Fantasy Fiction Field, v. 2, issue 5, whole no. 28, April 26, 1941
Page 16
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FANTASY FICTION FIELD ILLUSTRATED NEWS WEEKLY comes from Julius Ungor at 1702 Dahill Road, Brookly, N.Y. Associateeditor, Doc Lowndes; publsher, John B. Michel. Five cents per copy; six for twenty five cents. Our thanks to Miss Dorothy McIlraith and Mr. H. A. Porkins of Weird Tales for this weeks foto. ************************************** HARRY WARNER vs DOC LOWNDES The annual election of the FAPA is beginning to shape itslef as Harry Warner announces himself as candidate for post of President in opposition to the Constitutionalist Candidate, Doc Lowndes. Warner's platform has not a het been announced, but it is already known that Lowndes (and his running-mate, the candidate for Vice President, Donald A. Wollheim) is running on a platform of strict adherence to the club's constitution. The constitution of the Fapa, stated Lowndes in a recent interview, is on allowing ye fullest play of democratic rights for all members, and permitting changes within ye structure of itself through amendments. Officers of Fapa must protect the rights of members through strict adjeremce tp tje ;aw pf tje c;in. cpmc;ided pir Doc. CHAUVENET'S fanzino reviews Fanfare #6 April. Art Widnor, ..Jr., box 122, Bryantville, Mass. 41 hoctood pages for 10c. The eagerly awwaited Singleton memorial issue. Misko writes .. upon the suicide, and Rothman dissortates informatively upon Misko. Recommended. .. VoM March - #12 Box 6475 Mot Station Los Angeles, Califormia. 10c. Not as ... lively as in the past. The letters from the great and near-great are still worth a look. Passed. SF Collaboration #1 H.A. Ackermann, published by FJ Ackermann at 236 1/2 N. New Hampshire Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. 10c. Miscellaneous and ill-assorted junk. Rejected. Eclips #2 R. J. Kuhn 13598 ... Cheyenne, Detroit, Mich., 10c 29 mimeoed pages. Improved typography. Contents're also somewhat better than #1. Honors to Lynn Bridges' column' the notes on the Michigan fan club. "Galactic Roamres" are also good. Passed. Volume 2 #5 Page 16 concerning f.f.f. an editorial by Julius Unger SERIOUS FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES in the past few days compel me to ask for outside aid. One thing I wish to make clear: no matter what happens, or what your response is FFF will continue. That is my main desire. To get back -- FFF has operated in the red since the very first issue. With the advent of pictures (at no extra cost to the readers) this deficit has more than doubled. This, I do not mind; I never expected to make money on FFF. Each ordinary issue cost me between 12 - 15 dollars, while the special issue cost me close to $25. My total subscription ranges around 75 -- so figure it out for yourselves. As I said above, however, FFF will still continue and improve. To those of you who read and enjoy -- let me ask you this: can you spare one dollar for FFF now? Have a choice of (1) adding the dollar to your subscription (2) making a booster ad, or (3) taking $1 in merchandize from my lists. Let me emphasize again -- if I were not in this financial strait, (not connected in any way with fnatasy) I shuold never have asked this of you. And pardon the repitition, but let me say again that FFF will continue, regardless of any difficulties I encounter. Thank you. --JULES UNGER CANADA PRESENTS - Uncanny Tales A new Canadian pulp has appeared, recently, bearing the title of Uncanny Tales. Inasmuch as the laws of the land will not permit, no material, or artwork can be purchased from the USA. The magazine bears illustrations and a colored cover. The stories are rather inferior compared to US output; only four issues have appeared to date. One of the chief contributors is Thomas P. Kelley, who did serials for Weird Tales.
FANTASY FICTION FIELD ILLUSTRATED NEWS WEEKLY comes from Julius Ungor at 1702 Dahill Road, Brookly, N.Y. Associateeditor, Doc Lowndes; publsher, John B. Michel. Five cents per copy; six for twenty five cents. Our thanks to Miss Dorothy McIlraith and Mr. H. A. Porkins of Weird Tales for this weeks foto. ************************************** HARRY WARNER vs DOC LOWNDES The annual election of the FAPA is beginning to shape itslef as Harry Warner announces himself as candidate for post of President in opposition to the Constitutionalist Candidate, Doc Lowndes. Warner's platform has not a het been announced, but it is already known that Lowndes (and his running-mate, the candidate for Vice President, Donald A. Wollheim) is running on a platform of strict adherence to the club's constitution. The constitution of the Fapa, stated Lowndes in a recent interview, is on allowing ye fullest play of democratic rights for all members, and permitting changes within ye structure of itself through amendments. Officers of Fapa must protect the rights of members through strict adjeremce tp tje ;aw pf tje c;in. cpmc;ided pir Doc. CHAUVENET'S fanzino reviews Fanfare #6 April. Art Widnor, ..Jr., box 122, Bryantville, Mass. 41 hoctood pages for 10c. The eagerly awwaited Singleton memorial issue. Misko writes .. upon the suicide, and Rothman dissortates informatively upon Misko. Recommended. .. VoM March - #12 Box 6475 Mot Station Los Angeles, Califormia. 10c. Not as ... lively as in the past. The letters from the great and near-great are still worth a look. Passed. SF Collaboration #1 H.A. Ackermann, published by FJ Ackermann at 236 1/2 N. New Hampshire Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. 10c. Miscellaneous and ill-assorted junk. Rejected. Eclips #2 R. J. Kuhn 13598 ... Cheyenne, Detroit, Mich., 10c 29 mimeoed pages. Improved typography. Contents're also somewhat better than #1. Honors to Lynn Bridges' column' the notes on the Michigan fan club. "Galactic Roamres" are also good. Passed. Volume 2 #5 Page 16 concerning f.f.f. an editorial by Julius Unger SERIOUS FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES in the past few days compel me to ask for outside aid. One thing I wish to make clear: no matter what happens, or what your response is FFF will continue. That is my main desire. To get back -- FFF has operated in the red since the very first issue. With the advent of pictures (at no extra cost to the readers) this deficit has more than doubled. This, I do not mind; I never expected to make money on FFF. Each ordinary issue cost me between 12 - 15 dollars, while the special issue cost me close to $25. My total subscription ranges around 75 -- so figure it out for yourselves. As I said above, however, FFF will still continue and improve. To those of you who read and enjoy -- let me ask you this: can you spare one dollar for FFF now? Have a choice of (1) adding the dollar to your subscription (2) making a booster ad, or (3) taking $1 in merchandize from my lists. Let me emphasize again -- if I were not in this financial strait, (not connected in any way with fnatasy) I shuold never have asked this of you. And pardon the repitition, but let me say again that FFF will continue, regardless of any difficulties I encounter. Thank you. --JULES UNGER CANADA PRESENTS - Uncanny Tales A new Canadian pulp has appeared, recently, bearing the title of Uncanny Tales. Inasmuch as the laws of the land will not permit, no material, or artwork can be purchased from the USA. The magazine bears illustrations and a colored cover. The stories are rather inferior compared to US output; only four issues have appeared to date. One of the chief contributors is Thomas P. Kelley, who did serials for Weird Tales.
Hevelin Fanzines