Fantasy Fictioneer, v. 1, issue 1, Novemeber-December 1939
Page 5
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Nov.-Dec. FANTASY FICTIONEER 5 [centered] First Progress Report of Mark Reinsberg, Chairman of the Convention Committee. [justified] Oct. 13, 1939 Chicago Ill. I have the extreme pleasure of reporting that the Chicago 1940 World SF Convention is very definitly launched and, under IFF sponsorship, on its way toward becoming a success. The tentative date for this affair is the Labor Day Week-end Holiday, Sept. 1, 1940. One of the most desirable and practical of all Chicago locations has been found for the Convention, and preparations for the renting of the Convention Hall are at this moment being made. Julian S. Arupa, promient science fiction artist, announced recently that he was producing a sound moving-picture with a very strong science fiction back ground. This he plans to preview at the Convention, so Convention-goers will be assured of unique entertainment. A general publicty campaign has gone into high gear, advertising the Con-vention through-out all of fandom and even beyond. Letters have been, and are to be printed in professional s-f magazines through courtesy and co-operation of their editors. In the December AMAZING STORIES the Conven-tion was publicized in several announcements and editorial mentions. A personal talk with the editor revealed that he and his magazines would support the Convention in every way possible. From ASTOUNDING S-F comes a similar announcment of cooperation and support. WONDER and STARTLING's editors have declared themselves firmly behind the movement as did SCIENCE FICTION and FUTURE FICTION. Stickers advertising the Convention and the IFF have been distributed to IFF members and many non-members. A new large order of stickers has been sent to the printers. The west-coast, led by IFF Western Representative Forrest J. Ackerman (out foul dot! -ed.), ahs proved to be very actively behind the IFF and the Convention, in membership to the IFF, support to the Convention, and general fine cooperation. Chicago now stands unified behind the IFF and the Convention. I will soon create a city committee to facilitate the city program. New York City has responded admirably to the call. Eastern Representative and Executive Advisor Erle Korshak has enlisted his aid, support and cooperation of much of the East, and enthusiasm runs high. Membership to the IFF, and consequently support to the Convention has been gaining daily. Inquiries have been pouring in....almost to fast to be answered at length. Some of the bigh author group has joined the Con. ranks; more will follow. Dozens of celebraties have declared their in-tention of attending, though some must come hundreds of miles to do so. Editor Palmer has said the Milwaukee Fictioneers, of which he is a mem-ber, would be there in a body. (Which doesn't mean only one!) Fans well-known and not so well-known from all parts of the country have written their approval. Fan organizations have climbed on the 1940 bandwaggon! All in all, the outlook is one of brightness! Plans and preparations for the actual program are being tackled. Altho it is too early to say anything positive on that account, the [C]onvention program may last two days. Their will be an abundance of fan activity, including business, sessions of great importance, auctions, fan-sports, entertainment, and refreshments, Honor Banquet, tours thru local fan-objects-of-interest....and dozens of high spots. The affair will re-ceive far more outside publicity than even the last Convention. Write-ups will go to many of the big magazines, movies will be shot for the news-reels, all the city papers will carry the story. Science fiction
Nov.-Dec. FANTASY FICTIONEER 5 [centered] First Progress Report of Mark Reinsberg, Chairman of the Convention Committee. [justified] Oct. 13, 1939 Chicago Ill. I have the extreme pleasure of reporting that the Chicago 1940 World SF Convention is very definitly launched and, under IFF sponsorship, on its way toward becoming a success. The tentative date for this affair is the Labor Day Week-end Holiday, Sept. 1, 1940. One of the most desirable and practical of all Chicago locations has been found for the Convention, and preparations for the renting of the Convention Hall are at this moment being made. Julian S. Arupa, promient science fiction artist, announced recently that he was producing a sound moving-picture with a very strong science fiction back ground. This he plans to preview at the Convention, so Convention-goers will be assured of unique entertainment. A general publicty campaign has gone into high gear, advertising the Con-vention through-out all of fandom and even beyond. Letters have been, and are to be printed in professional s-f magazines through courtesy and co-operation of their editors. In the December AMAZING STORIES the Conven-tion was publicized in several announcements and editorial mentions. A personal talk with the editor revealed that he and his magazines would support the Convention in every way possible. From ASTOUNDING S-F comes a similar announcment of cooperation and support. WONDER and STARTLING's editors have declared themselves firmly behind the movement as did SCIENCE FICTION and FUTURE FICTION. Stickers advertising the Convention and the IFF have been distributed to IFF members and many non-members. A new large order of stickers has been sent to the printers. The west-coast, led by IFF Western Representative Forrest J. Ackerman (out foul dot! -ed.), ahs proved to be very actively behind the IFF and the Convention, in membership to the IFF, support to the Convention, and general fine cooperation. Chicago now stands unified behind the IFF and the Convention. I will soon create a city committee to facilitate the city program. New York City has responded admirably to the call. Eastern Representative and Executive Advisor Erle Korshak has enlisted his aid, support and cooperation of much of the East, and enthusiasm runs high. Membership to the IFF, and consequently support to the Convention has been gaining daily. Inquiries have been pouring in....almost to fast to be answered at length. Some of the bigh author group has joined the Con. ranks; more will follow. Dozens of celebraties have declared their in-tention of attending, though some must come hundreds of miles to do so. Editor Palmer has said the Milwaukee Fictioneers, of which he is a mem-ber, would be there in a body. (Which doesn't mean only one!) Fans well-known and not so well-known from all parts of the country have written their approval. Fan organizations have climbed on the 1940 bandwaggon! All in all, the outlook is one of brightness! Plans and preparations for the actual program are being tackled. Altho it is too early to say anything positive on that account, the [C]onvention program may last two days. Their will be an abundance of fan activity, including business, sessions of great importance, auctions, fan-sports, entertainment, and refreshments, Honor Banquet, tours thru local fan-objects-of-interest....and dozens of high spots. The affair will re-ceive far more outside publicity than even the last Convention. Write-ups will go to many of the big magazines, movies will be shot for the news-reels, all the city papers will carry the story. Science fiction
Hevelin Fanzines