MFS Bulletin, v. 1, issue 6, October 1942
MFS Bulletin, Vol. 1, Number 6 Page 1
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MFS Bulletin .......................................................................................................... Volume One An MFS Publication Number Six .......................................................................................................... MFS TO Publish ENCYCLOPEDIA At the Michiconfence the MFS agreed to publish a dictionary of fan terms for the NFFF. Inasmuch as Dale Tarr and Jack Speer are already planning to compile a fan dictionary and a fan encyclopedia respectively, our project has been combine with these; Speer and Tarr will write the publications, with the MFS handling the duplication and final revision. Speer is planning a 50 to 100 page encyclopedia, so we may be sure that it will be a comprehensive and permanent work. Tarr's fan dictionary, which we hope to publish soon, is designed primarily to acquaint prospective fans with obscure fan terminology and various other factors about which they might be in doubt. It will be distributed to fantasy readers contacted by the NFFF Welcoming Committee. E. E. Evans is working on plans for financing these two publications. SDR. ________________________________________________ Next meeting: Friday, October 30th, at 3949 Yosemite Ave,, St. Louis Pk. ________________________________________________ The meeting of October 4th was held at the apartment of Fran Blomstrand, at 400 Pierce St., in St. Paul. Present were Russell, Fran Dickson, Gergen, Saari, Bronson, Osterlund, and Brackney. The gathering was entirely informal owing to the sparse attendance and the lack of a previously prepared program. Highlight of the meeting was the long distance phone-call placed to Jane Tucker in Bloomington, Ill. Everybody managed to get ina word of hello despite the fat that Brackney and Bronson hogged the phone. The idea originated with Gordy Dickson, who is still bemoaning the fact that he was unable to attend the Michiconference, having missed the Michigan-bound fans by only a few hours. The remainder of the evening was devoted to a heated fangab occupied mainly with the nomination of the all-time "punk story". Finally Ollie won out with his selection of "The Blue Beam of Pestilenoe" in an early Amazing. "Dark Eternity" ran a close second as the prize stinkeroo. After that the discussion of future plans for Fantasite prevailed. The next three issues and the 3nd Annish were hashed over, and from all indications the annish will definitely be something worth waiting for. After Fran served ice-cream and cookies, the gathering broke up at 12:15 a.m., and we all dashed madly for the nearest beer-joint. We split up at 1:00 a.m., but all arrived home intact. MB the meeting of October 15 was held at the famed Russell abode, and proved to be quire successfull. Present were SDR, Simak, Jacobi, Brack Osterlund, Gergen, Bronson, Saari, and Arden Benson. The majority were late in arriving, so the first portion of the evening was disposed of in gabbing. Later, the meeting was called to order and the NFFF fan dictionary was discussed. Correspondence from various fans was (Contd. on Page 2)
MFS Bulletin .......................................................................................................... Volume One An MFS Publication Number Six .......................................................................................................... MFS TO Publish ENCYCLOPEDIA At the Michiconfence the MFS agreed to publish a dictionary of fan terms for the NFFF. Inasmuch as Dale Tarr and Jack Speer are already planning to compile a fan dictionary and a fan encyclopedia respectively, our project has been combine with these; Speer and Tarr will write the publications, with the MFS handling the duplication and final revision. Speer is planning a 50 to 100 page encyclopedia, so we may be sure that it will be a comprehensive and permanent work. Tarr's fan dictionary, which we hope to publish soon, is designed primarily to acquaint prospective fans with obscure fan terminology and various other factors about which they might be in doubt. It will be distributed to fantasy readers contacted by the NFFF Welcoming Committee. E. E. Evans is working on plans for financing these two publications. SDR. ________________________________________________ Next meeting: Friday, October 30th, at 3949 Yosemite Ave,, St. Louis Pk. ________________________________________________ The meeting of October 4th was held at the apartment of Fran Blomstrand, at 400 Pierce St., in St. Paul. Present were Russell, Fran Dickson, Gergen, Saari, Bronson, Osterlund, and Brackney. The gathering was entirely informal owing to the sparse attendance and the lack of a previously prepared program. Highlight of the meeting was the long distance phone-call placed to Jane Tucker in Bloomington, Ill. Everybody managed to get ina word of hello despite the fat that Brackney and Bronson hogged the phone. The idea originated with Gordy Dickson, who is still bemoaning the fact that he was unable to attend the Michiconference, having missed the Michigan-bound fans by only a few hours. The remainder of the evening was devoted to a heated fangab occupied mainly with the nomination of the all-time "punk story". Finally Ollie won out with his selection of "The Blue Beam of Pestilenoe" in an early Amazing. "Dark Eternity" ran a close second as the prize stinkeroo. After that the discussion of future plans for Fantasite prevailed. The next three issues and the 3nd Annish were hashed over, and from all indications the annish will definitely be something worth waiting for. After Fran served ice-cream and cookies, the gathering broke up at 12:15 a.m., and we all dashed madly for the nearest beer-joint. We split up at 1:00 a.m., but all arrived home intact. MB the meeting of October 15 was held at the famed Russell abode, and proved to be quire successfull. Present were SDR, Simak, Jacobi, Brack Osterlund, Gergen, Bronson, Saari, and Arden Benson. The majority were late in arriving, so the first portion of the evening was disposed of in gabbing. Later, the meeting was called to order and the NFFF fan dictionary was discussed. Correspondence from various fans was (Contd. on Page 2)
Hevelin Fanzines