MFS Bulletin, v. 1, issue 6, October 1942
MFS Bulletin, Vol. 1, Number 6 Page 2
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Page Two .... MFS Bulletin (CLUBNOTES, [unclear, middle three letters unreadable] Contd. from Pge. 1) read, a weird story by Simak, "Renegade" was read aloud to the assembly, and Gergen suggested having membership cards made, with the provision that he have them done up gratis, each member paying a small fee for his card and thus neatly swelling the treasury. Cliff put this in the form of a motion, Bronson seconded, and it was carried.... Minor items were attended to, and the customary discussions were held during the remainder of the meeting. Mrs. Russell served another of her famous lunches, and the ensuing rush nearly cost the lives of several less burly members. The meeting was adjurned at 12:00 and Gergen, Brackney, Bronson, and Saari zipped to a (censored) for refreshments.. They all enjoyed rides home in the StrNash, of Michiconference fame ... NEXT MEETING: Friday, October 30th, at the home of Clifford D. Simak, 3949 Yosemite Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minn. Be there at 7:00, or after. It being the night before Hallo'een, various outre entertainments are likely to be provided. HOW TO GETTHERE: Take the "Excelsior" bus, which leaves the bus depot in downtown Mpls., travels south along Hennepin Avenue, turns west on Lake St., and goes out Excelsior Blvd. to St. Louis Park. Get off at Yosemite Avenue and walk one-half block north; Simak's house is on the right-hand side of the street. You will be duly greeted with a joyous bark from Squanchfoot. JOTTINGS Simak has sent out two new air-war stories, having already sold two, of which one, "A Bomb for No. 10 Downing", has already seen print in a Thrilling pub. In addition he's submitted a tale to Planet. "Earth Can't Take Chances" to Future (this will be doubtless returned since Future's next issue will be the last), and has a new story ready for Astounding. Carl Jacobi, who has a yarn coming up in Planet has just sold another story to the same magazine. This yarn was originally an adventure story laid in the South Pacific, but was re-written to take place in the swamps of Venus. Surprisingly enough it makes a pretty good tale, although if we remember correctly, Carl himself, in an article printed in an early Fantastic suggested that such revision wouldn't work. Saari is working hard at the "U", and at the present has little or no time for writing. PRB. PLATTER PATTER October 4 saw a resumption of recording activities with a few tests made at the Dollens home on some new glass records. These discs are fashioned of a glass base in the place of the customary metal. The first attempt resulted in a lot of slap-stick and a fake drinking bout, complete with the clinking of glasses. It was sent to the Tuckers, but fortunately broke on the way. Later tests resulted in "The March of Fandom", a makeshift Bronson script, which didn't sound too bad when recorded. Dollens--ever the artist--however wasn't satisfied with the results, so the second half was left undone until the recorder is again functioning perfectly. If and when "The March of Fandom" is completed it will undoubtedly be sent (inflicted) in the general direction of Bloomington. If at first you don't succeed, to hell with it, er, try, try again. Sorry.
Page Two .... MFS Bulletin (CLUBNOTES, [unclear, middle three letters unreadable] Contd. from Pge. 1) read, a weird story by Simak, "Renegade" was read aloud to the assembly, and Gergen suggested having membership cards made, with the provision that he have them done up gratis, each member paying a small fee for his card and thus neatly swelling the treasury. Cliff put this in the form of a motion, Bronson seconded, and it was carried.... Minor items were attended to, and the customary discussions were held during the remainder of the meeting. Mrs. Russell served another of her famous lunches, and the ensuing rush nearly cost the lives of several less burly members. The meeting was adjurned at 12:00 and Gergen, Brackney, Bronson, and Saari zipped to a (censored) for refreshments.. They all enjoyed rides home in the StrNash, of Michiconference fame ... NEXT MEETING: Friday, October 30th, at the home of Clifford D. Simak, 3949 Yosemite Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minn. Be there at 7:00, or after. It being the night before Hallo'een, various outre entertainments are likely to be provided. HOW TO GETTHERE: Take the "Excelsior" bus, which leaves the bus depot in downtown Mpls., travels south along Hennepin Avenue, turns west on Lake St., and goes out Excelsior Blvd. to St. Louis Park. Get off at Yosemite Avenue and walk one-half block north; Simak's house is on the right-hand side of the street. You will be duly greeted with a joyous bark from Squanchfoot. JOTTINGS Simak has sent out two new air-war stories, having already sold two, of which one, "A Bomb for No. 10 Downing", has already seen print in a Thrilling pub. In addition he's submitted a tale to Planet. "Earth Can't Take Chances" to Future (this will be doubtless returned since Future's next issue will be the last), and has a new story ready for Astounding. Carl Jacobi, who has a yarn coming up in Planet has just sold another story to the same magazine. This yarn was originally an adventure story laid in the South Pacific, but was re-written to take place in the swamps of Venus. Surprisingly enough it makes a pretty good tale, although if we remember correctly, Carl himself, in an article printed in an early Fantastic suggested that such revision wouldn't work. Saari is working hard at the "U", and at the present has little or no time for writing. PRB. PLATTER PATTER October 4 saw a resumption of recording activities with a few tests made at the Dollens home on some new glass records. These discs are fashioned of a glass base in the place of the customary metal. The first attempt resulted in a lot of slap-stick and a fake drinking bout, complete with the clinking of glasses. It was sent to the Tuckers, but fortunately broke on the way. Later tests resulted in "The March of Fandom", a makeshift Bronson script, which didn't sound too bad when recorded. Dollens--ever the artist--however wasn't satisfied with the results, so the second half was left undone until the recorder is again functioning perfectly. If and when "The March of Fandom" is completed it will undoubtedly be sent (inflicted) in the general direction of Bloomington. If at first you don't succeed, to hell with it, er, try, try again. Sorry.
Hevelin Fanzines