Lethe, whole no. 5, January 1947
Page 13
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"Kay-Mar" Carlson 1028 3rd Ave. S. Moorhead, Minn. say thusly: "Its been a long time since I wrote to you to thank you for a swell LETHE, but at last I am going to let you know that I enjoyed No. 4. So many good stories were in it. Tigrina does nice work on the story "All Work and No Clay". It ended different than most stories of that type. Was glad to see that Redd Boggs is active. ((I think the poor joker just received his discharge no too long ago.)) He is a former resident of Moorhead, Minn. and is now in Mpls. He wrote to me and joined the NFFF. The Darkening Path was real good. He has good expressions, and holds the interest of the reader. Lets have more of his stuff in Lethe. Its a change for the better. ((I'd like some more of his stuff for Lethe too; he has promised a story, but somehow a lot of stories by fans never quite get on paper, hope his does)). A short humor story in each issue would be welcome too. Sending you some cash for more LETHE." ((Ghood Ghu the man wants a life sub, he enclosed 30c!!!)) Boff Perry 68 Madbury Rd Durham NH. writes in a form letter: "Jack; Nope no Lethe #3 yet. Please send. Did you get CYGNI #5? I hope. Lethe #4 very good. Cover very purty. About as good a color mimeo job as I've ever seen. Gad. Tigrina is by far, far the best. Your humorous stuff seems to be tops. Yer doing very well. Z. Schramm: As WelCom member I talked her into joining N3F and now I notice that she signed the GGFS anti-NFFF diatribe. Oh goody, comes a change of administration. Vote for Boff! ((I did)). Pseudo-Letter Section amusing. Ever Read Tucker's "British" letter in an old Wonder? ((Nope, but I'll bet twas funny)). Andy Lyon 200 Williamsboro St. Oxford, N.C. comments are being cut short as I see the bottome of the page is in site. "...Front cover was very good. Haven't gotten up enough nerve to try a colored cover. Tigrina's article fo ring the bell failed. Which shoes how backward I am. The writing and characterization were okay but the ending fell flat on its snout. A Superstitious Man was undoubtedly good, but ancient plot. However, the atmosphere was very realistic. The best piece by far was Liebscher's contribution. Bogg's piece was fiar to middlin'. Correction: I got more laughs out of the letters, so this section gets first place. Looking forward to next issue. ((so am I. Never know whether there will be one or not. I can't write everything))." Charles Lucas 118 W. 7th St. Bridgeport, Pa. says in a personal letter to me. "I attended the Queen's Science Fiction League Meeting not long ago. Campbell was supposed to be Guest Speaker but didn't show up. His associate editor, Jerome Stanton gave a nice talk, tho'. He also hinted that if enough letters are sent there might be a possiblity of reviving UNKNOWN. So a word to the wise. ((wise up fellows, send 'em a letter pronto; Ghod what a magazine!!!! Best ever...ed)) ((I am badly in need of a [underlined] mint copy of the June 1943 issue of UNKNOWN WORLDS to complete my set. Seventy-five cents is offered)) Riggs [centered] page thirteen
"Kay-Mar" Carlson 1028 3rd Ave. S. Moorhead, Minn. say thusly: "Its been a long time since I wrote to you to thank you for a swell LETHE, but at last I am going to let you know that I enjoyed No. 4. So many good stories were in it. Tigrina does nice work on the story "All Work and No Clay". It ended different than most stories of that type. Was glad to see that Redd Boggs is active. ((I think the poor joker just received his discharge no too long ago.)) He is a former resident of Moorhead, Minn. and is now in Mpls. He wrote to me and joined the NFFF. The Darkening Path was real good. He has good expressions, and holds the interest of the reader. Lets have more of his stuff in Lethe. Its a change for the better. ((I'd like some more of his stuff for Lethe too; he has promised a story, but somehow a lot of stories by fans never quite get on paper, hope his does)). A short humor story in each issue would be welcome too. Sending you some cash for more LETHE." ((Ghood Ghu the man wants a life sub, he enclosed 30c!!!)) Boff Perry 68 Madbury Rd Durham NH. writes in a form letter: "Jack; Nope no Lethe #3 yet. Please send. Did you get CYGNI #5? I hope. Lethe #4 very good. Cover very purty. About as good a color mimeo job as I've ever seen. Gad. Tigrina is by far, far the best. Your humorous stuff seems to be tops. Yer doing very well. Z. Schramm: As WelCom member I talked her into joining N3F and now I notice that she signed the GGFS anti-NFFF diatribe. Oh goody, comes a change of administration. Vote for Boff! ((I did)). Pseudo-Letter Section amusing. Ever Read Tucker's "British" letter in an old Wonder? ((Nope, but I'll bet twas funny)). Andy Lyon 200 Williamsboro St. Oxford, N.C. comments are being cut short as I see the bottome of the page is in site. "...Front cover was very good. Haven't gotten up enough nerve to try a colored cover. Tigrina's article fo ring the bell failed. Which shoes how backward I am. The writing and characterization were okay but the ending fell flat on its snout. A Superstitious Man was undoubtedly good, but ancient plot. However, the atmosphere was very realistic. The best piece by far was Liebscher's contribution. Bogg's piece was fiar to middlin'. Correction: I got more laughs out of the letters, so this section gets first place. Looking forward to next issue. ((so am I. Never know whether there will be one or not. I can't write everything))." Charles Lucas 118 W. 7th St. Bridgeport, Pa. says in a personal letter to me. "I attended the Queen's Science Fiction League Meeting not long ago. Campbell was supposed to be Guest Speaker but didn't show up. His associate editor, Jerome Stanton gave a nice talk, tho'. He also hinted that if enough letters are sent there might be a possiblity of reviving UNKNOWN. So a word to the wise. ((wise up fellows, send 'em a letter pronto; Ghod what a magazine!!!! Best ever...ed)) ((I am badly in need of a [underlined] mint copy of the June 1943 issue of UNKNOWN WORLDS to complete my set. Seventy-five cents is offered)) Riggs [centered] page thirteen
Hevelin Fanzines