjectural matters. I am concerned only with correcting errors of opinion, throwing a few incombustible facts on the fire. And while we're facing facts, that "admirable pair", Morojo and Ackerman (except for that popular publication of theirs which should be boycotted), is not anxious to take the credit for the Pacificon--Torrificon?--& in particular not the News Bulletin. We Do Our Part, but it has been termed the "Daughertyeen", which we would not dispute.
Hevelin Fanzines