MFS Bulletin, v. 1, issue 6, October 1942
MFS Bulletin, Vol. 1, Number 6 Page 4
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Page 4 MFS Bulletin Fan [Senatelings?] Gordon Dickson Life on the MFS Front...........What well-known Director has been seen recently running at a good 7 mph clip? What well-known MFS member, a burly brute, shivers like jelly at the mere thought of finding himself in the middle of a dance floor? What blonde and extremely tall MFS'er finds thought of a lissome little female interfering with his EE homework? If you can answer these questions go on to the next. Certain people have hinted darkly that MFS member John Gergen writes storis under aliases for his own mag. The MFS cordially denies this and also wishes to point out that the short absence of two of its members had nothing to do with the unfortunate (?) kidnapping and ghoulish murder of Raymond Washington, Junior. Who has that candid photo of Manse imitating a newspaper editor? The writer of this column will pay a good price for it in the scientific effort to enlarge his collection of hideous photos of MFS members. What is the attraction that a certain burlycue has for some of our fans on our local mailroute? Notification: I know the middle name of one fan and the baby name of of another. If either of these jerks don't want these blights published, they may come across with suitable blackmail before the next issue of the Bulletin. Dealing will be strictly confidential.....line forms to the right, please. Notification to Tucker: Please forward a schedule of the hours when you will be out of the house, so that the MFS can make its long distance phone calls station-to-station instead of person-to-person. We are trying to cut down on the costs of long-distance 'phone calls in co-operation with the war-effort. One of our members - rather the misogynist type -- has been subjected to the demands of his parents who think he should find himself a female -- lucky guy! Notice to Janie Tucker: Manse wants to know if you believe in long engagements. Notice to the U.S. Mail: The MFS will not countenance the willful breakage of priceless recordings in the mail. Notice to MFS Members: anyone who hasn't contributed to the mag and expects any more free copies due to the generosity of our esteemed editor with the shadowy mustache kindly mail in their choice of weapons, since they will have to dual with both myself and The Brackney (Circulation Manager and Business Manager, respectively) since said copies are to be obtained over our dead bodies only. Question: whatever happened to Inner Sanctum Mysteries? Definite Notification: No former members of this club who have been absent for five meetings in succession are still on the club roster, and none will be able to rejoin immediately after the 2nd Anniversary issue of The Fantasite is issued unless they presented valid excuse and are voted in again by a quorum at a regular club meeting...This does not apply to loyal members like Sherm Schultz, and Charles Albertson and any other fellows who are absent because of illness or jobs. Pleasant dreams, fans... There is no truth to, the rumor that StfNash has been contributed to the scrap drive, although there may be truth to the rumor that Bronson's typewriter was seen sitting out on the curbing one night.....
Page 4 MFS Bulletin Fan [Senatelings?] Gordon Dickson Life on the MFS Front...........What well-known Director has been seen recently running at a good 7 mph clip? What well-known MFS member, a burly brute, shivers like jelly at the mere thought of finding himself in the middle of a dance floor? What blonde and extremely tall MFS'er finds thought of a lissome little female interfering with his EE homework? If you can answer these questions go on to the next. Certain people have hinted darkly that MFS member John Gergen writes storis under aliases for his own mag. The MFS cordially denies this and also wishes to point out that the short absence of two of its members had nothing to do with the unfortunate (?) kidnapping and ghoulish murder of Raymond Washington, Junior. Who has that candid photo of Manse imitating a newspaper editor? The writer of this column will pay a good price for it in the scientific effort to enlarge his collection of hideous photos of MFS members. What is the attraction that a certain burlycue has for some of our fans on our local mailroute? Notification: I know the middle name of one fan and the baby name of of another. If either of these jerks don't want these blights published, they may come across with suitable blackmail before the next issue of the Bulletin. Dealing will be strictly confidential.....line forms to the right, please. Notification to Tucker: Please forward a schedule of the hours when you will be out of the house, so that the MFS can make its long distance phone calls station-to-station instead of person-to-person. We are trying to cut down on the costs of long-distance 'phone calls in co-operation with the war-effort. One of our members - rather the misogynist type -- has been subjected to the demands of his parents who think he should find himself a female -- lucky guy! Notice to Janie Tucker: Manse wants to know if you believe in long engagements. Notice to the U.S. Mail: The MFS will not countenance the willful breakage of priceless recordings in the mail. Notice to MFS Members: anyone who hasn't contributed to the mag and expects any more free copies due to the generosity of our esteemed editor with the shadowy mustache kindly mail in their choice of weapons, since they will have to dual with both myself and The Brackney (Circulation Manager and Business Manager, respectively) since said copies are to be obtained over our dead bodies only. Question: whatever happened to Inner Sanctum Mysteries? Definite Notification: No former members of this club who have been absent for five meetings in succession are still on the club roster, and none will be able to rejoin immediately after the 2nd Anniversary issue of The Fantasite is issued unless they presented valid excuse and are voted in again by a quorum at a regular club meeting...This does not apply to loyal members like Sherm Schultz, and Charles Albertson and any other fellows who are absent because of illness or jobs. Pleasant dreams, fans... There is no truth to, the rumor that StfNash has been contributed to the scrap drive, although there may be truth to the rumor that Bronson's typewriter was seen sitting out on the curbing one night.....
Hevelin Fanzines