MFS Bulletin, v. 2, issue 2, November 1942
MFS Bulletin, Vol. 2, Number 2 Page 1
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MFS BULLETIN Volume Two -- MFS Publication --Number Two S.A. McElfresh, whose stf, fantasy and weird poetry Anthology is in active preparation, has received news from A. Merritt to the effect that he will try to have a poem in the Anthology. The poem would be original, and heretofore-unpublished, of course...Fans should write to McElfresh (317 Cedar St - Lexington, Kentucky) for compkete information. The second issue of Tycho also has an article explaining the purpose of, and preparation of, the anthology. The Chicago fanzine, Parsec is still in an embryonic stage due to Frank Robinson's inability to rope in a typewriter. We've also heard rumors to the effect that it won't be published at all. How about some definite statements, Mr Robinson? Pvt Rodman Allen has a new address now, youse guys, so take heed! He's situated at Camp Young, in California. Full address: Pvt Rodman Allen - 3rd Field Hospital, Camp Young - Indio, California. He announces that Camp Young is over 100 miles from the nearest community, and in the heart of the desert. 120 (degrees) in the shade is the average temperature, providing you can find any shade! Rod says that everything's OK, even if one doesn't know whether or not he'll wake up with a rattler coiled up in bed alongside him. He'd appreciate correspondance from any fans, and fanzines too, because it gets pretty lonely 'way out thar. He calls the MFS'ers' attention to the splendid likeness of Ginsburg in the tale "The Eager Dragon", in the Jan, '43 Weird Tales. This next MFS meeting (the date of which is still undecided) will probably be the last one attended by Phil Bronson -- more than likely for the duration. Phil leaves Hastings, where he is now staying, for LA the 30th of November. The Avon Book Publishers have come out with another of the "Murder Mystery Monthly" series, featuring Merritt's 'Burn, Witch, Burn!'. We thought the cuts and illustrations rather feeble, all-told. One would think they'd have sense enough to purchase the work of some artist already acquainted with the field, such as Finlay. The story is typical Merritt, in case you haben't read the recent FFM version, which means it is excellent. Note that appeared in the Baltimore (Maryland) Sun recently: "8 Maryland Musicians won honors at the National Composers Clinic at the University of Akron, Ohio, when their compositions were named among the outstanding entries in a nation-wide contest. Harry Warner, Jr won the honorary mention for his composition". However, the newspaper made no mention of the composition's title, or I'd mention it here. Come on, Harry - let us know what it is. No doubt it's on a weird or fantastic theme... Henry A. Ackerman
MFS BULLETIN Volume Two -- MFS Publication --Number Two S.A. McElfresh, whose stf, fantasy and weird poetry Anthology is in active preparation, has received news from A. Merritt to the effect that he will try to have a poem in the Anthology. The poem would be original, and heretofore-unpublished, of course...Fans should write to McElfresh (317 Cedar St - Lexington, Kentucky) for compkete information. The second issue of Tycho also has an article explaining the purpose of, and preparation of, the anthology. The Chicago fanzine, Parsec is still in an embryonic stage due to Frank Robinson's inability to rope in a typewriter. We've also heard rumors to the effect that it won't be published at all. How about some definite statements, Mr Robinson? Pvt Rodman Allen has a new address now, youse guys, so take heed! He's situated at Camp Young, in California. Full address: Pvt Rodman Allen - 3rd Field Hospital, Camp Young - Indio, California. He announces that Camp Young is over 100 miles from the nearest community, and in the heart of the desert. 120 (degrees) in the shade is the average temperature, providing you can find any shade! Rod says that everything's OK, even if one doesn't know whether or not he'll wake up with a rattler coiled up in bed alongside him. He'd appreciate correspondance from any fans, and fanzines too, because it gets pretty lonely 'way out thar. He calls the MFS'ers' attention to the splendid likeness of Ginsburg in the tale "The Eager Dragon", in the Jan, '43 Weird Tales. This next MFS meeting (the date of which is still undecided) will probably be the last one attended by Phil Bronson -- more than likely for the duration. Phil leaves Hastings, where he is now staying, for LA the 30th of November. The Avon Book Publishers have come out with another of the "Murder Mystery Monthly" series, featuring Merritt's 'Burn, Witch, Burn!'. We thought the cuts and illustrations rather feeble, all-told. One would think they'd have sense enough to purchase the work of some artist already acquainted with the field, such as Finlay. The story is typical Merritt, in case you haben't read the recent FFM version, which means it is excellent. Note that appeared in the Baltimore (Maryland) Sun recently: "8 Maryland Musicians won honors at the National Composers Clinic at the University of Akron, Ohio, when their compositions were named among the outstanding entries in a nation-wide contest. Harry Warner, Jr won the honorary mention for his composition". However, the newspaper made no mention of the composition's title, or I'd mention it here. Come on, Harry - let us know what it is. No doubt it's on a weird or fantastic theme... Henry A. Ackerman
Hevelin Fanzines