F.F.F. News Weekly, v. 1, issue 5, November 23, 1940
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FFF NEWS WEEKLY PAGE 19 Cosmic Stories (titles may be changed) Stirring will be on all stands December 15; Cosmic around January 1st. Both are published by Albing Publications. ...fff... A new JULES VERNE magazine will be issued in the near future, containing stories by Jules Verne, that have never before seen print in English. More on this in future issues of FFF. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff CRAIN TO PUBLISH "FANTASY ANNUAL" IN A RECENT brief disclosure, Richard B Crain announced his plans to definitely release a FANTASY ANNUAL for 1940. This annual covers the entire fantasy world of the year 1940 and will contain among other things the fifty best stories of the year as judged by five judges; a complete list of fan mags, pro mags, poll results; a reprint of outstanding articles of the year, a complete panorama of the year 1940 in the fantasy world. It will conflict with Tucker's bibliography in no way whatever, and will contain 36 pages. If results prove favorable it will be published every year. The price is 15[cents] available from Richard B Crain, 1734 Willow Ave, Weehawken, New Jersey. It will be out in March. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff News AND SUBSCIPTIONS will make FFF The leading STF Weekly TAURASI'S STATEMENT ON THE CONFERENCE THAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN taurasi states what he had planned for the eastern conference. The Eastern Science Fiction Conference was planned last August and it would have run something like this: The main event would have been the "cross-questioning" between fans and editors. The editors had agreed to stand the questioning and looked forward with glee in getting the fans in the questioning box. After the main event, an auction was to be held, for which the editors had promised to support by giving original drawings. Fan magazines were also to be sold. One or two other feature may have been planned, but actual plans had not reached that far. As for the Conference booklet, one was planned, but the editors had not beeb consulted on it, as I wanted the Philly Conference approval before really swinging into final plans. JOHN W CAMPBELL, F ORLIN TRAMAINE LEO MARGULIES, MARY GNAEDINGER, and CHARLES HORNIG had all agreed to support the EASTERN CONFERENCE AND THE DEVER CONVENTION. No thought of conflicting with the Denver boys was in my mind. Moskowitz, Sykora nor NEW FANDOM had anything to do with the Conference. Since it was not approved at the Philly Conference, all plans have been giving up completely, BUT I'M STILL WILLING TO SUPPORT AND HELP THE DENVER CONVENTION IN ANYWAY THE DENVER BOYS SEE FIT. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO TO HELP OUT DENVER AND I'LL BE GLAD TO DO IT. Thanks Julie for letting me make things clear. ON TO DENVER IN '41 Sincerely, James V Taurasi James V Taurasi
FFF NEWS WEEKLY PAGE 19 Cosmic Stories (titles may be changed) Stirring will be on all stands December 15; Cosmic around January 1st. Both are published by Albing Publications. ...fff... A new JULES VERNE magazine will be issued in the near future, containing stories by Jules Verne, that have never before seen print in English. More on this in future issues of FFF. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff CRAIN TO PUBLISH "FANTASY ANNUAL" IN A RECENT brief disclosure, Richard B Crain announced his plans to definitely release a FANTASY ANNUAL for 1940. This annual covers the entire fantasy world of the year 1940 and will contain among other things the fifty best stories of the year as judged by five judges; a complete list of fan mags, pro mags, poll results; a reprint of outstanding articles of the year, a complete panorama of the year 1940 in the fantasy world. It will conflict with Tucker's bibliography in no way whatever, and will contain 36 pages. If results prove favorable it will be published every year. The price is 15[cents] available from Richard B Crain, 1734 Willow Ave, Weehawken, New Jersey. It will be out in March. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff News AND SUBSCIPTIONS will make FFF The leading STF Weekly TAURASI'S STATEMENT ON THE CONFERENCE THAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN taurasi states what he had planned for the eastern conference. The Eastern Science Fiction Conference was planned last August and it would have run something like this: The main event would have been the "cross-questioning" between fans and editors. The editors had agreed to stand the questioning and looked forward with glee in getting the fans in the questioning box. After the main event, an auction was to be held, for which the editors had promised to support by giving original drawings. Fan magazines were also to be sold. One or two other feature may have been planned, but actual plans had not reached that far. As for the Conference booklet, one was planned, but the editors had not beeb consulted on it, as I wanted the Philly Conference approval before really swinging into final plans. JOHN W CAMPBELL, F ORLIN TRAMAINE LEO MARGULIES, MARY GNAEDINGER, and CHARLES HORNIG had all agreed to support the EASTERN CONFERENCE AND THE DEVER CONVENTION. No thought of conflicting with the Denver boys was in my mind. Moskowitz, Sykora nor NEW FANDOM had anything to do with the Conference. Since it was not approved at the Philly Conference, all plans have been giving up completely, BUT I'M STILL WILLING TO SUPPORT AND HELP THE DENVER CONVENTION IN ANYWAY THE DENVER BOYS SEE FIT. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO TO HELP OUT DENVER AND I'LL BE GLAD TO DO IT. Thanks Julie for letting me make things clear. ON TO DENVER IN '41 Sincerely, James V Taurasi James V Taurasi
Hevelin Fanzines