Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 2, April 1939
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VOM 7 will become a more or less permanent idea. It is pleasing - it contains humor - it keeps me in touch wid odder dopes like me. So we will be lukin for fewchur ishews. ~~ Auf wiederschreiben." From "Louis, a Foo is, Kuslan", 170 Wn Av, W Haven Ct, a postal comment: "I've just received Voice of the Imagi-Nation! and thot very highly of it. I really would like to see VIN come out quarterly." We revd an office index card with a 1c stamp affixt so as to b used as a postcard, with this inquiry from an unknown Angeleño named George Keefer "What the heck is the voice of Madge?" We replyd (his adres was given) "Who the heck RU? & Where in eck Did U meet Madge?" (this message being workt up into a too-too cute design.) U see, no one in the club knew the inquirer or anything about him--or so the insist, to this day. After a short delay we revd a reply to the effect that he (GK) had been directed our way by LA Ry (Los Angeles Railways) & upon receipt of further info was willing to join, sub or "in other words", he ended, "what have you?" (Unfortunately we cannot quote verbatim as the Club Fiend seems to have stolen this correspondence from our files.) Oyes, & he said something about being anxious to "soar & score"... we sent him a sample back number & peptalk about the Club, whereat, being sane, praps, he pestered us no more. & so we close what is calld, in the Annals of the Ellay Essoffell, "The Kurious Keefer Kase". SPEER: "VOM-- Re: Letter of last week Strike Eando Binder, (us, as who woudnt harm a hootnanny!), insert John Taino, in paragraph re purpose of sf." HARRY WARNER JR, a fan to b reckond with, who edits Spacovays the Superlative, a fanmag that's Tops, adrest Madge's Maestro from 311 Bryan Pl, Hagerstown Md: "Dear J, Voice of the IMAGI-NATION received: many thanks. IMAGI-NATION a big surprise, coming as it did completely unheralded, except for the line or two in NELL a little while back. So glad to see the old girl revived, and I'm a-hopin' that she will stay with us for a while again. Of course, it's problematical whether or not you can put out a magazine with nothing but letters, since theprevious attempt or two to do it failed. But you never can tel . . .And at least all of the letters in this issue are well worth reading, even though all are expressions of sympathy. Perdue's is magnificently put, though you might have added to the effect to stylusing (stylussing?) a black border around the three lines. If any part of this is printed, I wish you'd be sure to include the following: I want to take this means of acknowledging receipt of a card from Gerty, thus proving once and for all that she's not a phantasy phigure phan. (Gerty will crown U with a crown of neutronium for calling her Gerty! U gotta b careful how U refer to Ger--er, Trudy...gosh! I almost said Gerty! 'Scuse it, Gert. --Maggie) I haven't her address, so there's no other means of letting her know I got it. Of course, I'm assuming that there will be another voI. At any rate, hope you can continue. Mimeoing, especially the cover, is well-nigh perfect. Please don't print any more letters like the one from Baker, though, or I'll go entirely beserk. I thought that, when I had finally mastered Ackermanese, I was all prepared for any simplified spelling that might ever appear . . .but now I wonder!... And thanks for the IMAGI-NIK-NAX article, too. Of course, I'lluse it,... I'm even going to tempt the fates by using your left-hand heading, and non-stoparagraphing, making the first time that an article in SPACEWAYS hasn't been published under the centered heading. You should feel complimented! (No dout
VOM 7 will become a more or less permanent idea. It is pleasing - it contains humor - it keeps me in touch wid odder dopes like me. So we will be lukin for fewchur ishews. ~~ Auf wiederschreiben." From "Louis, a Foo is, Kuslan", 170 Wn Av, W Haven Ct, a postal comment: "I've just received Voice of the Imagi-Nation! and thot very highly of it. I really would like to see VIN come out quarterly." We revd an office index card with a 1c stamp affixt so as to b used as a postcard, with this inquiry from an unknown Angeleño named George Keefer "What the heck is the voice of Madge?" We replyd (his adres was given) "Who the heck RU? & Where in eck Did U meet Madge?" (this message being workt up into a too-too cute design.) U see, no one in the club knew the inquirer or anything about him--or so the insist, to this day. After a short delay we revd a reply to the effect that he (GK) had been directed our way by LA Ry (Los Angeles Railways) & upon receipt of further info was willing to join, sub or "in other words", he ended, "what have you?" (Unfortunately we cannot quote verbatim as the Club Fiend seems to have stolen this correspondence from our files.) Oyes, & he said something about being anxious to "soar & score"... we sent him a sample back number & peptalk about the Club, whereat, being sane, praps, he pestered us no more. & so we close what is calld, in the Annals of the Ellay Essoffell, "The Kurious Keefer Kase". SPEER: "VOM-- Re: Letter of last week Strike Eando Binder, (us, as who woudnt harm a hootnanny!), insert John Taino, in paragraph re purpose of sf." HARRY WARNER JR, a fan to b reckond with, who edits Spacovays the Superlative, a fanmag that's Tops, adrest Madge's Maestro from 311 Bryan Pl, Hagerstown Md: "Dear J, Voice of the IMAGI-NATION received: many thanks. IMAGI-NATION a big surprise, coming as it did completely unheralded, except for the line or two in NELL a little while back. So glad to see the old girl revived, and I'm a-hopin' that she will stay with us for a while again. Of course, it's problematical whether or not you can put out a magazine with nothing but letters, since theprevious attempt or two to do it failed. But you never can tel . . .And at least all of the letters in this issue are well worth reading, even though all are expressions of sympathy. Perdue's is magnificently put, though you might have added to the effect to stylusing (stylussing?) a black border around the three lines. If any part of this is printed, I wish you'd be sure to include the following: I want to take this means of acknowledging receipt of a card from Gerty, thus proving once and for all that she's not a phantasy phigure phan. (Gerty will crown U with a crown of neutronium for calling her Gerty! U gotta b careful how U refer to Ger--er, Trudy...gosh! I almost said Gerty! 'Scuse it, Gert. --Maggie) I haven't her address, so there's no other means of letting her know I got it. Of course, I'm assuming that there will be another voI. At any rate, hope you can continue. Mimeoing, especially the cover, is well-nigh perfect. Please don't print any more letters like the one from Baker, though, or I'll go entirely beserk. I thought that, when I had finally mastered Ackermanese, I was all prepared for any simplified spelling that might ever appear . . .but now I wonder!... And thanks for the IMAGI-NIK-NAX article, too. Of course, I'lluse it,... I'm even going to tempt the fates by using your left-hand heading, and non-stoparagraphing, making the first time that an article in SPACEWAYS hasn't been published under the centered heading. You should feel complimented! (No dout
Hevelin Fanzines