Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 2, April 1939
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6 sound. Were his logic to be used basically, it would mean that any mis-use would be correct were enough people to use it. According to Speer then, Frankenstein is the monster which destroyed its creator, and not the man who made a monster. Juffus has confused the slow evolution of terms from mis-use into acceptance, which often takes place, with a case of direct substitution of meanings. An hundred hears from now, if the term michelism were still to be currently misconstrued, it might be acceptable to define it as he does, but for such evolution to take place in a single year is quite out of the question. You have answered this point admirably yourself, Mirta Forsto; it is nothing more than ignorance, stubborness, and wilful distortion. As for Michel's admitting the object of the movement is Communism (which admission he may have made) so sorry to disillusion you, Jackie, but Michel's admission, supported by the CPASF amd associated Michelists means nothing. Michel did not invent or originate what we term Michelism. As I have explained before, the movement was named after him because of his admirable coup at a strategic moment which crystallized forces long in existance and awaiting crystalization. ~~ So, I salute you, fellow-michelists of IMAGINATION. You are as much of a vanguard of the future as we Communists^ are. Even as we must (to a certain extent) live apart with our visions, the while we strive to do our part in leading the great working-class to a new and basically stf world, you likewise anchorite yourself with Esperanto. (^ substitution ~~for Communists in line 2 paragraph two above, please read Communi-Michelists.) ~~ Scientifisincerely, " More from the (delitefully) Mad Maiden of Shikago/Ill-Annoy: "Dear Whispering Hope -- 'Whispering' cause a woise akraws the cont. to purty much far distance 'tween Chi & La -- 'hope' cause I hopes yu hav sum mawr woices. (Faith an' with th' luck o' th' Irish we'll Bryn ye Mawr, girly!) it's be nice - me like motch. Yah! -- After following that maze of loops and bloops, wich you tell us is the signature of jwcambelljr, I come to and wonder even yet, is it possible? Does peepuls purposely take up the study of writing an undecipherable signature--ifso, why (4 underscores) ? Being a steno-sec'y, you may understand my prejudised viewpoint on hyroglifik names. -- (Hey! just spotted the Scoop corner! Gimme, send me -- I wants Forry Ack's Sabina of the White Cylinder. Anythin' dedicated to Joe Hatch is wuth having. Yes, I, too, was one of his many good friends.) -- Now for this Campbell feller's idea on a 1/4ly or some such -- 'tisn't a bad thot - offen you folkes doesn't mind. At any rate, I feel there should be, if at all possible, an occasional publication of Madge in some form, just that we fans can keep in touch with one another, particularly ussens in Chi, as I understand there is no sfl in this yar town -- not enuf pepuls, I reckon. -- My moi mi miiii! - Such a surprises to see Fritz Leiber Jr. a Madge man! Dear, dear -- and I remember him from hi skule daze. Jolly, now I don't feel such an orphan. Hope fljr stays with sf fiction. (Leiber, late of Los Angeles, has passt within the portals of the great UNKNOWN & will appear there with a historical novel that Lovecraft praised & which Kuttner declares out-Conan's the Howard here himself! Young Fritz also rcvd an acceptance from Farnsworth Wright. Watch for his work!) --Gosh - oh golly! -fyobbins ackes! So glad U translated that Yssrb note - typescript or whatever 'twas. -- Luke!--NYC--world stf convention--when, how long, how much, what doing? Tell me!!! (We did, directly.) --Jahaggard haza gude thot -- a mag with reports frum each leeg section -- if league sections or chapters can be had post, vouching as to my actual being, in the flesh, and not an idea born in Editor Wright's mind. And I still resents bein' call Corty! (16--by actual count--underscorings.) And that goes for Gert, too! -- I must pause to regain composure. ----Several Days Later -- And so we mull over the reamaining pgs, to enjoy the punny spelling of Elmer Duepor. I thuppothe if the 'b' key of my typer went kapoot on me, I wude be thubthituting a lithp. --Vell, ve iss zinzerely hoping that V. of the
