Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 2, April 1939
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[[signature]] Gertrude H[[illegible]] - [[underline]]the Dimpled Darling, in her utterly individual, "fascinauseating" fashion, reprimands us[[end underline]]: "Dear Peebulis--I is hurt - deeply so - grieved - your puns on my nomdeplume are a little too thick - speshly that last envelope - '[Fuehrer.' After all -- enuf can be too much - and anything giving the slightest hint of Nazi and Hitler-ism is like waving a red flag before a bull (not Ferdinand) -- In other words - resent the whole thing - & if the nonsense won't stop, I'll have to ask you to refund the few pennie's worth I have yet with you and forget that I have ever any interests in common mid youse. ~~ Rec'd the Madj Prize Mss mimeos and liked the coocoo Jabberwork of Francy Featherstone. ~~ Rec'd also the Hollerbocken Comes Back. Enjoyed that - but better still the packpage - FFFF by Art Barnes. Just to durn without ambish to write out the complete title -- so it might well be mistaken for "fee fie fo fum'. ~~ Felt I shud aknolej the 2 mss - but I'm really peeved about the name. cut it out - & I'll be glad to keep in touch with you kids." ([[underline]]Having recently seen your pic, Trudy, we hastily change the offending "Fuehrer" to "Furere"--dat's what does dimples raised wid do local gentry[[end underline]]!) [[underline]]Representative of a raft of such inquirys revd is this from an E.M.MARSHALL of Hamdon/Ct[[end underline]]: "Gentlemen: I have just read a notice that you are interested in obtaining stories of unusual happenings. I have had two very queer things befall me recently that I would like to write up in not more than 1000 words, I think. One was a warning of death and the other was concerning an operation on a beloved niece, both psychic manifestations. If interested, I'd like a copy of your magazine for study so that I may slant my copy correctly." ([[underline]]We recommended he slant his copy in the opposite of our direction[[end underline]].) [[signature]]N. Gilbert Dancy [[underline]] of 123[[end underline]] [[underline]]Lancaster St, Albany/NY[[end underline]] "Up to several [[underline]] of 123[[end underline]] monthes ago I was just another zombie mildly touched in the head by that strange disease that doctors diagnose as fantasticitus. How,however,I am obsessed with collectionitus and, with foaming mouth and contorted features I'm doing my best to try and build up a 1/2 way decent fan collection. ~~ Seriously, though, Mr. A. Glasser had the kindness to send me a copy of the Jan. 'Madge'.-Congratulations on the way you spell all those words----the whole staff deserves praise for adopting(temporairally at least) this 'speech of the future' (?)" [[signature]]J Harry Haggard[?] [[underline]]author of "Evolution Satellite" &c, from San Fernando Calif says[[end underline]]: Dear Sirs:---Have just perused the Voice From The Past. I have noted the words 'Expires' written on cover. Was that the ghost's last gasp and my subscription passing out at the same time? ~~ After all the commotion aroused in its wake I should think you'd do a Reincarnation Number. And others after that. ~~ If you decide to do it, please let me know and I'll send subscription immediately." [[underline]]DICK WILSON, who publishes that popular wkly U always find reviewd so completely in Fantasy[[end underline]](-)[[underline]]News[[end underline]] (sample review: Published thsi weke,,,SFN-L Volumn X Number.), [[underline]]novaciously typs in green-&-brown from the home of the [[end underline]] Science Fiction News Letter, [[underline]]86-10 -- 117th St, Richmond Hill NY[[end underline]]: "The Assemblers, Voice of the Imagi-Nation Bx 6475, HetStaLACal: 'Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!' to ever so lightly paraphrase the Reverend Mr Dodgson; for, in truth, have I not more over which to chortle in joy than had the jabber--[[underline]]J[[end underline]]abberwock-slayer's exuberant pappy? For Madge, great lady, Is back from the shady & undoubtlessly gloom- y tomb.
