Fantasy-News, v. 6 issue 14, whole no. 145, April 6, 1941
Page 2
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Page Two FANTASY NEWS FANTASY NEWS is published every week by William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 54, Elmont, N.Y. Editor: James V. Taurasi. Associates: Sam Moskowitz and Mario Racic, Jr. Rates: 3 issues 10¢, 8 issues 25¢, 32 issues $1. Ad Rates: Full page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 p. 50¢ minimUm. (NO STAMPS PLEASE) NOTE: Please make all checks and money orders payable to Wm Sykora. BOOST SCIENCE FICTION EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. This issue of FANTASY NEWS is dated Arpil 6th, but this Page Two is being stenciled on May 6, just one month later, and thereby hangs a long, long tale. As all our subscribers know, FN is and has been very late. What they do not know is that our spare time has been cut in half, or worse by the intense defense program. Overtime at the shop has begun to mean working till 7:00 P.M. or later on weekdays, and all day Saturday, for the last two or three weeks of the month. It takes us 8 hours or more to prepare FANTASY NEWS so that it is at least presentable, exclusive of addressing envelopes and actually mailing. Jimmy Taurasi, however, proved to our satisfaction that he was able to put out an issue in less than an hour and a half, and the result is what you have been reading for the past two issues, and pages 1, 3, and 4 of this issue. Taurasi founded FANTASY NEWS nearly three years ago, and there is no one more fitted to take over in this emergency. News had also become quite scarce, due to probably two reasons. The first was the fact that Sam Moskowitz was extremely busy professionally having clicked with yarns in COMET and PLANET STORIES, and the second was the fact, as stated by Taurasi, that the pro stf editors were reluctant to issue news statements to him, unless he, himself, stenciled them. Ostensibly this was because (next col.) EDITORIAL Cont'd: they demanded that absolutely no changes, editorial or otherwise be made in the reports they released. For these reasons we were glad to turn over the mimeoing and news gathering jobs to Jimmy exclusively, with the exception of supplying odd bits, and some of the departments. Only our close friends realize how deeply we appreciated this offer to help on Jimmy's part. Fortunately, the situation has now changed somewhat. A careful analysis and rearrangement of our spare moments, and the develpement of a new source of news, namely our (editorially) better half who has shown remarkable talent for news gathering, have enabled us to again assume the masthead of FANTASY NEWS. This time (hope springs eternal in the human breast) we expect no more lapses, and your cooperation, friendly readers, we expect to raise FANTASY NEWS to the heights it deserves to attain. FAN MAG REVIEW by Harry Warner, Jr. CFS Review: no.2, News about the Denvention; available only to members of the CFS. Address inquiries to 1258 Race Street, Denver, Colorado. FMS Digest: vol. 1, no. 1. At last the idea of a fan magazine digest has materialized. Condensed versions of about a dozen excellent recent fan mag features. 12 large, mimeoed-on-heavy-paper pages. Well worth a nickel tariff; 1426 W. 38th St, Los Angeles, California. The Damn Thing: vol. 1, no. 4, 20 lg, mimeoed pp; as usual, insulting lots of people. Featured is a 7 page story assertedly dictated by Thorne Smith at a seance. Assertedly, is right. A dime, 6475 Metropolitan Sta., Los Angeles, Cal. FAPA Mailing for March: very poor this time. 13 pieces, half of them microscopic, and 3 already published issues of subscription magazines. Some worthwhile stuff, though. For FAPA members only; address inquiries to M.A. Rothman, 1730 P, NW, Washington, D.C.
Page Two FANTASY NEWS FANTASY NEWS is published every week by William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 54, Elmont, N.Y. Editor: James V. Taurasi. Associates: Sam Moskowitz and Mario Racic, Jr. Rates: 3 issues 10¢, 8 issues 25¢, 32 issues $1. Ad Rates: Full page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 p. 50¢ minimUm. (NO STAMPS PLEASE) NOTE: Please make all checks and money orders payable to Wm Sykora. BOOST SCIENCE FICTION EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. This issue of FANTASY NEWS is dated Arpil 6th, but this Page Two is being stenciled on May 6, just one month later, and thereby hangs a long, long tale. As all our subscribers know, FN is and has been very late. What they do not know is that our spare time has been cut in half, or worse by the intense defense program. Overtime at the shop has begun to mean working till 7:00 P.M. or later on weekdays, and all day Saturday, for the last two or three weeks of the month. It takes us 8 hours or more to prepare FANTASY NEWS so that it is at least presentable, exclusive of addressing envelopes and actually mailing. Jimmy Taurasi, however, proved to our satisfaction that he was able to put out an issue in less than an hour and a half, and the result is what you have been reading for the past two issues, and pages 1, 3, and 4 of this issue. Taurasi founded FANTASY NEWS nearly three years ago, and there is no one more fitted to take over in this emergency. News had also become quite scarce, due to probably two reasons. The first was the fact that Sam Moskowitz was extremely busy professionally having clicked with yarns in COMET and PLANET STORIES, and the second was the fact, as stated by Taurasi, that the pro stf editors were reluctant to issue news statements to him, unless he, himself, stenciled them. Ostensibly this was because (next col.) EDITORIAL Cont'd: they demanded that absolutely no changes, editorial or otherwise be made in the reports they released. For these reasons we were glad to turn over the mimeoing and news gathering jobs to Jimmy exclusively, with the exception of supplying odd bits, and some of the departments. Only our close friends realize how deeply we appreciated this offer to help on Jimmy's part. Fortunately, the situation has now changed somewhat. A careful analysis and rearrangement of our spare moments, and the develpement of a new source of news, namely our (editorially) better half who has shown remarkable talent for news gathering, have enabled us to again assume the masthead of FANTASY NEWS. This time (hope springs eternal in the human breast) we expect no more lapses, and your cooperation, friendly readers, we expect to raise FANTASY NEWS to the heights it deserves to attain. FAN MAG REVIEW by Harry Warner, Jr. CFS Review: no.2, News about the Denvention; available only to members of the CFS. Address inquiries to 1258 Race Street, Denver, Colorado. FMS Digest: vol. 1, no. 1. At last the idea of a fan magazine digest has materialized. Condensed versions of about a dozen excellent recent fan mag features. 12 large, mimeoed-on-heavy-paper pages. Well worth a nickel tariff; 1426 W. 38th St, Los Angeles, California. The Damn Thing: vol. 1, no. 4, 20 lg, mimeoed pp; as usual, insulting lots of people. Featured is a 7 page story assertedly dictated by Thorne Smith at a seance. Assertedly, is right. A dime, 6475 Metropolitan Sta., Los Angeles, Cal. FAPA Mailing for March: very poor this time. 13 pieces, half of them microscopic, and 3 already published issues of subscription magazines. Some worthwhile stuff, though. For FAPA members only; address inquiries to M.A. Rothman, 1730 P, NW, Washington, D.C.
Hevelin Fanzines