Fantasy Collector, v. 1, issue 2, January 1939
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March, 1928 Cosmopolitan; it never appeared in Cosmopolitan! 7. Argosy All-Story for Sept. 8, 1928 featured Madman's Buff, a novelette by Will McMorrow. ----------------------------------------------- Unique Items for the Collector Scrap Book 1909 June Famous Detectives in Fiction Robert F. Roden 1910 On Everything (Book) On Fantastic Books H Belloe Writer's Digest 1927 Oct. Writing About the Unusual J. Everet Courtney 1931 May The Pseudo-Scientific Story Capt., S. P. Meek, U. S. A. Writers' Market & Methods 1932 Jan. The Fantastic in Fiction George Allan England Author & Journalist 1932 June The Wan of Science Fiction Allen Glasser Sept. Wells Started It A. Glasser Writers' Market & Methods 1933 Feb. Writing the Pseudo-Scientific Story Amelia Reynolds Long Writers' Digest 1933 April Pseudo Scientific Story Mort Weisinger Author & Journalist 1934 July Essentialy of S. F. Chas. D. Hornig 1935 Aug. Pseudonym Sidelights Mort Weisinger Natural History 1935 Oct. Astronomical Fiction Fk. C. Jordan The Writer 1937 Feb. The Genesis of Ideas Algernon Blackwood Reading and Collecting 1937 Aug. H. P. Lovecraft: Master of the Macabre August [W? V?] Derleth The Personality of a Library David H. Keller, M. D. Nov. Arthur Machen August Derleth Writers' Digest 1938 March Selling the Fantasy Story Henry Kuttner Sat. Review of Literature 1938 April 2 What's the World Coming To? Fletcher Pratt Writers' Market & Methods 1938 Aug. Writing the Pseudo-Scientific Story Amelia Reynolds Long The Family Circle 1938 Aug. 26 Bogeyman (An article about Fk. R. Paul) Stewart Robertson Radio Guide 1938 Nov. 19 The Orson Welles Broadcast That Hoaxed America
March, 1928 Cosmopolitan; it never appeared in Cosmopolitan! 7. Argosy All-Story for Sept. 8, 1928 featured Madman's Buff, a novelette by Will McMorrow. ----------------------------------------------- Unique Items for the Collector Scrap Book 1909 June Famous Detectives in Fiction Robert F. Roden 1910 On Everything (Book) On Fantastic Books H Belloe Writer's Digest 1927 Oct. Writing About the Unusual J. Everet Courtney 1931 May The Pseudo-Scientific Story Capt., S. P. Meek, U. S. A. Writers' Market & Methods 1932 Jan. The Fantastic in Fiction George Allan England Author & Journalist 1932 June The Wan of Science Fiction Allen Glasser Sept. Wells Started It A. Glasser Writers' Market & Methods 1933 Feb. Writing the Pseudo-Scientific Story Amelia Reynolds Long Writers' Digest 1933 April Pseudo Scientific Story Mort Weisinger Author & Journalist 1934 July Essentialy of S. F. Chas. D. Hornig 1935 Aug. Pseudonym Sidelights Mort Weisinger Natural History 1935 Oct. Astronomical Fiction Fk. C. Jordan The Writer 1937 Feb. The Genesis of Ideas Algernon Blackwood Reading and Collecting 1937 Aug. H. P. Lovecraft: Master of the Macabre August [W? V?] Derleth The Personality of a Library David H. Keller, M. D. Nov. Arthur Machen August Derleth Writers' Digest 1938 March Selling the Fantasy Story Henry Kuttner Sat. Review of Literature 1938 April 2 What's the World Coming To? Fletcher Pratt Writers' Market & Methods 1938 Aug. Writing the Pseudo-Scientific Story Amelia Reynolds Long The Family Circle 1938 Aug. 26 Bogeyman (An article about Fk. R. Paul) Stewart Robertson Radio Guide 1938 Nov. 19 The Orson Welles Broadcast That Hoaxed America
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