Fantasy-News, v. 6 issue 14, whole no. 145, April 6, 1941
Page 3
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FANTASY-NEWS WEEKLY The last weekly in stf PAGE (3) ERISMAN AND AD (Continued from P. 1). . . . . . . . . . the stomach". Thus spake Robert G Erisman, one of Red Circle's editors, responsible for work on MARVEL STORIES and UNCANNY STORIES, in an advertisement for Bromos Seltzer in the pictorial section of the March 23 eiition of the New York Sunday News. Accompanying this statement is a picture of handsome Mr. Erisman seated behind "Betsy" his faithful old typewriter. Erisman has had stories in ARGOSY recently. (CR) FLASH as this page is being typed . . . . . . . . . . . We hear from good sources, that Glen F Wiggins, of the coming Denver Convention, nicknamed The DENVENTION, has stated that he will turn over to the next Convention Committee (1942) all money pull in from the Denvention after said Denvention's expenses have been paid. This paper wants to be the first to congratulate Wiggins and the Denvention Committee for this stand and hope that all future conventions do the same. It should have been done a long time ago. AGROSY in modern dress (from p. 1) . . . . . . . . . . oldest magazine of its type still being published. The present stf yarn in the magazine is THE DAWN-SEEKERS by Frederick C. Painton, a yarn that all stf fans will like. The small cut on page 1 of this paper will give you an idea what the new cover will look like. The new cover illustrates a story in the issue and will be changed every week. The same change is being made with DETECTIVE FICTION WEEKLY. WILLY LEY HAS FIRST BOOK PUBLISHED IN US. . . . . . . . . . . . A neat two page, mimeographed circular was mailed out last week announcing the publication of Willey Ley's first book in the U.S. Titled THE LUNGFISH AND THE UNICORN, 320 pages and illustrated with 26 line drawings by Willy Ley and others. The book is subtitled: An Excursion into Romantic Zoology, Sells for $2.75 and published by MODERN AGE BOOKS. Willy Ley is well known to stf fans for his articles and stories in various stf magazines. He is also a well liked member of the Queens Science Fiction League. FOR WEEKLY STF NEWS AT ITS BEST READ THE MAGAZINE THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST------FANTASY-NEWS 4th ANNIVERSARY ISSUE COSMIC TALES The Queen of Fan Fiction 10¢ a Copy 0 FRANK R. PAUL on the cover 0 THOS. S. GARDNER 0 WELL ILLUSTRATED 0 SHORT STORY by H. P. LOVECRAFT 0 SAM MOSKOWITZ's best fan story 0 16 PAGES 8 1/2" x 11" MIMEOGRAPHED JAMES V. TAURASI 137-07 32 Ave FLUSHING, NEW YORK
FANTASY-NEWS WEEKLY The last weekly in stf PAGE (3) ERISMAN AND AD (Continued from P. 1). . . . . . . . . . the stomach". Thus spake Robert G Erisman, one of Red Circle's editors, responsible for work on MARVEL STORIES and UNCANNY STORIES, in an advertisement for Bromos Seltzer in the pictorial section of the March 23 eiition of the New York Sunday News. Accompanying this statement is a picture of handsome Mr. Erisman seated behind "Betsy" his faithful old typewriter. Erisman has had stories in ARGOSY recently. (CR) FLASH as this page is being typed . . . . . . . . . . . We hear from good sources, that Glen F Wiggins, of the coming Denver Convention, nicknamed The DENVENTION, has stated that he will turn over to the next Convention Committee (1942) all money pull in from the Denvention after said Denvention's expenses have been paid. This paper wants to be the first to congratulate Wiggins and the Denvention Committee for this stand and hope that all future conventions do the same. It should have been done a long time ago. AGROSY in modern dress (from p. 1) . . . . . . . . . . oldest magazine of its type still being published. The present stf yarn in the magazine is THE DAWN-SEEKERS by Frederick C. Painton, a yarn that all stf fans will like. The small cut on page 1 of this paper will give you an idea what the new cover will look like. The new cover illustrates a story in the issue and will be changed every week. The same change is being made with DETECTIVE FICTION WEEKLY. WILLY LEY HAS FIRST BOOK PUBLISHED IN US. . . . . . . . . . . . A neat two page, mimeographed circular was mailed out last week announcing the publication of Willey Ley's first book in the U.S. Titled THE LUNGFISH AND THE UNICORN, 320 pages and illustrated with 26 line drawings by Willy Ley and others. The book is subtitled: An Excursion into Romantic Zoology, Sells for $2.75 and published by MODERN AGE BOOKS. Willy Ley is well known to stf fans for his articles and stories in various stf magazines. He is also a well liked member of the Queens Science Fiction League. FOR WEEKLY STF NEWS AT ITS BEST READ THE MAGAZINE THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST------FANTASY-NEWS 4th ANNIVERSARY ISSUE COSMIC TALES The Queen of Fan Fiction 10¢ a Copy 0 FRANK R. PAUL on the cover 0 THOS. S. GARDNER 0 WELL ILLUSTRATED 0 SHORT STORY by H. P. LOVECRAFT 0 SAM MOSKOWITZ's best fan story 0 16 PAGES 8 1/2" x 11" MIMEOGRAPHED JAMES V. TAURASI 137-07 32 Ave FLUSHING, NEW YORK
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