Fantasite, v. 1, issue 6, November-December 1941
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HELL FIRE Eds. Note: Comments on this column have been quite varied. On the whole, however, most readers registered their complains owing to the lack of the columnist's name. Reason for no name, despite the numerous accusations of 'cowardice' on the part of the columnist, is that the column in actuality, is written by more than one person. However, we must admit that the first edition, due to hasty editing was overly obnoxious. We trust you gripers will find this installment changed for the better, and hope you will enjoy it. Let's have your comments. ----------------------------------- With a shuddering peek at the polls, returns for which are not complete, I cannot know what reaction was accorded the first edition of this column -- but I have a strong hunch. A favorite acceptance is desired, naturally, but it is much doubted: there was too wide a front of attack, too many personalities subjected to this penetrating eye of invective for anyone to be left uninsulted and free to praise. Hear now the highest in asininity and paradoxicallity. Listen to something than which there is nothing more something. A growing group of purported stfans have sworn off the reading or buying of stf mags! Now, if that's an stfan, then give me a straight shot of Wild West Weekly! What is the purpose of a stfan? My poor, warped, misconceiving brain once held the mistaken idea that he was a person who read science, fantasy, or weird fiction, and who centered his interests and collective activities about those self-same subjects. It seems that I'm mistaken -- or that, if I'm not, there is just one conclusion to reach: dropping all promags is ridiculous. It cancels the entire meaning of the word "stfan" and render nil the usefulness of stfiction. A good analogy is the movie fan club. After much shouting and yelling and cheering, a number of fans proclaim some certain star their Lord high God of worship. Then, after getting the club going in fine fashion and clicking along nicely, they suddenly throw the personality to the breeze. They'll be just fan's fans! Sensible? What the hell do you think? If the fan is to continue as a fan, either he must retain the focus of his activities or dry up altogether and withdraw from the field. We approach with due caution and consideration the main topic for this time. But before doing so, there are several odd and unrelated items brought to my recent attention, ones I feel deserving of mention here and now. About Singleton: surprised? Hearken, thou for the hue and cry, we predict, is not yet over by far. News from a completely authentic source indicates that Singleton, in addition to being alive, is no longer in Washington -- and is active in the field. There are strong hints that Earl was never in Washington; and this piling of rumor atop rumor lets us believe that the bottom of the fantastic hoax is far from being sounded. Before the echoes clear away the dust of confusion settles in its own dirt, fandom may well realize that here is the greatest fantastic hoax perpetuated in our time. And for perhaps the umpteenth time let me commit myself to a seemingly backward statement; none of us in fandom should harbor any feeling of ill will or resentment toward Earl Singleton. Herr ES has endowed and aroused in you a lot of that green-eyed monster stuff; won't you 'fess up and admit that all this rumpus has caused that? In other words, aren't you just a little jealous and envious that you didn't think of such a terrific idea for a publicity
HELL FIRE Eds. Note: Comments on this column have been quite varied. On the whole, however, most readers registered their complains owing to the lack of the columnist's name. Reason for no name, despite the numerous accusations of 'cowardice' on the part of the columnist, is that the column in actuality, is written by more than one person. However, we must admit that the first edition, due to hasty editing was overly obnoxious. We trust you gripers will find this installment changed for the better, and hope you will enjoy it. Let's have your comments. ----------------------------------- With a shuddering peek at the polls, returns for which are not complete, I cannot know what reaction was accorded the first edition of this column -- but I have a strong hunch. A favorite acceptance is desired, naturally, but it is much doubted: there was too wide a front of attack, too many personalities subjected to this penetrating eye of invective for anyone to be left uninsulted and free to praise. Hear now the highest in asininity and paradoxicallity. Listen to something than which there is nothing more something. A growing group of purported stfans have sworn off the reading or buying of stf mags! Now, if that's an stfan, then give me a straight shot of Wild West Weekly! What is the purpose of a stfan? My poor, warped, misconceiving brain once held the mistaken idea that he was a person who read science, fantasy, or weird fiction, and who centered his interests and collective activities about those self-same subjects. It seems that I'm mistaken -- or that, if I'm not, there is just one conclusion to reach: dropping all promags is ridiculous. It cancels the entire meaning of the word "stfan" and render nil the usefulness of stfiction. A good analogy is the movie fan club. After much shouting and yelling and cheering, a number of fans proclaim some certain star their Lord high God of worship. Then, after getting the club going in fine fashion and clicking along nicely, they suddenly throw the personality to the breeze. They'll be just fan's fans! Sensible? What the hell do you think? If the fan is to continue as a fan, either he must retain the focus of his activities or dry up altogether and withdraw from the field. We approach with due caution and consideration the main topic for this time. But before doing so, there are several odd and unrelated items brought to my recent attention, ones I feel deserving of mention here and now. About Singleton: surprised? Hearken, thou for the hue and cry, we predict, is not yet over by far. News from a completely authentic source indicates that Singleton, in addition to being alive, is no longer in Washington -- and is active in the field. There are strong hints that Earl was never in Washington; and this piling of rumor atop rumor lets us believe that the bottom of the fantastic hoax is far from being sounded. Before the echoes clear away the dust of confusion settles in its own dirt, fandom may well realize that here is the greatest fantastic hoax perpetuated in our time. And for perhaps the umpteenth time let me commit myself to a seemingly backward statement; none of us in fandom should harbor any feeling of ill will or resentment toward Earl Singleton. Herr ES has endowed and aroused in you a lot of that green-eyed monster stuff; won't you 'fess up and admit that all this rumpus has caused that? In other words, aren't you just a little jealous and envious that you didn't think of such a terrific idea for a publicity
Hevelin Fanzines