Fantasite, v. 1, issue 6, November-December 1941
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Page 8............................................THE FANTASITE kick of Hodgkins, and a scientifiction fan on the side. It seems that tall, dark and beetle-brow Johnson had some difficulty in recalling who F.D.R. Daugherty was. After due cogitation, he suddenly remembered. "Daugherty," he shouted in triumph. "Oh yes! That's Eleanor's husband." We suggest that all those who share our mutual icyness for Daugherty, the Fan, use this label from now on. "Well, what's Eleanor's husband doing now?" "Have you heard the latest about Eleanor's husband?" "Eleanor's husband is director of the Convention Society you know." That is how new fans are made prominent. Oooops, here comes Eleanor's husband now! You know Henry, this has been quite a summer for the local yokels. There was the time when Korshak was out here. Korshak fell heavily for Bourbon and Virginia Laney. Korshak also had a travelling companion, name of Gardener. Erle, your buddy is still writing letters to my grandmother. I wish you would tell him to lay off. My grandmother is old enough to be his father, so the whole thing is rather ridiculous. After Korshak we were visited by Bronson. Phil didn't like some of our meetings, and wrote a long letter to Ackerman. ((Phil writes too many long letters for his own good, we think...Eds.)) This was published in VoM. So then it was found Phil was a regular guy. So Phil went around with us. ((Phil is just now recuperating...Ed.)) There was an occasion one night to try an horrible formula donated by Doc Lowndes in Denver to a group at a bar somewhere or another. Pineapple juice and Gin! ((Eds. Note: Gaaaaaaagh!!)) The ride back to town from Freehafer's was rather hectic. Somehow or other, Yerke who was in on the party picked up a copy of the street railway's sheet called "Weekly Topics." The title of the lead article this time was "Topics Takes a Tip." "Look," Yerke shouts, "they're serialising Thorne Smith. 'Topper Takes a Trip' ". See, that's what I mean, Lowndes, that pineapple juice and gin is horrible stuff. Yes, Henry, it has been quite a summer, and I think the best way to close it, and to close this column, is by quoting a joke by a recent arrival in Los Angeles. George Rudolph Hahn is out here to crack the radio networks, but the best thing he has cracked so far is as follows: In North Hollywood there was a mother named Mrs. Bizmuth. To further carry out the scientific coincidence, she named her "Soda." One day there was a rap at the door. Mrs. Bizmuth was busy in the kitchen so she said: "I hear a rap, Sody." We lose more fans that way. ((You ain't kiddin'...Fran.)) ------------------------------------------------- No increase in price for the next, hyper, issue of Fantasite. The first anniversary issue, despite the fact that it will be worth at least a quarter. Help put it across, and get your booster ads in now! You can have any fifteen words of your own choosing for a mere dime, and every dime will help to make the number something to remember. If you feel generous, you can buy larger ads at our regular ad rates, with no limit to wordage. ------------------------------------------------- Another new column starts in this issue of Fantasite: Fantasiana. Some of you old-timers will remember this column back in the days of the Science Fiction Critic. We're pretty pleased at having secured it as a result of an interesting conversation with Smith.
Page 8............................................THE FANTASITE kick of Hodgkins, and a scientifiction fan on the side. It seems that tall, dark and beetle-brow Johnson had some difficulty in recalling who F.D.R. Daugherty was. After due cogitation, he suddenly remembered. "Daugherty," he shouted in triumph. "Oh yes! That's Eleanor's husband." We suggest that all those who share our mutual icyness for Daugherty, the Fan, use this label from now on. "Well, what's Eleanor's husband doing now?" "Have you heard the latest about Eleanor's husband?" "Eleanor's husband is director of the Convention Society you know." That is how new fans are made prominent. Oooops, here comes Eleanor's husband now! You know Henry, this has been quite a summer for the local yokels. There was the time when Korshak was out here. Korshak fell heavily for Bourbon and Virginia Laney. Korshak also had a travelling companion, name of Gardener. Erle, your buddy is still writing letters to my grandmother. I wish you would tell him to lay off. My grandmother is old enough to be his father, so the whole thing is rather ridiculous. After Korshak we were visited by Bronson. Phil didn't like some of our meetings, and wrote a long letter to Ackerman. ((Phil writes too many long letters for his own good, we think...Eds.)) This was published in VoM. So then it was found Phil was a regular guy. So Phil went around with us. ((Phil is just now recuperating...Ed.)) There was an occasion one night to try an horrible formula donated by Doc Lowndes in Denver to a group at a bar somewhere or another. Pineapple juice and Gin! ((Eds. Note: Gaaaaaaagh!!)) The ride back to town from Freehafer's was rather hectic. Somehow or other, Yerke who was in on the party picked up a copy of the street railway's sheet called "Weekly Topics." The title of the lead article this time was "Topics Takes a Tip." "Look," Yerke shouts, "they're serialising Thorne Smith. 'Topper Takes a Trip' ". See, that's what I mean, Lowndes, that pineapple juice and gin is horrible stuff. Yes, Henry, it has been quite a summer, and I think the best way to close it, and to close this column, is by quoting a joke by a recent arrival in Los Angeles. George Rudolph Hahn is out here to crack the radio networks, but the best thing he has cracked so far is as follows: In North Hollywood there was a mother named Mrs. Bizmuth. To further carry out the scientific coincidence, she named her "Soda." One day there was a rap at the door. Mrs. Bizmuth was busy in the kitchen so she said: "I hear a rap, Sody." We lose more fans that way. ((You ain't kiddin'...Fran.)) ------------------------------------------------- No increase in price for the next, hyper, issue of Fantasite. The first anniversary issue, despite the fact that it will be worth at least a quarter. Help put it across, and get your booster ads in now! You can have any fifteen words of your own choosing for a mere dime, and every dime will help to make the number something to remember. If you feel generous, you can buy larger ads at our regular ad rates, with no limit to wordage. ------------------------------------------------- Another new column starts in this issue of Fantasite: Fantasiana. Some of you old-timers will remember this column back in the days of the Science Fiction Critic. We're pretty pleased at having secured it as a result of an interesting conversation with Smith.
Hevelin Fanzines