Phantagraph, v. 4, issue 2, November-December 1935
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SUN SPOTS Donald A. Wollheim The International Scientific Association's rocketry division finally made its long heralded mail-carrying rocket flight September 22nd. Their two metal rockets went off carrying much mail with special stamps and [cachels?] attached. H. P. Lovecraft has sold his longest work "At the Mountain of Madness" to Astounding Stories. Robert Block is starting on a four months intensive writing campaign aimed as Astounding Argosy, Terror, Horror and Weird. A curious thing happened in the stf. fan world. R. M. Holland Jr. published a small stf. fan magazine called the Science Fiction Review. But recently a new little publication came out bearing the identical same name. Joh Wn Cmapbell, Jr., claims to be able to write under these different styles. Ima Kemist, the writer of these letters in Astounding combatting The Irrelevant is really none other than Edward E. SMith himself. A. Merritt's hobby is gardening. He specializes in raising poisonous plants, many of which are quite rare. Ethel Barrymore is reported to be a reader of science fiction. And the East New York Science-Fictionists are writing an operetta which will probably be published in their new organ "Arcturus." H. P. Lovecraft has never copped a Weird Tales cover yet. Wonder by not? Jacobus Hubelaire is the same as Henry Cecil. The science of Burrough's Pellucidar stories and of Ralph Gardner's "A Journey to the Center of the Earth" in which the whole idea of a hollow earth and central sun is defended. As far as this writer knows there are only three complete files of Weird Tales, those of Lovecraft, Hornig, and Henry Hasse. Even Weird's (Turn to inside back cover)
SUN SPOTS Donald A. Wollheim The International Scientific Association's rocketry division finally made its long heralded mail-carrying rocket flight September 22nd. Their two metal rockets went off carrying much mail with special stamps and [cachels?] attached. H. P. Lovecraft has sold his longest work "At the Mountain of Madness" to Astounding Stories. Robert Block is starting on a four months intensive writing campaign aimed as Astounding Argosy, Terror, Horror and Weird. A curious thing happened in the stf. fan world. R. M. Holland Jr. published a small stf. fan magazine called the Science Fiction Review. But recently a new little publication came out bearing the identical same name. Joh Wn Cmapbell, Jr., claims to be able to write under these different styles. Ima Kemist, the writer of these letters in Astounding combatting The Irrelevant is really none other than Edward E. SMith himself. A. Merritt's hobby is gardening. He specializes in raising poisonous plants, many of which are quite rare. Ethel Barrymore is reported to be a reader of science fiction. And the East New York Science-Fictionists are writing an operetta which will probably be published in their new organ "Arcturus." H. P. Lovecraft has never copped a Weird Tales cover yet. Wonder by not? Jacobus Hubelaire is the same as Henry Cecil. The science of Burrough's Pellucidar stories and of Ralph Gardner's "A Journey to the Center of the Earth" in which the whole idea of a hollow earth and central sun is defended. As far as this writer knows there are only three complete files of Weird Tales, those of Lovecraft, Hornig, and Henry Hasse. Even Weird's (Turn to inside back cover)
Hevelin Fanzines