Fantasite, v. 1, issue 6, November-December 1941
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over again. Her kisses would be so nice...You'd kiss her again. Now, wouldn't you? Well, bud, that's just what he did! And you, -- and he, -- and I; -- we'll all go out an' publish another fanmag just for the thrill of it! See you next issue in hopes that you've enjoyed this one a little more than last time. I do aim to please just a little! *********************************** ------------------------------------- Hell Fire, unfortunately, had to be cut this time (as did almost all features) to accommodate other items due to the lack space this issue. And, also, dear reader, bear with us for this one issue, despite the appalling typographical and grammatical errors, won't you? The entire issue is being dummied, stenciled, and mimeod in the short space of five evenings! Ed. ------------------------------------- THE ACCOUNTABLE FORTIER By John Reitrof There goes that impetuous young charge of mine again! Joe always manages to get himself into some kind of trouble, for which I am naturally held responsible. And, thus getting him out of trouble, I get myself into deep water. I solemnly swore that I would never write anymore hack articles or fiction; this little apology for my outspoken protege causes me to break this ruling, but it seems there could be no better time for an exception. If that drunken young scamp would pick his choice for material as carefully as he picks his whiskies, then he would be in much better condition. But down to cases: such cases center about Abutment, an article that was hacked form beginning to end. It sprang out of one of those infernal Corona machines in about 15 minutes and required an even smaller amount of thicking. The original idea was perfectly clean and sincere, but a screw popped loose in the bargain; whether it was in Fortier, the typewriter, or the readers, no one will ever know. The actual scheme was to get some good will for the Pacificon and a little advance publicity of Minneapolis in '43; the actual result was to create a bad taste in every reader's mouth and a distinct dislike for the Minneapolis bidder -- Fortier. That dope, Joe, hopped onto a little statement by Gilbert with not one second's thought, then immediately proceeded to twist and distort each little word. Eventually he decided that some of his best friends from Dixie were a bunch of heels. The fact is that this nert Fortier knows the Dixie boys would give their pitching wings to scram over to the Pacificon. Topping that, the Philly eggs (damned nice ones) decided to take a bit of a rest. Our Pacificoastoper immediately decided they were a bunch of damned crums. Fact is, Joe was just as silent as far as fandom was concerned. Now every fan knows that both sides are as active as ever. And, to put it bluntly, it's ridikerless to think that the Dixie boys are going to chuck all their Stfvention dreams. They have just as much right to be bidding as an other bunch. ((Here Reitrof lapses into infant jargon, so we'll slice the rest out...Eds.))
over again. Her kisses would be so nice...You'd kiss her again. Now, wouldn't you? Well, bud, that's just what he did! And you, -- and he, -- and I; -- we'll all go out an' publish another fanmag just for the thrill of it! See you next issue in hopes that you've enjoyed this one a little more than last time. I do aim to please just a little! *********************************** ------------------------------------- Hell Fire, unfortunately, had to be cut this time (as did almost all features) to accommodate other items due to the lack space this issue. And, also, dear reader, bear with us for this one issue, despite the appalling typographical and grammatical errors, won't you? The entire issue is being dummied, stenciled, and mimeod in the short space of five evenings! Ed. ------------------------------------- THE ACCOUNTABLE FORTIER By John Reitrof There goes that impetuous young charge of mine again! Joe always manages to get himself into some kind of trouble, for which I am naturally held responsible. And, thus getting him out of trouble, I get myself into deep water. I solemnly swore that I would never write anymore hack articles or fiction; this little apology for my outspoken protege causes me to break this ruling, but it seems there could be no better time for an exception. If that drunken young scamp would pick his choice for material as carefully as he picks his whiskies, then he would be in much better condition. But down to cases: such cases center about Abutment, an article that was hacked form beginning to end. It sprang out of one of those infernal Corona machines in about 15 minutes and required an even smaller amount of thicking. The original idea was perfectly clean and sincere, but a screw popped loose in the bargain; whether it was in Fortier, the typewriter, or the readers, no one will ever know. The actual scheme was to get some good will for the Pacificon and a little advance publicity of Minneapolis in '43; the actual result was to create a bad taste in every reader's mouth and a distinct dislike for the Minneapolis bidder -- Fortier. That dope, Joe, hopped onto a little statement by Gilbert with not one second's thought, then immediately proceeded to twist and distort each little word. Eventually he decided that some of his best friends from Dixie were a bunch of heels. The fact is that this nert Fortier knows the Dixie boys would give their pitching wings to scram over to the Pacificon. Topping that, the Philly eggs (damned nice ones) decided to take a bit of a rest. Our Pacificoastoper immediately decided they were a bunch of damned crums. Fact is, Joe was just as silent as far as fandom was concerned. Now every fan knows that both sides are as active as ever. And, to put it bluntly, it's ridikerless to think that the Dixie boys are going to chuck all their Stfvention dreams. They have just as much right to be bidding as an other bunch. ((Here Reitrof lapses into infant jargon, so we'll slice the rest out...Eds.))
Hevelin Fanzines