Milty's Mag, December 1941
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Milty's Mag Page three ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beyond a certain point it becomes useless repetition. After all, we do have an official critic. The question becomes: What is the purpose of the official critic when there are so many reviews in fan mags and/or what is the use of reviews in fan mags when there is an official critic? Take your pick. Reviews are worthwhile, however, when they are composed of active discussion, rather than mere comment. A review which carries new thoughts into a subject begun by the reviewee is a creative piece of work. ....... I believe it time to commence action upon the idea first suggested at the Denvention and expended upon by D.B. Thompson in Phanny. This is the matter of creating an auxiliary section of the FAPA, to be composed of subscribers only. For this purpose I place before the club the following amendments to the constitution. The request is made that all members who have changes to suggest write to me immediately, for the amendments are to go up for vote at the time of the next election, and they should be in the most satisfactory form possible. In such a serious matter I thought that a preview might be advisable to enable changes to be made before the final vote. I especially desire comment on the second paragraph which determines the number of members. Would not a combination of forty active and twenty associate members be more successful? Or perhaps forty active and ten associate? Amendment: Article three shall be amended to read as follows: There shall be two types of members: active members and associate members. Active membership, with the exception of the librarian of the amateur press, shall be limited to those who can show proof by credential in their interest in fantasy amateur activity, which shall consist of one of the following: (a) Contributions, in the form of poetry, drawing, fiction, or non-fiction writing, published in two fantasy amateur publications not produced in the same city. (b) Position as editor or publisher of at least one issue of a fantasy amateur publication. The credential shall have been published within the year prior to acceptance of application. Associate membership shall be open to all science fiction readers. Article four shall be amended to read as follows: Not more than fifty persons shall be active members, and not more than ten persons shall be associate members of the Fantasy Amateur Press Association at any time. Article five shall be amended by the addition of the following: Associate members shall receive the official mailings, but shall receive no other privileges or engage in any activities.
Milty's Mag Page three ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beyond a certain point it becomes useless repetition. After all, we do have an official critic. The question becomes: What is the purpose of the official critic when there are so many reviews in fan mags and/or what is the use of reviews in fan mags when there is an official critic? Take your pick. Reviews are worthwhile, however, when they are composed of active discussion, rather than mere comment. A review which carries new thoughts into a subject begun by the reviewee is a creative piece of work. ....... I believe it time to commence action upon the idea first suggested at the Denvention and expended upon by D.B. Thompson in Phanny. This is the matter of creating an auxiliary section of the FAPA, to be composed of subscribers only. For this purpose I place before the club the following amendments to the constitution. The request is made that all members who have changes to suggest write to me immediately, for the amendments are to go up for vote at the time of the next election, and they should be in the most satisfactory form possible. In such a serious matter I thought that a preview might be advisable to enable changes to be made before the final vote. I especially desire comment on the second paragraph which determines the number of members. Would not a combination of forty active and twenty associate members be more successful? Or perhaps forty active and ten associate? Amendment: Article three shall be amended to read as follows: There shall be two types of members: active members and associate members. Active membership, with the exception of the librarian of the amateur press, shall be limited to those who can show proof by credential in their interest in fantasy amateur activity, which shall consist of one of the following: (a) Contributions, in the form of poetry, drawing, fiction, or non-fiction writing, published in two fantasy amateur publications not produced in the same city. (b) Position as editor or publisher of at least one issue of a fantasy amateur publication. The credential shall have been published within the year prior to acceptance of application. Associate membership shall be open to all science fiction readers. Article four shall be amended to read as follows: Not more than fifty persons shall be active members, and not more than ten persons shall be associate members of the Fantasy Amateur Press Association at any time. Article five shall be amended by the addition of the following: Associate members shall receive the official mailings, but shall receive no other privileges or engage in any activities.
Hevelin Fanzines