Wavelength, v. 1, issue 3, Fall 1941
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14 me. Why all the publicity for George ( "your friend and mine" - the Mi-ami Valley marvel ) Wetzel? If, it is as it says, published by Erewhon Press-Prop. Gee. Wetzel. . . his mimeo certainly stinks. Rather messy, don't you know. Why do you split words where there is no syllabic indication, like "A-d Astra". Tough on the reader. Birth of a Pro rates 7; Science Fiction Briefs 5; Science Fiction 1941 5; Nothing Like An Old Fool 4 1/2 ; Science Fiction Conscience 5, and Artwork 1 1/4. [justified] Sincerely, [justified] Bob Jones ( I think your letter, Bob, comes to the point rather well. No longer shall inconsistencies like that made on the inside of the last issue appear. From now on, "Wavelength" is to appear whenever I can get a copy completed. On the average, issues will appear within two to three months of one another. And the title of the correspondence corner has been changed. Have you noticed yet? I can't say that I have given the satirist, George Wetzel, any amount of undue publicity. At least, I've not favored him more than I have favored other stf. personalities. In this number I have tried hard not to split words out of syllabic order and I think I have done rather well. Please be sure to comment on the current issue. - EDITOR. ) Dear Acky: - Received your 2nd "Wavelength" okay and liked it. It is well mim-eoed and fairly well typed. However, there are two big faults to my mind outside of a really poor cover: one is the headings, which, while a good idea if you use a script guide, are most inartistic and the 2nd fault is your practise of continuing from page at the bottom to the next page. . .at the bottom. But the material I found very interest-ing, and am by no means sorry to appear under your banner in the next issue. Except you'll have improved by then. [justified] cheerio, [justified] Robert W. "Doc" Lowndes ( Your letter is almost the direct opposite of the one preceeding. I think the mimeoing of number two issue was very good. George Wetzel's mimeo and his skill did a very good job. However, owing to the neces-sity of purchasing one for myself ( Unfortunately, George could not afford to keep up the payments on his machine. ), from now on, begin-ning with this issue, "Wavelength" will be mimeoed by myself. Tell me what you think of my work as a typist and mimeographer on this issue. Catering to your excellent suggestion, I am abandoning all pretense of headings in this and future issues. Also think your idea of con-tinuing material from bottom of one page to the top of the next a good one. The cover has been abandoned. The whole magazine has undergone radical changes. I think it is for the better. Do you? - EDITOR. ) Dear Henry, Hast thou ever felt that thou shouldst wish to wrie an epistle, but at the same time didst not wish to do so? Hast thou? That's the way I now feel. Of course, I also feel with my fingers. Anyway and any how, I am determined to send you my impressions of the second "Wave-lengtH". When I am determined, I am determined. By the way, I thought the magazine was going to be very definitely called, "Wavelength", not
14 me. Why all the publicity for George ( "your friend and mine" - the Mi-ami Valley marvel ) Wetzel? If, it is as it says, published by Erewhon Press-Prop. Gee. Wetzel. . . his mimeo certainly stinks. Rather messy, don't you know. Why do you split words where there is no syllabic indication, like "A-d Astra". Tough on the reader. Birth of a Pro rates 7; Science Fiction Briefs 5; Science Fiction 1941 5; Nothing Like An Old Fool 4 1/2 ; Science Fiction Conscience 5, and Artwork 1 1/4. [justified] Sincerely, [justified] Bob Jones ( I think your letter, Bob, comes to the point rather well. No longer shall inconsistencies like that made on the inside of the last issue appear. From now on, "Wavelength" is to appear whenever I can get a copy completed. On the average, issues will appear within two to three months of one another. And the title of the correspondence corner has been changed. Have you noticed yet? I can't say that I have given the satirist, George Wetzel, any amount of undue publicity. At least, I've not favored him more than I have favored other stf. personalities. In this number I have tried hard not to split words out of syllabic order and I think I have done rather well. Please be sure to comment on the current issue. - EDITOR. ) Dear Acky: - Received your 2nd "Wavelength" okay and liked it. It is well mim-eoed and fairly well typed. However, there are two big faults to my mind outside of a really poor cover: one is the headings, which, while a good idea if you use a script guide, are most inartistic and the 2nd fault is your practise of continuing from page at the bottom to the next page. . .at the bottom. But the material I found very interest-ing, and am by no means sorry to appear under your banner in the next issue. Except you'll have improved by then. [justified] cheerio, [justified] Robert W. "Doc" Lowndes ( Your letter is almost the direct opposite of the one preceeding. I think the mimeoing of number two issue was very good. George Wetzel's mimeo and his skill did a very good job. However, owing to the neces-sity of purchasing one for myself ( Unfortunately, George could not afford to keep up the payments on his machine. ), from now on, begin-ning with this issue, "Wavelength" will be mimeoed by myself. Tell me what you think of my work as a typist and mimeographer on this issue. Catering to your excellent suggestion, I am abandoning all pretense of headings in this and future issues. Also think your idea of con-tinuing material from bottom of one page to the top of the next a good one. The cover has been abandoned. The whole magazine has undergone radical changes. I think it is for the better. Do you? - EDITOR. ) Dear Henry, Hast thou ever felt that thou shouldst wish to wrie an epistle, but at the same time didst not wish to do so? Hast thou? That's the way I now feel. Of course, I also feel with my fingers. Anyway and any how, I am determined to send you my impressions of the second "Wave-lengtH". When I am determined, I am determined. By the way, I thought the magazine was going to be very definitely called, "Wavelength", not
Hevelin Fanzines