Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 2, April 1939
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4 the hands of some Yankee thief. ~~ Inasmuch as it is referred to as taking the place of, among others, The Forum, I presume that no holds are barred. Censor me if I'm wrong. ~~ X (ten thousand) pardonoj, Mirta Forsto! I've found an LA Arcade Annex IOP card saying 'Yes' in pen and in red pencil, so evidently yourn, with Unique, in my stack of un-commented-upon pubs. I thot I had pulled it out of the same wrapper Unique came in, and evidently intended to make some comment pon it in writing Russ Leadabrand re Unique. I didn't get around to it, tho, before that Thanksgiving trip (trip? How did U trip? It was our understanding U were in an auto when U tangled with the Connecticutelefonepole) to Yankeeland, so the card was still there, forgotten by me, when I pulled all the others out of my letter file to tabulate the returns...The IPO is one thing that I have been absolutely honest on--not that I am dishonest on any great number of other things, of course.....~~ We must have A Tale which Hath No Title! Are the Angels Yellow? (The Esperanticalifornians r green, the radiCals (!) r red. & various Angelenos in common with everyone at differentimes r blue; but YELO! --when U say that, pardner, smile til it Hearsts!!) Why do you keep using Forward for Foreword? That doesn't look like even good Ackermanese to me. (I am utrly at a loss to Ack-splain it &. confidentialy, I stand corrected.) ~~~~ Harvey paints an awe-inspiring vision. Suppose we should someday be as humorous as Elks or Kiwis? Then us old-timers could lean back, close our eyes, and tell the new generation of the days when the Torch was carried by no more than 50 devotees.... ~~ ~~ Word or two on hyour recently issued trio. Both The Voyage of the Keuralgia and Art Barnes' thingus ver ' good. Specially liked 'fled for the preservation of his immortal soul. As for Louis Bremmer: Why should fans sacrifice all their fun to get together? What's the compensation?~~ My references' are rather circumstantial, and if you don't think my deductions from them are justified, I'm sorry. I apologize, etc. But here they are: In a letter to me, Michel said the battle against Fascism and barbarism is being carried on on many fronts; that their front is the science fiction front. Michelism, then, is part of a larger movement. What larger movement aims at getting peple interested in and talking about Fascism, Communism, etc? None! We are far behind the world there. The movement he apparently refers to is the set of popular front blinds for the Communist Party, which the Communists, I believe, will readily acknowledge. Vin Dick Wilson Johnny also says of course he'd like all fans to become Communists, but that doesn't mean they take their orders from the Comintern, which I have never maintained. I do claim that their objective is to make fans into Communists, and they will be satisfied with nothing else. As for Lowndes' defection, I refer you to the closing paragraph or so of his 'Better Case Against Michelism'. It is stated quite clearly. Evidently he changed his mind when Lovi came into his life.~~ Yes, the Michelists have stated their program on several occasions. The trouble is that they, like H G Wells, changed their policies as time wore on. In that ill-starred Novae Terrae article, Ben stated bluntly that the Michelists believe their aims can best be achieved through--a thousand pardons--through the Communist International. Later, in Tomorrow, he says they had to relax that decree somewhat because few fans were 'advanced' enough to see that Communism is the Only Way. Meanwhile, Michel said their object was one thing and Lowndes said it was quite another. In view of this wide divergence of opinion within their own ranks, one islet to feel that, despite their claims, they are not the one group in stf that knows where they are going. By repeating in his editorial for the second Startling Stories the purpose for s-f suggested by Campbell to the Conference, Eando Binder lent support to that as being the recognized purpose of science fiction, so Michelism is left out in the cold. It was foolish to believe that we could say what stf should be. The only thing we control is fandom. I rather like your line about sub-specialties in fandom. Much more reasonable than the self-righteous ultimatum of the Michelists. I presume that in referring to future fusion of the CPASF and LASFL at Leventworth.
