Fantasy Fictioneer, v. 1, issue 3, March-April 1940
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[first five words underlined] No names will be listed without the letter of acceptance. Following are the list of members on the National Advisory Board, pending accept-tance, by the individuals: [Text in three columns] [Column 1] EAST COAST: Robert W. LOWDNES Sam Roskowitz Donald A. Wolhein William S. Sykora Gerald W. Reader [Column 2] NEAR EAST: Robert A. Madle Jack Speer John V. Baltadonis Milton A. Rothaan Harry Warner Jr. Walter E. Marconette [Column 3] MID-WEST W. LAWRENCE Hamling GEorge Tullis Ted Dikty Marvis Manning WEST COAST: Tom Wright, Russ Hodgkins, Forrest J. Akerman, Damon Knight, SOUTH-WEST: Walter Sullivan, Dale Hart. [indented] SOUTH: Joseph Gilbert. [centered] CANADA: Leslie A. Croutch. [justified] ENGLAND: Edward Carnell CHICON STEERING COMMITEE: Bob Tucker, Richard I. Meyer, Erle Korshak, sully Roberds. Those fans who, for some reason, were not represented in the ex-cellent Convention Booklet for the Nycon, won't want to miss out as the Chicon. Booster Adds for a special page listing names of fans under the heading "Fantasy Fictioneer", are being accepted at this early date, and at the low rates of 10c per name. Send as many names as you want at 10c per to: Booster Adds c/o Bob Tucker, Box 260, Bloomington Illinois. Erle Korshak, who has been placed in charge of general advertize-ment in the Chicon Booklet, is looking for agents in key fan localitys to represent the Booklet, obtain Adds, and recieve a liberal compensa-tion. Those interested are advised to write Erle Korshak at 3156 Cambridge Ave., Chicago, and receive full particulars. Many fans have written me requesting information on the hotel and general houseing situation for the Chicon. IFF members in particular will be interested to learn that tentative arrangements are being made with several hotels in down-town chicago, at the most a few blocks from the actual scene of the convention, to obtain cut-rates on rooms. The IFF will undertake to supply all IFF members with complete infor-mation pertaining to the location of homes of chicago fans, their names, addreses, and fone numbers. It is hoped to have special rates at the Chicon hotel, for IFF who wish to live "at the convention". In any case, Chicon attender will receive every [blank] courtesy, even to the point of locating choice park benches for the most unfortunate. Much publicity has already been given to the "costume party". Nothing more needs to be said of the costumes themselves, other than that the Chicon sponsorers will make no reservations so that no one fan may have a certain character exclusivly. We beleive that, in the first place, the fun comes when all costumes are kept secret, and cer-tain more adept masqueraders can keep their identities from a guessing audience. And even if their were ten Buck Hodgers, it would give those present a chance for comparison. Details asto the party are vague at present, but we advise fandom to prepare their costumes now before "der tag". I can think of no more ho[rr]ible fate than a fan without a costume at the gala Chicon costume party. [centered](OVER)
[first five words underlined] No names will be listed without the letter of acceptance. Following are the list of members on the National Advisory Board, pending accept-tance, by the individuals: [Text in three columns] [Column 1] EAST COAST: Robert W. LOWDNES Sam Roskowitz Donald A. Wolhein William S. Sykora Gerald W. Reader [Column 2] NEAR EAST: Robert A. Madle Jack Speer John V. Baltadonis Milton A. Rothaan Harry Warner Jr. Walter E. Marconette [Column 3] MID-WEST W. LAWRENCE Hamling GEorge Tullis Ted Dikty Marvis Manning WEST COAST: Tom Wright, Russ Hodgkins, Forrest J. Akerman, Damon Knight, SOUTH-WEST: Walter Sullivan, Dale Hart. [indented] SOUTH: Joseph Gilbert. [centered] CANADA: Leslie A. Croutch. [justified] ENGLAND: Edward Carnell CHICON STEERING COMMITEE: Bob Tucker, Richard I. Meyer, Erle Korshak, sully Roberds. Those fans who, for some reason, were not represented in the ex-cellent Convention Booklet for the Nycon, won't want to miss out as the Chicon. Booster Adds for a special page listing names of fans under the heading "Fantasy Fictioneer", are being accepted at this early date, and at the low rates of 10c per name. Send as many names as you want at 10c per to: Booster Adds c/o Bob Tucker, Box 260, Bloomington Illinois. Erle Korshak, who has been placed in charge of general advertize-ment in the Chicon Booklet, is looking for agents in key fan localitys to represent the Booklet, obtain Adds, and recieve a liberal compensa-tion. Those interested are advised to write Erle Korshak at 3156 Cambridge Ave., Chicago, and receive full particulars. Many fans have written me requesting information on the hotel and general houseing situation for the Chicon. IFF members in particular will be interested to learn that tentative arrangements are being made with several hotels in down-town chicago, at the most a few blocks from the actual scene of the convention, to obtain cut-rates on rooms. The IFF will undertake to supply all IFF members with complete infor-mation pertaining to the location of homes of chicago fans, their names, addreses, and fone numbers. It is hoped to have special rates at the Chicon hotel, for IFF who wish to live "at the convention". In any case, Chicon attender will receive every [blank] courtesy, even to the point of locating choice park benches for the most unfortunate. Much publicity has already been given to the "costume party". Nothing more needs to be said of the costumes themselves, other than that the Chicon sponsorers will make no reservations so that no one fan may have a certain character exclusivly. We beleive that, in the first place, the fun comes when all costumes are kept secret, and cer-tain more adept masqueraders can keep their identities from a guessing audience. And even if their were ten Buck Hodgers, it would give those present a chance for comparison. Details asto the party are vague at present, but we advise fandom to prepare their costumes now before "der tag". I can think of no more ho[rr]ible fate than a fan without a costume at the gala Chicon costume party. [centered](OVER)
Hevelin Fanzines