Jinx, v. 1, issue 1, December 1941
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** "Postal Pulsations" *** JINK *** Page 9 "Postal Pulsations" Acting on the assumption that people like to read other people's mail, we present our super-collosal little department, "Postal Pulsations." Stinks, doesn't it? Robert W. Lowndes: Am moved to write you after reading "Dixie Press". Sorry, but you'll have to postpone scheduling of Gilbert's "Roger Stanley" and/or "Conquest" as I intend to use either or both myself if they do not sell elsewhere. This card was received by us and company one afternoon when Joe was present. Gilbert emitted a loud Huron war cry and went scampering off, kicking his heels in the air. Just for the sake of record, or something, "Conquest" sold to Standard Publications, and "The Man Who Knew Roger Stanley" is scheduled for the next ASTONISHING. Nnnah, Gilbert's a pro; a stinking pro! Well -- maybe we'd better disperse with the adjectives. Harry Warner, Jr.: Look -- do you think you could do a back cover for Spaceways? I need one for the coming issue, and to ask you completely slipped my mind until just now. If you could get one here by the end of next week -- Do we suffer! Eh what Tom, BoB, Phil? Joseph Gilbert: I'm awfully afraid this won't reach you in time to accomplish anything, but -- I'm striking out your way late Sunday afternoon, sometime around 4:30, or perhaps five. If this reaches you, you can expect me. And I did expect him! A historic first, or sumthin' or the other. I'll be polite and not mention the fact that Joe was late; per as usual. The team of Gilbert and Eastman -- Gilbert comes first, of course -- Bullshooters Extraordinary, Un-Inc., will shamble down to your delightfully peaceful retreat tomorrow night, instead of tonight, since Eastman can't make it tomorrow. I mean Lee can't make it tonight -- not tomorrow -- he can make it then. (he, he! Ackerman ain't the only person who garbles the English language.) I think that, if we plead hard enuf we can persuade Lee to wiggle his ears. Have you ever seen a poet wiggle his ears? A most diverting sight. I seem to be running out of card so, pip, pip -- Cards such as these brightened up our stay in the -- uh -- hospital. My first acquaintance with the FAPA was the large package of fanzines that Joe brought around that night. I remember distinctly the enjoy derived from those boo'ful patents, Horizons, Reader And Collector, SusPro, Milty's Mag, et. al. Again, just for the record, it's not Lee who's so versatile at the wiggling of the ears, but 'tis brother John. And we had many a more card that we wanted to include in this department, but -- we ain't got noooo spaaacee!
** "Postal Pulsations" *** JINK *** Page 9 "Postal Pulsations" Acting on the assumption that people like to read other people's mail, we present our super-collosal little department, "Postal Pulsations." Stinks, doesn't it? Robert W. Lowndes: Am moved to write you after reading "Dixie Press". Sorry, but you'll have to postpone scheduling of Gilbert's "Roger Stanley" and/or "Conquest" as I intend to use either or both myself if they do not sell elsewhere. This card was received by us and company one afternoon when Joe was present. Gilbert emitted a loud Huron war cry and went scampering off, kicking his heels in the air. Just for the sake of record, or something, "Conquest" sold to Standard Publications, and "The Man Who Knew Roger Stanley" is scheduled for the next ASTONISHING. Nnnah, Gilbert's a pro; a stinking pro! Well -- maybe we'd better disperse with the adjectives. Harry Warner, Jr.: Look -- do you think you could do a back cover for Spaceways? I need one for the coming issue, and to ask you completely slipped my mind until just now. If you could get one here by the end of next week -- Do we suffer! Eh what Tom, BoB, Phil? Joseph Gilbert: I'm awfully afraid this won't reach you in time to accomplish anything, but -- I'm striking out your way late Sunday afternoon, sometime around 4:30, or perhaps five. If this reaches you, you can expect me. And I did expect him! A historic first, or sumthin' or the other. I'll be polite and not mention the fact that Joe was late; per as usual. The team of Gilbert and Eastman -- Gilbert comes first, of course -- Bullshooters Extraordinary, Un-Inc., will shamble down to your delightfully peaceful retreat tomorrow night, instead of tonight, since Eastman can't make it tomorrow. I mean Lee can't make it tonight -- not tomorrow -- he can make it then. (he, he! Ackerman ain't the only person who garbles the English language.) I think that, if we plead hard enuf we can persuade Lee to wiggle his ears. Have you ever seen a poet wiggle his ears? A most diverting sight. I seem to be running out of card so, pip, pip -- Cards such as these brightened up our stay in the -- uh -- hospital. My first acquaintance with the FAPA was the large package of fanzines that Joe brought around that night. I remember distinctly the enjoy derived from those boo'ful patents, Horizons, Reader And Collector, SusPro, Milty's Mag, et. al. Again, just for the record, it's not Lee who's so versatile at the wiggling of the ears, but 'tis brother John. And we had many a more card that we wanted to include in this department, but -- we ain't got noooo spaaacee!
Hevelin Fanzines