MFS Bulletin, v. 1, issue 6, October 1942
MFS Bulletin, Vol. 1, Number 6 Page 6
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IFS BULLETIN Page 6 Phil and I shared a room and were planning to take a shower and then go down and eat. We made so much noise, however, that within a few minutes Jack Wiedenbeck, '01 Man Evans, Frank Robinson, Jane Tucker, Sam Russell, Ollie Saari, Al Ashley, Walt Liebscher and several other had located us and were gathered in our room. Then someone lit upon the list of drinks of the hotel's bar, and within five minutes the bell-boy was there with a tray laden with refreshments. Saturday night was a series of fangabs and excursions which had best not be mentioned here. Phil and I thank Dorothy Tomkins for her assistance in rounding up a couple of dates. The Michiconference proper was held in the conference room of the hotel. EESmith, Harry Schmarje, Dabron Coger, CLaude Degler, Marvin Levene, Alan Becker, the Perry's, Terry Tomkins, Dick Kuhn,Mrs. E.E.Smith, and several others, besides the ones previously mentioned.. The first hour was spent exchanging autographs and recollections of the night before. After a minute speech by each of those present, the official business was transacted with the election of Bob Tucker as Co-Ordinator of the Mid-West Fantasy Fan Federation, and the inclusion of Iowa and Minnesota in the organisation. Then the movies, replete with teh customary wise-cracks, and the auction of the originals from FFM, Future, Amazing, etc.; conducted by double-talk by that auctioneer of auctioneers, Walt Lliebscher. One of the interesting features was the appearance of hte original for Ollieks latest story which is supposed to appear in the December Future. Needless to say, Ollie got it on his first bid which was ten cents. Sunday evening the fans were invited over to the home of the Tomkins' for cokes, eats and an infromal gabfest. Prizes were awarded to the fans with the best outlined plots for stories and for teh minute speeches which, we had to deliver earlier that morning. Really, you should see the plot that Doc Becker conceived to win first prize. I believe that it is going to appear in the next issue of Nova. The conversation ran from the book by Frank Harris to the relative merits of round haircuts to Frank Harris. Nearly two case of cokes were consumed bythe fans, as well as a substantial quantity of food. After the Conference, as we were in no hurry to get home right away, Ollie, Phil, Sam, Walt, and I decided to go down to Bloomington, Illinois and visit Bob Tucker who was not able to be at the Conference. Another factor in our decision was Janie's promise to fry up some of her special chicken if we did drop down. The afternoon was spent in poring over Bob's pornography, fanzines and through his mail. Then, after a fangab came the chicken with accessories, and Walt hadn't lied about Jane's cooking. After bidding adieu, we reluctantly left this land of sunny skies, fans, waving trees and golden-brown, crisp, delicious fried-chicken. There are some highlights of the conference which I forgot to mention such as: the title "The Shamrock Kid" that Phil Bronson redeived from a brilliant green beverage of the same name; the classic remark of Wiedenbeck's on Sunday morning; the two mishaps we had on the way home with beer and driving...and the evening in room 452 (Evan's room). Frank Robbinson's wotty sarcasms should be mentioned as should the games that Walt originated, the last of sleep, and various other weird things to numerous to mention. _______________________________ __Fantasite's a fouty rag, fouty rag, fouty rag---------------
IFS BULLETIN Page 6 Phil and I shared a room and were planning to take a shower and then go down and eat. We made so much noise, however, that within a few minutes Jack Wiedenbeck, '01 Man Evans, Frank Robinson, Jane Tucker, Sam Russell, Ollie Saari, Al Ashley, Walt Liebscher and several other had located us and were gathered in our room. Then someone lit upon the list of drinks of the hotel's bar, and within five minutes the bell-boy was there with a tray laden with refreshments. Saturday night was a series of fangabs and excursions which had best not be mentioned here. Phil and I thank Dorothy Tomkins for her assistance in rounding up a couple of dates. The Michiconference proper was held in the conference room of the hotel. EESmith, Harry Schmarje, Dabron Coger, CLaude Degler, Marvin Levene, Alan Becker, the Perry's, Terry Tomkins, Dick Kuhn,Mrs. E.E.Smith, and several others, besides the ones previously mentioned.. The first hour was spent exchanging autographs and recollections of the night before. After a minute speech by each of those present, the official business was transacted with the election of Bob Tucker as Co-Ordinator of the Mid-West Fantasy Fan Federation, and the inclusion of Iowa and Minnesota in the organisation. Then the movies, replete with teh customary wise-cracks, and the auction of the originals from FFM, Future, Amazing, etc.; conducted by double-talk by that auctioneer of auctioneers, Walt Lliebscher. One of the interesting features was the appearance of hte original for Ollieks latest story which is supposed to appear in the December Future. Needless to say, Ollie got it on his first bid which was ten cents. Sunday evening the fans were invited over to the home of the Tomkins' for cokes, eats and an infromal gabfest. Prizes were awarded to the fans with the best outlined plots for stories and for teh minute speeches which, we had to deliver earlier that morning. Really, you should see the plot that Doc Becker conceived to win first prize. I believe that it is going to appear in the next issue of Nova. The conversation ran from the book by Frank Harris to the relative merits of round haircuts to Frank Harris. Nearly two case of cokes were consumed bythe fans, as well as a substantial quantity of food. After the Conference, as we were in no hurry to get home right away, Ollie, Phil, Sam, Walt, and I decided to go down to Bloomington, Illinois and visit Bob Tucker who was not able to be at the Conference. Another factor in our decision was Janie's promise to fry up some of her special chicken if we did drop down. The afternoon was spent in poring over Bob's pornography, fanzines and through his mail. Then, after a fangab came the chicken with accessories, and Walt hadn't lied about Jane's cooking. After bidding adieu, we reluctantly left this land of sunny skies, fans, waving trees and golden-brown, crisp, delicious fried-chicken. There are some highlights of the conference which I forgot to mention such as: the title "The Shamrock Kid" that Phil Bronson redeived from a brilliant green beverage of the same name; the classic remark of Wiedenbeck's on Sunday morning; the two mishaps we had on the way home with beer and driving...and the evening in room 452 (Evan's room). Frank Robbinson's wotty sarcasms should be mentioned as should the games that Walt originated, the last of sleep, and various other weird things to numerous to mention. _______________________________ __Fantasite's a fouty rag, fouty rag, fouty rag---------------
Hevelin Fanzines