Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 2, April 1939
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SCIENTI-SNAPS (April Fool) IX Olsen & Ackerman who declare he has not aged a day since they last saw him--a decade ago! We hear from a new fan, Sam Moskowitz, of 603S11, Newark, NJ: "I've finally dug up a dime for the post-humous 'Voice of Imagi-nation." Say, have you fellows turned out those prize-winning essays yet? I'd particularly like to read Speer's 'After 1939—What?" The subject is certainly intriguing. Not that I haven't been wondering myself. ~~ Well, You'll find the 10 cent dime enclosed -and I'd like to see 'Voice of Imagi-nation' soon 'which item was practically the only thing I really liked in the old "Madge", the rest merely produced headaches from direct arid indirect sources." & NOW—gives it 'EPHLESS ELMER PERDUE", the lad from Laramie, Wyo, our perennial laf-provoking pal: "Phriends uv the imagi-nation; Sorry to report that the eph key on my typer is still out uf order. And now to phollow my usual habit, and skim over the last phew; (U do mean few, doanchu?) numbers that phlowed phrom your mimeograph. . . . Phlrst, the sequel to "Hollerbochen.' When I read that, I was literally struck dumb. Even yet, my mind reels when I think ov his magnicent allegory—his transcendental conception—his arcane knowledge—it is inexpressible. However, one trivial correction—I never uttered a word uv criticism about the phirst 'Holler- bochen.' I merely leaned back and thot, 'Nobody else can write like Bradbury. And, somehow, I seemed to hear an angel chorus respondt 'Praise God, phrom whom all blessings phlow.' Secondly, we come to Bremmer's bushwah. I agree with him. He is perphectly right, but—upon what basis shall the phans unite? The truth, uv course. But what is truth? Pilate asked that question uv one who came bephore him phor judgment—and received no answer. And when we agree on what to agree on, I'll join the movement, along with everybody else. Incidentally, I was amused at Dale Hart, speaking in the 'Voice" saying that Bremmer uses 'devastating logic.' Lost your appetite, Dale? No ate? Thirdly, Art Barnes' expose with the unprintable title. Conphidentially, I liked it a uv a lot. So what? And now pher the 'Voice.' Bakerian—a wonderphul language. But then, Ackermanese was only a beginning anyhow. Shorthand (phrom what little I know) goos quite a ways beyond it; stenotypy, much phurther. I'm extrermely gratephul to you, Mr. Baker, phor debunkin^ the simpliphied splng. Aside to RMB: bt d'mb: y dn y rlt t' ut'r Itrs v yrs n yr nu lngug? t wud bo interestg to us phr a cang phrm acoz. . . . So I called the one and only Enn Ephph Alico? My sincere apologies to you phor having three letters in one issue. I didn't want to be the pharst to do so. But be that as it may---- Your item about Ray Phoulkes was unphortunate. (?) And I liked your giving Mr. Campbell the ancient Chinese decoration. Was it Hoy Ping Pong that suggested it? But then, as Japanese phriend Takaharu O'Ryan said to me yesterday," What did Perdue's Nipponese nabor say to him yesterday? What did El think of "Sabina"? Of 'Dart Hale's declamation? of the Farleyarn? Do not fail to rend the final & concluding installment of this great continued letter, whose Interest mounts & soars to a staggerin' Esperanticlimax--!!
SCIENTI-SNAPS (April Fool) IX Olsen & Ackerman who declare he has not aged a day since they last saw him--a decade ago! We hear from a new fan, Sam Moskowitz, of 603S11, Newark, NJ: "I've finally dug up a dime for the post-humous 'Voice of Imagi-nation." Say, have you fellows turned out those prize-winning essays yet? I'd particularly like to read Speer's 'After 1939—What?" The subject is certainly intriguing. Not that I haven't been wondering myself. ~~ Well, You'll find the 10 cent dime enclosed -and I'd like to see 'Voice of Imagi-nation' soon 'which item was practically the only thing I really liked in the old "Madge", the rest merely produced headaches from direct arid indirect sources." & NOW—gives it 'EPHLESS ELMER PERDUE", the lad from Laramie, Wyo, our perennial laf-provoking pal: "Phriends uv the imagi-nation; Sorry to report that the eph key on my typer is still out uf order. And now to phollow my usual habit, and skim over the last phew; (U do mean few, doanchu?) numbers that phlowed phrom your mimeograph. . . . Phlrst, the sequel to "Hollerbochen.' When I read that, I was literally struck dumb. Even yet, my mind reels when I think ov his magnicent allegory—his transcendental conception—his arcane knowledge—it is inexpressible. However, one trivial correction—I never uttered a word uv criticism about the phirst 'Holler- bochen.' I merely leaned back and thot, 'Nobody else can write like Bradbury. And, somehow, I seemed to hear an angel chorus respondt 'Praise God, phrom whom all blessings phlow.' Secondly, we come to Bremmer's bushwah. I agree with him. He is perphectly right, but—upon what basis shall the phans unite? The truth, uv course. But what is truth? Pilate asked that question uv one who came bephore him phor judgment—and received no answer. And when we agree on what to agree on, I'll join the movement, along with everybody else. Incidentally, I was amused at Dale Hart, speaking in the 'Voice" saying that Bremmer uses 'devastating logic.' Lost your appetite, Dale? No ate? Thirdly, Art Barnes' expose with the unprintable title. Conphidentially, I liked it a uv a lot. So what? And now pher the 'Voice.' Bakerian—a wonderphul language. But then, Ackermanese was only a beginning anyhow. Shorthand (phrom what little I know) goos quite a ways beyond it; stenotypy, much phurther. I'm extrermely gratephul to you, Mr. Baker, phor debunkin^ the simpliphied splng. Aside to RMB: bt d'mb: y dn y rlt t' ut'r Itrs v yrs n yr nu lngug? t wud bo interestg to us phr a cang phrm acoz. . . . So I called the one and only Enn Ephph Alico? My sincere apologies to you phor having three letters in one issue. I didn't want to be the pharst to do so. But be that as it may---- Your item about Ray Phoulkes was unphortunate. (?) And I liked your giving Mr. Campbell the ancient Chinese decoration. Was it Hoy Ping Pong that suggested it? But then, as Japanese phriend Takaharu O'Ryan said to me yesterday," What did Perdue's Nipponese nabor say to him yesterday? What did El think of "Sabina"? Of 'Dart Hale's declamation? of the Farleyarn? Do not fail to rend the final & concluding installment of this great continued letter, whose Interest mounts & soars to a staggerin' Esperanticlimax--!!
Hevelin Fanzines