Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 2, April 1939
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IN-VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION: [[underline]]Ellay Esseffell Pubs[[end underline]]. Apr 39 To: U Everyotown Manyaland 1 copy VOM 10c We recently rcvd a letr from "Doc" Lowndes--rathr, co-ed Morojo did--in which he askt "Did U kno that it is th 2nd wk in April? & that th 2nd iss. of 'Voic of th Imaginatn' has not yet appeard. Pleas don't tel me that it, too, must wandr among th lonely outr places. (Remarkabl, isn't it, how dreary and tirsom orthodox speling becomes aftr even a brief acquaitanc with simplifid.)" We emfaticly ansr Yes! to qs #s 1, 2 & 4; as for 3, we don't think VOM would find it lonely any longr in th "outr places" of finisht fanmags, what with TTT-SFD-FANTASY, [[underline]]atom[[end underline]], 10, a few of th slu--that preceedd. Howevr, we hav no intentn of discontinueng th quartrly publicatn of th VOICE. Even tho circumstances compel a litl dlayd apearance, we go by th old adaj "Betr late than not on time"... Incidently, [[underline]]Madge[[end underline]] (whom U may remember is now receiveng her corespondence c/o th Midway P.O. at Purga-Tory, Limboland) takes unholy dlite in th whol-heartd, or shoud we say [[underline]]headd[[end underline]], acceptance of simplifyd speling & nonstoparagratng! by th fan field's fecognized literator, Robert Lowndes, who, in an editorial in th 21st ishu of his wkly, [[underline]]Le Vombiteur[[end underline]], states "Recently it was our good forun to xamin in their entirety th complet titles of 'Imagination' & we were most favorably imprest by their setup. So much so, that we have decided to adopt their methd of paragrafng &, following their leadrship, a rationl simplificatn of spellng." [[underline]]Je suis enchantee, Robaire, mon adore[[end underline]]! brethes Madge brethlesly, in her fer' best 2d-yr hi-skule French... '[S'amazing how many people will submit material for consideration at [[underline]]Ic for 20 words[[end underline]] (our payment policy). After the posthumous publication of our requirements & space-rates in the New Yr No. of the Author & Journalist we were down rite deluged with mss. But mostly metaphysical mss--stuff on the psychic side--nothing we coud use. Storys, poetry, jingles, cartoons, kept coming in & coming in, & we'd have to shoot 'em strate back, recommending the writers send for a sample "madge" to acquaint themselves with kind of contributions needed for our further pubs. Had we any idea of the amount of material we were to receive--& so [[underline]]much[[end underline]] came from amrryd women hither-thither-&yither--& that this was to continue for a couple mos., we should have kept some sort of record of it All to amuse or appall U. So far, from approx'ly a quarter hundred queeriositys (25), we have made [[underline]]1[[end underline]] purchase: 11 words (from a woman!), for wich we were not stingy, but payd the full penny (inasmuch as it was over the 1/2c stamp we coud have sent). (Please turn the pg---[[underline]]please[[end underline]]!)
IN-VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION: [[underline]]Ellay Esseffell Pubs[[end underline]]. Apr 39 To: U Everyotown Manyaland 1 copy VOM 10c We recently rcvd a letr from "Doc" Lowndes--rathr, co-ed Morojo did--in which he askt "Did U kno that it is th 2nd wk in April? & that th 2nd iss. of 'Voic of th Imaginatn' has not yet appeard. Pleas don't tel me that it, too, must wandr among th lonely outr places. (Remarkabl, isn't it, how dreary and tirsom orthodox speling becomes aftr even a brief acquaitanc with simplifid.)" We emfaticly ansr Yes! to qs #s 1, 2 & 4; as for 3, we don't think VOM would find it lonely any longr in th "outr places" of finisht fanmags, what with TTT-SFD-FANTASY, [[underline]]atom[[end underline]], 10, a few of th slu--that preceedd. Howevr, we hav no intentn of discontinueng th quartrly publicatn of th VOICE. Even tho circumstances compel a litl dlayd apearance, we go by th old adaj "Betr late than not on time"... Incidently, [[underline]]Madge[[end underline]] (whom U may remember is now receiveng her corespondence c/o th Midway P.O. at Purga-Tory, Limboland) takes unholy dlite in th whol-heartd, or shoud we say [[underline]]headd[[end underline]], acceptance of simplifyd speling & nonstoparagratng! by th fan field's fecognized literator, Robert Lowndes, who, in an editorial in th 21st ishu of his wkly, [[underline]]Le Vombiteur[[end underline]], states "Recently it was our good forun to xamin in their entirety th complet titles of 'Imagination' & we were most favorably imprest by their setup. So much so, that we have decided to adopt their methd of paragrafng &, following their leadrship, a rationl simplificatn of spellng." [[underline]]Je suis enchantee, Robaire, mon adore[[end underline]]! brethes Madge brethlesly, in her fer' best 2d-yr hi-skule French... '[S'amazing how many people will submit material for consideration at [[underline]]Ic for 20 words[[end underline]] (our payment policy). After the posthumous publication of our requirements & space-rates in the New Yr No. of the Author & Journalist we were down rite deluged with mss. But mostly metaphysical mss--stuff on the psychic side--nothing we coud use. Storys, poetry, jingles, cartoons, kept coming in & coming in, & we'd have to shoot 'em strate back, recommending the writers send for a sample "madge" to acquaint themselves with kind of contributions needed for our further pubs. Had we any idea of the amount of material we were to receive--& so [[underline]]much[[end underline]] came from amrryd women hither-thither-&yither--& that this was to continue for a couple mos., we should have kept some sort of record of it All to amuse or appall U. So far, from approx'ly a quarter hundred queeriositys (25), we have made [[underline]]1[[end underline]] purchase: 11 words (from a woman!), for wich we were not stingy, but payd the full penny (inasmuch as it was over the 1/2c stamp we coud have sent). (Please turn the pg---[[underline]]please[[end underline]]!)
Hevelin Fanzines