4 the hands of some Yankee thief. ~~ Inasmuch as it is referred to as taking the place of, among others, The Forum, I presume that no holds are barred. Censor me if I'm wrong. ~~ X (ten thousand) pardonoj, Mirta Forsto! I've found an LA Arcade Annex IOP card saying 'Yes' in pen and in red pencil, so evidently yourn, with Unique, in my stack of un-commented-upon pubs. I thot I had pulled it out of the same wrapper Unique came in, and evidently intended to make some comment pon it in writing Russ Leadabrand re Unique. I didn't get around to it, tho, before that Thanksgiving trip (trip? How did U trip? It was our understanding U were in an auto when U tangled with the Connecticutelefonepole) to Yankeeland, so the card was still there, forgotten by me, when I pulled all the others out of my letter file to tabulate the returns...The IPO is one thing that I have been absolutely honest on--not that I am dishonest on any great number of other things, of course.....~~ We must have A Tale which Hath No Title! Are the Angels Yellow? (The Esperanticalifornians r green, the radiCals (!) r red. & various Angelenos in common with everyone at differentimes r blue; but YELO! --when U say that, pardner, smile til it Hearsts!!) Why do you keep using Forward for Foreword? That doesn't look like even good Ackermanese to me. (I am utrly at a loss to Ack-splain it &. confidentialy, I stand corrected.) ~~~~ Harvey paints an awe-inspiring vision. Suppose we should someday be as humorous as Elks or Kiwis? Then us old-timers could lean back, close our eyes, and tell the new generation of the days when the Torch was carried by no more than 50 devotees.... ~~ ~~ Word or two on hyour recently issued trio. Both The Voyage of the Keuralgia and Art Barnes' thingus ver ' good. Specially liked 'fled for the preservation of his immortal soul. As for Louis Bremmer: Why should fans sacrifice all their fun to get together? What's the compensation?~~ My references' are rather circumstantial, and if you don't think my deductions from them are justified, I'm sorry. I apologize, etc. But here they are: In a letter to me, Michel said the battle against Fascism and barbarism is being carried on on many fronts; that their front is the science fiction front. Michelism, then, is part of a larger movement. What larger movement aims at getting peple interested in and talking about Fascism, Communism, etc? None! We are far behind the world there. The movement he apparently refers to is the set of popular front blinds for the Communist Party, which the Communists, I believe, will readily acknowledge. Vin Dick Wilson Johnny also says of course he'd like all fans to become Communists, but that doesn't mean they take their orders from the Comintern, which I have never maintained. I do claim that their objective is to make fans into Communists, and they will be satisfied with nothing else. As for Lowndes' defection, I refer you to the closing paragraph or so of his 'Better Case Against Michelism'. It is stated quite clearly. Evidently he changed his mind when Lovi came into his life.~~ Yes, the Michelists have stated their program on several occasions. The trouble is that they, like H G Wells, changed their policies as time wore on. In that ill-starred Novae Terrae article, Ben stated bluntly that the Michelists believe their aims can best be achieved through--a thousand pardons--through the Communist International. Later, in Tomorrow, he says they had to relax that decree somewhat because few fans were 'advanced' enough to see that Communism is the Only Way. Meanwhile, Michel said their object was one thing and Lowndes said it was quite another. In view of this wide divergence of opinion within their own ranks, one islet to feel that, despite their claims, they are not the one group in stf that knows where they are going. By repeating in his editorial for the second Startling Stories the purpose for s-f suggested by Campbell to the Conference, Eando Binder lent support to that as being the recognized purpose of science fiction, so Michelism is left out in the cold. It was foolish to believe that we could say what stf should be. The only thing we control is fandom. I rather like your line about sub-specialties in fandom. Much more reasonable than the self-righteous ultimatum of the Michelists. I presume that in referring to future fusion of the CPASF and LASFL at Leventworth.
Hevelin Fanzines