MFS Bulletin, v. 1, issue 6, October 1942
MFS Bulletin, Vol. 1, Number 6 Page 3
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MFS BULLETIN Page 3 THE MFS BULLETIN is a bi-weekly publication of the Minneapolis Fantasy Society. Editor: John L. Gergen, 221 Melbourne Avenue, S.E., Mpls., Minn., to whom all subscriptions, inquiries, ornewsnotes should be sent. ASSOCIATES: Phil Bronson, Sam Russell, Manson Brackney, Gordon Dickson. Subscription Rates: Three issues for ten cents, eight for 25[cents]. To all subscribers are offered free advertisments (subject to our approval), limited by three by three-and-one-half inches. Money for subscriptions may be remitted in the form of small denomination stamps or coin. Any news items of fan interest are welcome, and will be printed with a by-line for the reporter. Notice: we cannot accept any trade subscriptions with other fan publications. Fanotes By Phil Bronson From Janie Tucker comes the news that Walt Liehscher has been drafted. We're sorry he couldn't make it up to Minneapolis for a visit first, and wish him luck. Dean W. Boggs, drafted last July, has finally announced his address. Here it is: Pvt. D. W. Boggs, 359th Base Hg. & Air Base Sq. Army Air Base, Alamagoro, New Mexico. It seems he was stationed for a while at Jefferson Brks., Mo., about the time that John Chapman was there; in the same squadron, in fact, and neither of the two knew nothing about it! Dean announces that he is hopeful of obtaining a furlough by the first of the year, in which case he'll be around to the FS meetings for a while. Rod Allen, stationed at Camp Grant, Illinois, has as [illegible] officer John Carroll, the movie-actor. Strangely enough, Rod had always expressed a desire to meet Carroll before he even thought of being drafted, having long been one of his fans. Allen got a big kick out of the fact that Carroll, when exasperated, swears at the boys in French! Rod's address: Pvt. Rodman Allen, Co. B, 31st Med. Trg. Bn. 4th Platoon, Camp Grant, Illinois. Frank Robinson announces that the new Chicago fanzine "Parsec" should be out fairly soon, providing he is able to secure a typewriter in time. He has a two-year supply of stencils on hand, ink, lithoed covers for the first ish, and ten pages of material. Get busy you fan writers and send in some material or what have you, to Frank Robinson, 6636 S. Sacramento, Chicago, Illinois. We feel certain that this mag will be first class. One of the best of the new crop of fanzines is "The Acolyte", edited and published by Rimel and Laney of Clarkston, Wsshington. The second issue, which will be out in December, in new mimeographed format, will contain a good story by Rimel in the Dunsany manner, and an article by Laney on Lovecraft's mythology, which he has been working on for the past two years. Scheduled for a future issue will be an article by Sam Russell. Speaking of fanzines, the long awaited 2nd issue of "Tycho"will be out within the next three weeks. Twice the size of the first issue. with a hyper lithoed cover by Dollens, it will feature material by Donn Brazier, Joe Fortier, Bowen Conway, The Ghoul, D.W. Boggs, Russell, McElfresh, and Sheldon Araas, most recent addition to the MFS. You may recall his letter in a recent Astonishing! Address: 189 Arthur Ave., SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota. There is no truth to the rumor that Sam Russell is a shavetail in the Junior Commandos.....
MFS BULLETIN Page 3 THE MFS BULLETIN is a bi-weekly publication of the Minneapolis Fantasy Society. Editor: John L. Gergen, 221 Melbourne Avenue, S.E., Mpls., Minn., to whom all subscriptions, inquiries, ornewsnotes should be sent. ASSOCIATES: Phil Bronson, Sam Russell, Manson Brackney, Gordon Dickson. Subscription Rates: Three issues for ten cents, eight for 25[cents]. To all subscribers are offered free advertisments (subject to our approval), limited by three by three-and-one-half inches. Money for subscriptions may be remitted in the form of small denomination stamps or coin. Any news items of fan interest are welcome, and will be printed with a by-line for the reporter. Notice: we cannot accept any trade subscriptions with other fan publications. Fanotes By Phil Bronson From Janie Tucker comes the news that Walt Liehscher has been drafted. We're sorry he couldn't make it up to Minneapolis for a visit first, and wish him luck. Dean W. Boggs, drafted last July, has finally announced his address. Here it is: Pvt. D. W. Boggs, 359th Base Hg. & Air Base Sq. Army Air Base, Alamagoro, New Mexico. It seems he was stationed for a while at Jefferson Brks., Mo., about the time that John Chapman was there; in the same squadron, in fact, and neither of the two knew nothing about it! Dean announces that he is hopeful of obtaining a furlough by the first of the year, in which case he'll be around to the FS meetings for a while. Rod Allen, stationed at Camp Grant, Illinois, has as [illegible] officer John Carroll, the movie-actor. Strangely enough, Rod had always expressed a desire to meet Carroll before he even thought of being drafted, having long been one of his fans. Allen got a big kick out of the fact that Carroll, when exasperated, swears at the boys in French! Rod's address: Pvt. Rodman Allen, Co. B, 31st Med. Trg. Bn. 4th Platoon, Camp Grant, Illinois. Frank Robinson announces that the new Chicago fanzine "Parsec" should be out fairly soon, providing he is able to secure a typewriter in time. He has a two-year supply of stencils on hand, ink, lithoed covers for the first ish, and ten pages of material. Get busy you fan writers and send in some material or what have you, to Frank Robinson, 6636 S. Sacramento, Chicago, Illinois. We feel certain that this mag will be first class. One of the best of the new crop of fanzines is "The Acolyte", edited and published by Rimel and Laney of Clarkston, Wsshington. The second issue, which will be out in December, in new mimeographed format, will contain a good story by Rimel in the Dunsany manner, and an article by Laney on Lovecraft's mythology, which he has been working on for the past two years. Scheduled for a future issue will be an article by Sam Russell. Speaking of fanzines, the long awaited 2nd issue of "Tycho"will be out within the next three weeks. Twice the size of the first issue. with a hyper lithoed cover by Dollens, it will feature material by Donn Brazier, Joe Fortier, Bowen Conway, The Ghoul, D.W. Boggs, Russell, McElfresh, and Sheldon Araas, most recent addition to the MFS. You may recall his letter in a recent Astonishing! Address: 189 Arthur Ave., SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota. There is no truth to the rumor that Sam Russell is a shavetail in the Junior Commandos.....
Hevelin Fanzines