Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 2, April 1939
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3 VOICE OF MADGE The spirit is willing, but the poetics are weak. Nor is truth to be found there in gobs, since tisn't Madge that's returned, but only the best part of, now, are we going to flippantly allude to The Voice--to call it "Madge' would indeed be sacrilege. ?. (U woud flippantly allude to the Voice of Her Ladyship?! U forget yourself, sir! Y, Madge is deep purple with the mist of a, is deep purple from a fall over a sleepy garden, uh, oh, hell--heaven can wait! Skip it.) By all means! Ofcourse! Oh, definitely--definitely must you go on with The Voice. On & on. With bigger & better editions--monthly, then bi-monthly--20 pages, then 40...until Federal Man Forry gets another job, whereupon The Fall of the House of ! will take place all over again (one fears). (4e has got another job--in private industry--with a major oil co.--as a statistician. Russ Hodgkins--call him "RH"--too has alterd occupations, bidding adieu to banking & breaking into, typographical error: housing. & "Hollerbochen" has gone to work!) Daw & I are independently annoyed at you for using 'Forward' in the place of 'Foreword', once in The Hyberian Age and now in VoM--or have you an intention? Stoobad Ellay Esseffell's round-robin had to be suppressed...F. Tyrone Pohl (soon to be known as Mr Leslie Perfi?), Cyril Kornbluth & I are spasmodically engaged in the same sort of thing--it's written in spurts in the back of Nell's subscription book (was begun long months ago in a Chinatown Chop Suey dive), and is without doubt an epic of the spaceways. Woudl LA Enterprises be intristd in the finished product? If my colaborators object, you may have my portions, which I'll withdraw bodily from the whole...without much damage to it. (We feel we shoud make some witty response to this magnanimous offer but no brilliant repartee leaps to our torpid tongue as alas we simply sit here without inspiration & chew at a hangnail wich only makes our teeth rusty) I have read in D. Nell Wilson's News Letter that you are running another of your fantasticontents (no dout meaning contests, Dick?); I enclose herewith one (1) ms., entitled, ever so wittily: 'Young Dr Morden, or, A Man to Forget'. My contribution to the kitty: The Macmillan novel, 'The Kingdom in the Sky,' by Alice Brown, value $2.50; The Mayfair edition reprint of Gaston Leroux's 'The New Terror,' value 25¢; & a 12-issue subscriptino to The Science Fiction New Letter, value 50¢; total value: $3.25. (All these are fantastic in nature, ofc.)" [printed signature] John A. Bristol [/printed signature] of 5134 Conduit Rd, Wn/DC, bristols (ew, pew, who let that dea cheese in here?!): "Fah! I feel awful this bright and sunny morning. Yesterday was payday, and last night - I don't rightly recollect. But whatever time it was that I got in, 'Voice of the Imagi-Nation' was there on the table, and I believe I read some of it before I fell asleep. Be that as it may, I have read it from cover to cover by now, and forward herewith 10¢ in accordance with the hint you inclosed. Why all the fanfare on my entrance into your pages? Are new subscribers that scarce? (Nasty jibe.) Speer and I are'divvying' on fan magazine subscriptions, and he is the one who is supposed to get all the Los Angeles productions. Whatever you do, don't issue a magazine in 'Bakerian'! You have to read a whole sentence of that language before you can make out any of the words. Some of the handwritings I have to contend with in my work are like that, but no one tries to do a whole magazine in them. If you stick to your regular abbreviated spelling, it will suit me. 'Jack (Fonepole) Speer' is just too clever. I think that 'F.' stands for 'Foolishness.'" "FONEPOLE(WHO SAID CAT?) SPEER", 1812 R NW, Wn/DC: "VOM (and I don't mean Vombi)-- This time o' year things are a bit slow in the dear old Public Buildings Branch, so I should be able to dash off a letter of Hiskean proportions for darling Madge, who is no more than a Voice now, tho my own Woodstock's in