[[signature]] Gertrude H[[illegible]] - [[underline]]the Dimpled Darling, in her utterly individual, "fascinauseating" fashion, reprimands us[[end underline]]: "Dear Peebulis--I is hurt - deeply so - grieved - your puns on my nomdeplume are a little too thick - speshly that last envelope - '[Fuehrer.' After all -- enuf can be too much - and anything giving the slightest hint of Nazi and Hitler-ism is like waving a red flag before a bull (not Ferdinand) -- In other words - resent the whole thing - & if the nonsense won't stop, I'll have to ask you to refund the few pennie's worth I have yet with you and forget that I have ever any interests in common mid youse. ~~ Rec'd the Madj Prize Mss mimeos and liked the coocoo Jabberwork of Francy Featherstone. ~~ Rec'd also the Hollerbocken Comes Back. Enjoyed that - but better still the packpage - FFFF by Art Barnes. Just to durn without ambish to write out the complete title -- so it might well be mistaken for "fee fie fo fum'. ~~ Felt I shud aknolej the 2 mss - but I'm really peeved about the name. cut it out - & I'll be glad to keep in touch with you kids." ([[underline]]Having recently seen your pic, Trudy, we hastily change the offending "Fuehrer" to "Furere"--dat's what does dimples raised wid do local gentry[[end underline]]!) [[underline]]Representative of a raft of such inquirys revd is this from an E.M.MARSHALL of Hamdon/Ct[[end underline]]: "Gentlemen: I have just read a notice that you are interested in obtaining stories of unusual happenings. I have had two very queer things befall me recently that I would like to write up in not more than 1000 words, I think. One was a warning of death and the other was concerning an operation on a beloved niece, both psychic manifestations. If interested, I'd like a copy of your magazine for study so that I may slant my copy correctly." ([[underline]]We recommended he slant his copy in the opposite of our direction[[end underline]].) [[signature]]N. Gilbert Dancy [[underline]] of 123[[end underline]] [[underline]]Lancaster St, Albany/NY[[end underline]] "Up to several [[underline]] of 123[[end underline]] monthes ago I was just another zombie mildly touched in the head by that strange disease that doctors diagnose as fantasticitus. How,however,I am obsessed with collectionitus and, with foaming mouth and contorted features I'm doing my best to try and build up a 1/2 way decent fan collection. ~~ Seriously, though, Mr. A. Glasser had the kindness to send me a copy of the Jan. 'Madge'.-Congratulations on the way you spell all those words----the whole staff deserves praise for adopting(temporairally at least) this 'speech of the future' (?)" [[signature]]J Harry Haggard[?] [[underline]]author of "Evolution Satellite" &c, from San Fernando Calif says[[end underline]]: Dear Sirs:---Have just perused the Voice From The Past. I have noted the words 'Expires' written on cover. Was that the ghost's last gasp and my subscription passing out at the same time? ~~ After all the commotion aroused in its wake I should think you'd do a Reincarnation Number. And others after that. ~~ If you decide to do it, please let me know and I'll send subscription immediately." [[underline]]DICK WILSON, who publishes that popular wkly U always find reviewd so completely in Fantasy[[end underline]](-)[[underline]]News[[end underline]] (sample review: Published thsi weke,,,SFN-L Volumn X Number.), [[underline]]novaciously typs in green-&-brown from the home of the [[end underline]] Science Fiction News Letter, [[underline]]86-10 -- 117th St, Richmond Hill NY[[end underline]]: "The Assemblers, Voice of the Imagi-Nation Bx 6475, HetStaLACal: 'Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!' to ever so lightly paraphrase the Reverend Mr Dodgson; for, in truth, have I not more over which to chortle in joy than had the jabber--[[underline]]J[[end underline]]abberwock-slayer's exuberant pappy? For Madge, great lady, Is back from the shady & undoubtlessly gloom- y tomb.
Hevelin Fanzines