Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 2, April 1939
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8 4e does for I know--like me! — selected Spaceways as his favorite fan mag in the IPQ Poll. — -Although I don't think he intended I should publish the preceding portion of your letter; no doubt you soon'll be reading about the mayhem of —Morojo) — Gis la reskribe!" Ted Carnell--creator of New Worlds (the S-FA organ), from 17 Burwash Rd., Plumstead, London, SE18, England, lets loose a letter of lafter: "Murder di dios. Dat dame's back again. Madge shows her pretty unwashed knees with a lapful of good letters. Y'know, there's something Mighty interesting in a fan-mag just crammed fulla letters. Kinda got a different slant on folks—without the trouble of having to write 'em to find it out. Alas and alack-ey, my 14 hats are in the dust at Elmer Perdue's feet. From the numerous personal hook-ups commenting upon that forced piece of fool-osofy entitled 'Fans Panned' he's the only one to openly admit gittin' riled, and then realising that that was just what I was after. He s also correct in stating that the final stanza was a let-down after all the preceeding treacle. I realised that I'd gone even a trifle wild for fandom. Consequently, I had to do an abrupt about face and take the sting out of the tale. So I cut the original ending, and substituted the published stanza. I fancy that article, as it stood, may have cost me a few votes—tho I guess that doesn't matter so much; as the vast amount of interest derived from the comp as as a whole. Foe Speer, postaling me upon receipt of that yarn ("World without Time"), a surprise serial which Ted added to Ellay Esseffell's $ for the winner of MADGE'S PRIZE MSS contest) stated '... anyway, anyway, I voted for you (as if that let's him out), sorry shan't be able to cross swords with you again soon... (evidently that telegraph post had the best of the argument).. Well, Madge, if Kenchap and I can turn NEW WORLDS out half so well dressed as you've been done, we'll be satisfied. We're both petitioning for bankruptcy on the strength of it. ~~ 'Bye," CARROLL WYMACK. Frisco, Cal. in one of her usual brief notes says: '"Your paper came and enjoyed the story Forry wrote in his 17th year. There was an original thought there & a good ending. Also believe like Charles Hornig, as the scientifictionist grows older his problems of the way to make a living & taking care of his family, if he has one, draws him away more & more from Science Fiction. Ed Repp--the local oldtimer who recently has returned to the field with a vengeance, dropped us a postcard from Van Nuys in response to the invite to attend a specific SFL nite & bring his bosom buddy Bradnor Buckner. I reckon I can persuade Brad 2 accompany me 2 the Club shindig Feb 22, but dont figure on either of us making a speech because Brad is deaf, dumb and blind and I ain't no better off. All we can do is sit strait and look silly, and blush at any boquets, or duck any brickbats all of which I deserve more than praise. Like to meet Mort Weisinger -and all the boys and gals, assuming there are gals. But I'm afraid my wife will be along, so that's out. So count on me and Brad and my better half to be there if death, sickness, disease, or Republic Studios doesn't make a last minute claim on us. Thanks for the invite and best wishes like always. PS: If women ain't invited, let me know pronto and I'll come just with 'Brad'. REPP, accompanied by his recently born alter-ego & wife (only the former being recently born, of course-- or, er, uh, are we running into an interpretation we didn't foresee? No offense meant, naturally, Mrs Repp), was interviewed by a large attendance &, in the Hollywood manner, autographed members' mags containing his stories. A contest, based on titles of his stories, was presented, the Science Wonders contining his famous serial "The Radium Pool" being won as prize by Walt Dougherty. RRepp voiced his reactions to "Son of. Frankenstein". which he had just seen, the nite before at the time. & which opinions have since been printed in Amazing; revealed that he gets many ideas from American Weekly, & only writes a story once; & was the wonder of
8 4e does for I know--like me! — selected Spaceways as his favorite fan mag in the IPQ Poll. — -Although I don't think he intended I should publish the preceding portion of your letter; no doubt you soon'll be reading about the mayhem of —Morojo) — Gis la reskribe!" Ted Carnell--creator of New Worlds (the S-FA organ), from 17 Burwash Rd., Plumstead, London, SE18, England, lets loose a letter of lafter: "Murder di dios. Dat dame's back again. Madge shows her pretty unwashed knees with a lapful of good letters. Y'know, there's something Mighty interesting in a fan-mag just crammed fulla letters. Kinda got a different slant on folks—without the trouble of having to write 'em to find it out. Alas and alack-ey, my 14 hats are in the dust at Elmer Perdue's feet. From the numerous personal hook-ups commenting upon that forced piece of fool-osofy entitled 'Fans Panned' he's the only one to openly admit gittin' riled, and then realising that that was just what I was after. He s also correct in stating that the final stanza was a let-down after all the preceeding treacle. I realised that I'd gone even a trifle wild for fandom. Consequently, I had to do an abrupt about face and take the sting out of the tale. So I cut the original ending, and substituted the published stanza. I fancy that article, as it stood, may have cost me a few votes—tho I guess that doesn't matter so much; as the vast amount of interest derived from the comp as as a whole. Foe Speer, postaling me upon receipt of that yarn ("World without Time"), a surprise serial which Ted added to Ellay Esseffell's $ for the winner of MADGE'S PRIZE MSS contest) stated '... anyway, anyway, I voted for you (as if that let's him out), sorry shan't be able to cross swords with you again soon... (evidently that telegraph post had the best of the argument).. Well, Madge, if Kenchap and I can turn NEW WORLDS out half so well dressed as you've been done, we'll be satisfied. We're both petitioning for bankruptcy on the strength of it. ~~ 'Bye," CARROLL WYMACK. Frisco, Cal. in one of her usual brief notes says: '"Your paper came and enjoyed the story Forry wrote in his 17th year. There was an original thought there & a good ending. Also believe like Charles Hornig, as the scientifictionist grows older his problems of the way to make a living & taking care of his family, if he has one, draws him away more & more from Science Fiction. Ed Repp--the local oldtimer who recently has returned to the field with a vengeance, dropped us a postcard from Van Nuys in response to the invite to attend a specific SFL nite & bring his bosom buddy Bradnor Buckner. I reckon I can persuade Brad 2 accompany me 2 the Club shindig Feb 22, but dont figure on either of us making a speech because Brad is deaf, dumb and blind and I ain't no better off. All we can do is sit strait and look silly, and blush at any boquets, or duck any brickbats all of which I deserve more than praise. Like to meet Mort Weisinger -and all the boys and gals, assuming there are gals. But I'm afraid my wife will be along, so that's out. So count on me and Brad and my better half to be there if death, sickness, disease, or Republic Studios doesn't make a last minute claim on us. Thanks for the invite and best wishes like always. PS: If women ain't invited, let me know pronto and I'll come just with 'Brad'. REPP, accompanied by his recently born alter-ego & wife (only the former being recently born, of course-- or, er, uh, are we running into an interpretation we didn't foresee? No offense meant, naturally, Mrs Repp), was interviewed by a large attendance &, in the Hollywood manner, autographed members' mags containing his stories. A contest, based on titles of his stories, was presented, the Science Wonders contining his famous serial "The Radium Pool" being won as prize by Walt Dougherty. RRepp voiced his reactions to "Son of. Frankenstein". which he had just seen, the nite before at the time. & which opinions have since been printed in Amazing; revealed that he gets many ideas from American Weekly, & only writes a story once; & was the wonder of
Hevelin Fanzines