3 VOICE OF MADGE The spirit is willing, but the poetics are weak. Nor is truth to be found there in gobs, since tisn't Madge that's returned, but only the best part of, now, are we going to flippantly allude to The Voice--to call it "Madge' would indeed be sacrilege. ?. (U woud flippantly allude to the Voice of Her Ladyship?! U forget yourself, sir! Y, Madge is deep purple with the mist of a, is deep purple from a fall over a sleepy garden, uh, oh, hell--heaven can wait! Skip it.) By all means! Ofcourse! Oh, definitely--definitely must you go on with The Voice. On & on. With bigger & better editions--monthly, then bi-monthly--20 pages, then 40...until Federal Man Forry gets another job, whereupon The Fall of the House of ! will take place all over again (one fears). (4e has got another job--in private industry--with a major oil co.--as a statistician. Russ Hodgkins--call him "RH"--too has alterd occupations, bidding adieu to banking & breaking into, typographical error: housing. & "Hollerbochen" has gone to work!) Daw & I are independently annoyed at you for using 'Forward' in the place of 'Foreword', once in The Hyberian Age and now in VoM--or have you an intention? Stoobad Ellay Esseffell's round-robin had to be suppressed...F. Tyrone Pohl (soon to be known as Mr Leslie Perfi?), Cyril Kornbluth & I are spasmodically engaged in the same sort of thing--it's written in spurts in the back of Nell's subscription book (was begun long months ago in a Chinatown Chop Suey dive), and is without doubt an epic of the spaceways. Woudl LA Enterprises be intristd in the finished product? If my colaborators object, you may have my portions, which I'll withdraw bodily from the whole...without much damage to it. (We feel we shoud make some witty response to this magnanimous offer but no brilliant repartee leaps to our torpid tongue as alas we simply sit here without inspiration & chew at a hangnail wich only makes our teeth rusty) I have read in D. Nell Wilson's News Letter that you are running another of your fantasticontents (no dout meaning contests, Dick?); I enclose herewith one (1) ms., entitled, ever so wittily: 'Young Dr Morden, or, A Man to Forget'. My contribution to the kitty: The Macmillan novel, 'The Kingdom in the Sky,' by Alice Brown, value $2.50; The Mayfair edition reprint of Gaston Leroux's 'The New Terror,' value 25¢; & a 12-issue subscriptino to The Science Fiction New Letter, value 50¢; total value: $3.25. (All these are fantastic in nature, ofc.)" [printed signature] John A. Bristol [/printed signature] of 5134 Conduit Rd, Wn/DC, bristols (ew, pew, who let that dea cheese in here?!): "Fah! I feel awful this bright and sunny morning. Yesterday was payday, and last night - I don't rightly recollect. But whatever time it was that I got in, 'Voice of the Imagi-Nation' was there on the table, and I believe I read some of it before I fell asleep. Be that as it may, I have read it from cover to cover by now, and forward herewith 10¢ in accordance with the hint you inclosed. Why all the fanfare on my entrance into your pages? Are new subscribers that scarce? (Nasty jibe.) Speer and I are'divvying' on fan magazine subscriptions, and he is the one who is supposed to get all the Los Angeles productions. Whatever you do, don't issue a magazine in 'Bakerian'! You have to read a whole sentence of that language before you can make out any of the words. Some of the handwritings I have to contend with in my work are like that, but no one tries to do a whole magazine in them. If you stick to your regular abbreviated spelling, it will suit me. 'Jack (Fonepole) Speer' is just too clever. I think that 'F.' stands for 'Foolishness.'" "FONEPOLE(WHO SAID CAT?) SPEER", 1812 R NW, Wn/DC: "VOM (and I don't mean Vombi)-- This time o' year things are a bit slow in the dear old Public Buildings Branch, so I should be able to dash off a letter of Hiskean proportions for darling Madge, who is no more than a Voice now, tho my own Woodstock's in
Hevelin Fanzines