Fantasite, v. 1, issue 6, November-December 1941
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Next a few words from -- Bob Tucker: One can only admire the latest issue. The front cover is something that catches the breath and does not release it again. A very neat, professional, capping touch -- that green tape strip down the spine. Come, come, Widner -- take another fanzine poll...let's see where Fantasite stands! ------------------------------------- Thanks, Bob, and now a short note from Erle Korshak: I've been reading Fantasite here in Bob's study and believe you me, it's tops as fan mags go! Best of luck... ------------------------------------- Next, Arden "Buns" Benson ((the flirt!...Fran)): FANTASITE is swell, as usual. In fact it is much better, so that at the next MFS meeting, remind me to buy you a beer in token of my appreciation ((Smack!...oops here comes Fran...PRB)). As a more potent token accept enclosey monies for umpteen issues of Fantasite. About the only things you can do now to improve the mag are to have Wesso, Finlay, and Bok illustrations, and artcles by Einstein, Jeans, and Saari. Oh...more Tucker! Tucker is great! Everything he writes is great. ((Read Le Zombie, unplug.)) Well, if anything ever asked for it right between the teeth, the column Hell Fire does. Despite its loud proclamations of being openly frank, and of despising hypocrisy, it is neither frank nor open. Nor is it powerful. Nor does it reveal any hideous secrets, except the writer's own conceit. I hope we have no more of this. Rest of issue is fine. We of our family (everybody reads Fantasite) hope the next is as good. ----------------------------------- Newest MFS member to date, John L. Gergen has a few words to say: Thanks for the enjoyment I received from the fifth issue of Fantasite. I was surprised to find that the magazine is only published bi-monthly, altho I can understand why. Keep up the good work, and incidentally, do not change the titling on the articles, it's swell...((More to this, but no more room this time...Eds.)) ------------------------------------ Thanks also to Joe Gilbert, Harry Jenkins, Joe Fortier, Phil Schumann, D. W. Boggs, Chris E. Mulrain, D. B. Thompson, Bill Evans, Cyril Kornbluth, and all of the others who sent in letters and cards of comment on the last issue. Some of the better ones will be printed in the next issue. Sorry we weren't able to squeeze them all into this number. Don't forget now, the next issue is our First Anniversary, and you're booster ads will help a great deal toward making it a big success. Don't procrastinate, send in yours now to the Associate Editor. We wish to express our especial thanks to Rod Allen and Fran Blomstrand for all the arduous hours spent in rushing this issue off the mimeo. Without their able assistance, typing stencils, dummying, and mimeoing, we can safetly say that this issue would probably not have been out for another two weeks or even a month. ------------------------------------ There is no truth to the rumor that Tucker is really Arden R. Benson in disguise. ----------------------------------- Ginsburg says: "Dinosaurs are dead." -----------------------------------
Next a few words from -- Bob Tucker: One can only admire the latest issue. The front cover is something that catches the breath and does not release it again. A very neat, professional, capping touch -- that green tape strip down the spine. Come, come, Widner -- take another fanzine poll...let's see where Fantasite stands! ------------------------------------- Thanks, Bob, and now a short note from Erle Korshak: I've been reading Fantasite here in Bob's study and believe you me, it's tops as fan mags go! Best of luck... ------------------------------------- Next, Arden "Buns" Benson ((the flirt!...Fran)): FANTASITE is swell, as usual. In fact it is much better, so that at the next MFS meeting, remind me to buy you a beer in token of my appreciation ((Smack!...oops here comes Fran...PRB)). As a more potent token accept enclosey monies for umpteen issues of Fantasite. About the only things you can do now to improve the mag are to have Wesso, Finlay, and Bok illustrations, and artcles by Einstein, Jeans, and Saari. Oh...more Tucker! Tucker is great! Everything he writes is great. ((Read Le Zombie, unplug.)) Well, if anything ever asked for it right between the teeth, the column Hell Fire does. Despite its loud proclamations of being openly frank, and of despising hypocrisy, it is neither frank nor open. Nor is it powerful. Nor does it reveal any hideous secrets, except the writer's own conceit. I hope we have no more of this. Rest of issue is fine. We of our family (everybody reads Fantasite) hope the next is as good. ----------------------------------- Newest MFS member to date, John L. Gergen has a few words to say: Thanks for the enjoyment I received from the fifth issue of Fantasite. I was surprised to find that the magazine is only published bi-monthly, altho I can understand why. Keep up the good work, and incidentally, do not change the titling on the articles, it's swell...((More to this, but no more room this time...Eds.)) ------------------------------------ Thanks also to Joe Gilbert, Harry Jenkins, Joe Fortier, Phil Schumann, D. W. Boggs, Chris E. Mulrain, D. B. Thompson, Bill Evans, Cyril Kornbluth, and all of the others who sent in letters and cards of comment on the last issue. Some of the better ones will be printed in the next issue. Sorry we weren't able to squeeze them all into this number. Don't forget now, the next issue is our First Anniversary, and you're booster ads will help a great deal toward making it a big success. Don't procrastinate, send in yours now to the Associate Editor. We wish to express our especial thanks to Rod Allen and Fran Blomstrand for all the arduous hours spent in rushing this issue off the mimeo. Without their able assistance, typing stencils, dummying, and mimeoing, we can safetly say that this issue would probably not have been out for another two weeks or even a month. ------------------------------------ There is no truth to the rumor that Tucker is really Arden R. Benson in disguise. ----------------------------------- Ginsburg says: "Dinosaurs are dead." -----------------------------------
Hevelin Fanzines