MFS Bulletin, v. 1, issue 6, October 1942
MFS Bulletin, Vol. 1, Number 6 Page 5
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MFS BULLETIN.....Page 5 JOTTINGS OF THE MICHICONFERENCE By Kanson Brackney Probably the last conference or convention for the duration of the war due to a shortage of gas and tires, and also a shortage of fans because of the draft which is striking fandom with ever-increasing rapidity, the Michiconference was a success; so much so that from any point of view of those attending, from a sciencefictional aspect or for all-around fun and fangabbing, the con could be termed success-plus. Many little incidents served both to highlight and sidelight the entire conference from beginning to end; in that there were so many of those sidelights that even a ten-thousand word account would not be sufficient to relate them all. I shall attempt to outline a few incidents for those who were so unfortunate as to be unable to attend. On the morning of September twenty-fifth, Phil Bronson, Sam Russell, Ollie Saari, and I set out for the Michiconference in Ollie's '35 Nash. What follows is an outline of the happenings at the conference. On the way to the Con, we Minnefans passed through the tiny town of Sauk City, Wisconsin, and remembered that August Derleth, the author of many weird and sciende-fiction stories, made his home there. After inquiring of the whereabouts of his home of a filling-station attendant and a farmerette, we found hi splace across from a graveyard (for atmosphere apparently) and entirely invisible from the road, as it was surrounded by trees and "No Trespassing" signs. The house itslef was of yellow stone and had, what to me was a unique feature for a home - a grass-thatched roof. "Auggie" wasn't home, however, and all we saw was a cat; presumably Darleth's. At Joliet, Illininois (Illinois) ((No correction fluid on//hand, people, but don't care, the mag's free this issue anyway!)) we met Walt Liebscher, whom Phil knew previously, having met him at the Denvention last year, and within five minutes we had partaken of his highballs, listened to his records, and looked at some of his books. Later on in the evening, Frank Robinson, Neil DeFack and Jane Tucker arrived, and we had a fangab of or own right there....over our highballs and beer. I was amazed at how quickly one can get to know a fan, for I had encountered only jerks from the MFS previously. From Joliet, the eight of us drove to Battle Creek, Michigan, that same night and barged in on Abby Lu and Al Ashley on the morning of the twenty-sixth. After Jane Tucker had brewed some delicious coffee, the fans, with the exception of Jane and Frank Robinson who waited to get some sleep, invaded the room of 'Ol Man Evans, Everett was not there at the time, but we made ourselves at home by reading his books, listening to his records, and looking over his originals, and mag collection. From there we went to downtown Jacjson, for shines and some beer, Ollie was nearly frantic when he found that there was no Minnesota beer available, but we finally settled for Sohlitz and Champagne Velvet. Then to Ashleys where we had some more coffee and rolls. After that, Frank, Ollie, Sam, Phil, Walt and I pored over a dilapidated copy of My Life and Loves, by Frank Harris. Thence to Jackson, where we registered at the Otsego Hotel. ((Read "Battle Creek" for Jackson in the ninth line down of the above paragraph. Silly, what 3/4???))
MFS BULLETIN.....Page 5 JOTTINGS OF THE MICHICONFERENCE By Kanson Brackney Probably the last conference or convention for the duration of the war due to a shortage of gas and tires, and also a shortage of fans because of the draft which is striking fandom with ever-increasing rapidity, the Michiconference was a success; so much so that from any point of view of those attending, from a sciencefictional aspect or for all-around fun and fangabbing, the con could be termed success-plus. Many little incidents served both to highlight and sidelight the entire conference from beginning to end; in that there were so many of those sidelights that even a ten-thousand word account would not be sufficient to relate them all. I shall attempt to outline a few incidents for those who were so unfortunate as to be unable to attend. On the morning of September twenty-fifth, Phil Bronson, Sam Russell, Ollie Saari, and I set out for the Michiconference in Ollie's '35 Nash. What follows is an outline of the happenings at the conference. On the way to the Con, we Minnefans passed through the tiny town of Sauk City, Wisconsin, and remembered that August Derleth, the author of many weird and sciende-fiction stories, made his home there. After inquiring of the whereabouts of his home of a filling-station attendant and a farmerette, we found hi splace across from a graveyard (for atmosphere apparently) and entirely invisible from the road, as it was surrounded by trees and "No Trespassing" signs. The house itslef was of yellow stone and had, what to me was a unique feature for a home - a grass-thatched roof. "Auggie" wasn't home, however, and all we saw was a cat; presumably Darleth's. At Joliet, Illininois (Illinois) ((No correction fluid on//hand, people, but don't care, the mag's free this issue anyway!)) we met Walt Liebscher, whom Phil knew previously, having met him at the Denvention last year, and within five minutes we had partaken of his highballs, listened to his records, and looked at some of his books. Later on in the evening, Frank Robinson, Neil DeFack and Jane Tucker arrived, and we had a fangab of or own right there....over our highballs and beer. I was amazed at how quickly one can get to know a fan, for I had encountered only jerks from the MFS previously. From Joliet, the eight of us drove to Battle Creek, Michigan, that same night and barged in on Abby Lu and Al Ashley on the morning of the twenty-sixth. After Jane Tucker had brewed some delicious coffee, the fans, with the exception of Jane and Frank Robinson who waited to get some sleep, invaded the room of 'Ol Man Evans, Everett was not there at the time, but we made ourselves at home by reading his books, listening to his records, and looking over his originals, and mag collection. From there we went to downtown Jacjson, for shines and some beer, Ollie was nearly frantic when he found that there was no Minnesota beer available, but we finally settled for Sohlitz and Champagne Velvet. Then to Ashleys where we had some more coffee and rolls. After that, Frank, Ollie, Sam, Phil, Walt and I pored over a dilapidated copy of My Life and Loves, by Frank Harris. Thence to Jackson, where we registered at the Otsego Hotel. ((Read "Battle Creek" for Jackson in the ninth line down of the above paragraph. Silly, what 3/4???))
Hevelin Fanzines