6 sound. Were his logic to be used basically, it would mean that any mis-use would be correct were enough people to use it. According to Speer then, Frankenstein is the monster which destroyed its creator, and not the man who made a monster. Juffus has confused the slow evolution of terms from mis-use into acceptance, which often takes place, with a case of direct substitution of meanings. An hundred hears from now, if the term michelism were still to be currently misconstrued, it might be acceptable to define it as he does, but for such evolution to take place in a single year is quite out of the question. You have answered this point admirably yourself, Mirta Forsto; it is nothing more than ignorance, stubborness, and wilful distortion. As for Michel's admitting the object of the movement is Communism (which admission he may have made) so sorry to disillusion you, Jackie, but Michel's admission, supported by the CPASF amd associated Michelists means nothing. Michel did not invent or originate what we term Michelism. As I have explained before, the movement was named after him because of his admirable coup at a strategic moment which crystallized forces long in existance and awaiting crystalization. ~~ So, I salute you, fellow-michelists of IMAGINATION. You are as much of a vanguard of the future as we Communists^ are. Even as we must (to a certain extent) live apart with our visions, the while we strive to do our part in leading the great working-class to a new and basically stf world, you likewise anchorite yourself with Esperanto. (^ substitution ~~for Communists in line 2 paragraph two above, please read Communi-Michelists.) ~~ Scientifisincerely, " More from the (delitefully) Mad Maiden of Shikago/Ill-Annoy: "Dear Whispering Hope -- 'Whispering' cause a woise akraws the cont. to purty much far distance 'tween Chi & La -- 'hope' cause I hopes yu hav sum mawr woices. (Faith an' with th' luck o' th' Irish we'll Bryn ye Mawr, girly!) it's be nice - me like motch. Yah! -- After following that maze of loops and bloops, wich you tell us is the signature of jwcambelljr, I come to and wonder even yet, is it possible? Does peepuls purposely take up the study of writing an undecipherable signature--ifso, why (4 underscores) ? Being a steno-sec'y, you may understand my prejudised viewpoint on hyroglifik names. -- (Hey! just spotted the Scoop corner! Gimme, send me -- I wants Forry Ack's Sabina of the White Cylinder. Anythin' dedicated to Joe Hatch is wuth having. Yes, I, too, was one of his many good friends.) -- Now for this Campbell feller's idea on a 1/4ly or some such -- 'tisn't a bad thot - offen you folkes doesn't mind. At any rate, I feel there should be, if at all possible, an occasional publication of Madge in some form, just that we fans can keep in touch with one another, particularly ussens in Chi, as I understand there is no sfl in this yar town -- not enuf pepuls, I reckon. -- My moi mi miiii! - Such a surprises to see Fritz Leiber Jr. a Madge man! Dear, dear -- and I remember him from hi skule daze. Jolly, now I don't feel such an orphan. Hope fljr stays with sf fiction. (Leiber, late of Los Angeles, has passt within the portals of the great UNKNOWN & will appear there with a historical novel that Lovecraft praised & which Kuttner declares out-Conan's the Howard here himself! Young Fritz also rcvd an acceptance from Farnsworth Wright. Watch for his work!) --Gosh - oh golly! -fyobbins ackes! So glad U translated that Yssrb note - typescript or whatever 'twas. -- Luke!--NYC--world stf convention--when, how long, how much, what doing? Tell me!!! (We did, directly.) --Jahaggard haza gude thot -- a mag with reports frum each leeg section -- if league sections or chapters can be had post, vouching as to my actual being, in the flesh, and not an idea born in Editor Wright's mind. And I still resents bein' call Corty! (16--by actual count--underscorings.) And that goes for Gert, too! -- I must pause to regain composure. ----Several Days Later -- And so we mull over the reamaining pgs, to enjoy the punny spelling of Elmer Duepor. I thuppothe if the 'b' key of my typer went kapoot on me, I wude be thubthituting a lithp. --Vell, ve iss zinzerely hoping that V. of the
Hevelin Fanzines