Milty's Mag, June 1941
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Milty's Mag Page nine ________________________________________ "Her motions are light like electrons in flight With the grace of planets in their orbs. Like a sine wave, a cycloid, a hyperbolic curve Her figure shows geometric functions and forms." This agonizing poetry is happily interrupted by a flare of light from the direction of the door. Come in, the capitalist says, and in grovels a spy from the lower levels. "The revolution comes And blood will flow in the street. Like borsht it will run And our heads will be used for football. "At the crack of dawn, Two weeks hence, Civilization falls. For then it is That the workers rise And we must guard our necks." "Away!" the capitalist shouts, and the spy aways. The capitalist broods back and forth across the luxurious rug, callous to the thought that those below do not have such luxurious rugs to brood back and forth across. Call in Xyltzyl, the Mad Scientist, the capitalist commands. He'll know a way down this dastardly revolution. The Mad Scientist walks in. That's the kind of promptness I like, the Capitalist gloats Tell me how...... I know. It will be very simple. We will kidnap the girl who is the leader of the revolution, and substitute in her place a robot which will look like her, but will have the essence of evil. This robot will lead the workers to their destruction, and after there are no more workers, we will have no more trouble from them. That sounds very good, the capitalist says. There is only one thing that bothers me. . . . . But the Mad Scientist has already disappeared, in a blinding flash of light. Curtain There is an entr'acts between the second and third acts that shows the girl being chased by the Mad Scientist. She runs back and forth, round and round the stage, and he runs back and forth, round and round the stage, while the pianist plays the William Tell overture for about half an hour. Finally everybody collapses from exhaustion, and the opera goes on.
Milty's Mag Page nine ________________________________________ "Her motions are light like electrons in flight With the grace of planets in their orbs. Like a sine wave, a cycloid, a hyperbolic curve Her figure shows geometric functions and forms." This agonizing poetry is happily interrupted by a flare of light from the direction of the door. Come in, the capitalist says, and in grovels a spy from the lower levels. "The revolution comes And blood will flow in the street. Like borsht it will run And our heads will be used for football. "At the crack of dawn, Two weeks hence, Civilization falls. For then it is That the workers rise And we must guard our necks." "Away!" the capitalist shouts, and the spy aways. The capitalist broods back and forth across the luxurious rug, callous to the thought that those below do not have such luxurious rugs to brood back and forth across. Call in Xyltzyl, the Mad Scientist, the capitalist commands. He'll know a way down this dastardly revolution. The Mad Scientist walks in. That's the kind of promptness I like, the Capitalist gloats Tell me how...... I know. It will be very simple. We will kidnap the girl who is the leader of the revolution, and substitute in her place a robot which will look like her, but will have the essence of evil. This robot will lead the workers to their destruction, and after there are no more workers, we will have no more trouble from them. That sounds very good, the capitalist says. There is only one thing that bothers me. . . . . But the Mad Scientist has already disappeared, in a blinding flash of light. Curtain There is an entr'acts between the second and third acts that shows the girl being chased by the Mad Scientist. She runs back and forth, round and round the stage, and he runs back and forth, round and round the stage, while the pianist plays the William Tell overture for about half an hour. Finally everybody collapses from exhaustion, and the opera goes on.
Hevelin Fanzines